Thursday, August 27, 2020


 I crocheted several mask extensions for a friend.   Her husband was having a problem with glasses, hearing aids and a mask. It gave me an excuse to go through my button jar.

I love all the shapes and colors and how they slip through my fingers as they are gathered up...of course many had to be turned over and admired before  I found the right ones for this project.

We will drop them off in their mail box tomorrow.

 Far Side


  1. I love it that you have a button jar. I have a button tin and can spend ages looking through all the different shapes and colours. Buttons are fascinating :)

  2. Replies
    1. The buttons on the holder hold the mask elastic up and away from your ears:)

  3. That is an impressive button collection. The mask extenders are a great idea.

  4. What a clever idea - I love it.

  5. How nice of you. I love my old buttons too :)

  6. I made some with ribbon and buttons for my girls and their hospital coworkers. I made a couple of masks with long strings for a friend who is on oxygen and wears glasses and a hearing aid. She said the elastic just tangled up with everything else trying to exist next to her ears.

  7. My son's neighbor is a elementary school teachers aide. Sent home in March when we locked down for 30 days, then the rest of the school year, she began sewing masks. Their location near our hospital was perfect. She lives with her 80 year old mom who helps with ironing and cutting. Her masks, in child, professional and sports team fabrics sell like hotcakes. She charges $5 and does special orders. The month of August she has been running 3/10 sales for school.

    She has made over $15,000 dollars (I am not joking) from the sale of her masks from card tables on her front porch. She has a commercial mayonnaise jar for payments and you can leave notes for special orders. I know my family has spent 100's so that they can wear a mask until lunch, change after lunch and wait for a pile to launder.

    The mask sale has paid for a new backyard shed and walkway from her house. She has donated masks, too. She keeps improving her designs and word has spread. Who would have ever guessed that mask making in your kitchen would be a cottage industry?

  8. I love the whole concept of The Button Jar. I have my mother's and I often wish all those buttons could tell a story: where they're from, what type of garments they used to be on, where they were found if they became lost. My granddaughters use them now for their art projects mostly. I love those mask extensions... how clever!!! Love, Andrea xoxo

  9. I have seen plastic extenders to keep the elastic off your ears on Amazon but these are so much prettier. Another thing I saw were mask clips on chains or plastic similar to lanyards that you can wear around your neck if you are outside and want to take the mask off when you are by yourself but want it close and easy to put back on when you need to. Who would have ever guessed, eh?

  10. Your friends will appreciate these extenders. I played with my Mom’s button box so much as a child that I can still “see” my favorite buttons in my mind.

  11. Another button lover! I have been one since childhood when I played with my Grandmother's button tin for hours. I now have several glass containers of buttons that my grandchildren played with when they were young. That is a brilliant thought for making mask extensions!

  12. What a great idea. My wife has problems with her mask getting tangled up in her hearing aid. I'll show her these pics.

  13. When I made those extenders for Mandy and Piper last week I actually had to go buy buttons. I have two big tins of buttons from my Mom and Grandma in storage...somewhere. When we moved we had to basically throw things into storage without organizing anything because it was so fast. Our plan is when it cools down next month to take everything out and put it back in some kind of order so we can actually find things. After all, we only kept things that we would use and gave everything else away. Buttons are always used.
    BTW-Mandy and Piper have been using the extenders all week. Everyone I have given them to say they work well.

  14. A year ago masks were not even thought of as a necessity. This year has been a one of a kind. At least I hope so.

  15. Clever way to photograph! I’ve seen people wearing these but we haven’t felt the need for them. Yet!

  16. You are just the best kind of friend!!!

  17. So nice of you! I'm sure the extenders will be much appreciated.

  18. Nice of you and beautiful buttons, what fun feeling of them.

  19. I inherited a button jar from a friend whose mother passed away. I have enjoyed going through it and using many over the years. I've seen these extension and love that you make them for others. :-)

  20. I know about glasses, hearing aids, and masks. Fortunately my mask wearing is limited to fairly short bursts, sine we hardly go anywhere.

  21. How kind of you.....I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated!

  22. Button tins... almost a thing of the past! I still have one even though I don't sew much any more.

  23. I heard about the extensions and am looking to get some soon because wearing a headband and glasses then the mask...the elastic makes my ears stick out!
    I have 2 jars of buttons that I've saved through the years.

  24. You are so clever! I'm sure he will appreciate those!

  25. Yes, some masks are worse than other causing me to loose my hearing aids. I did figure it out and they are not being dropped in my lap anymore

  26. I've made a few of these for my husband as he has glasses and hearing aids. He said they are a great help to keep the masks out of the way of the hearing aids and that they are very comfortable.


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