Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sights and Sadness

 On Saturday morning we went to the local transfer station ( fancy word for dump)  and on the way we saw movement out in one of the bean fields. 

Luckily I had my camera along but not my long lens.  There were three Coyotes in the field. 

We watched them for a bit and they watched us. 

We headed over to the cemetery.  It was going to be a busy place later in the day. 

Far Guy's Cousin's husband died and was going to be buried there in the afternoon.  He was a really nice guy and we always enjoyed visiting with him.  He was just 63 years old and died after having a seizure.  We did not attend the visitation or the funeral...we will visit the grave site again some day.  With Covid 19 on the rise in Minnesota to attend a gathering would be risky. 

Last Sunday there was a motorcycle vs car accident and a husband and wife both in their 50's were killed instantly.  They were going to be buried in the same cemetery side by side. 

Many people in the community knew this couple...I did not...but I knew part of the fellows family a long time ago. 
Far Side

Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  James 4:14



  1. So young all of them. When your time is up it is up. Now that I'm older, I'm always surprised and amazed when I wake up each morning and thank the lord for another day (as long as I'm feeling good and can take care of myself). When Jim died, he had a seizure that took him in the end too. They didn't prepare me for that and his eyes flew open for the first time in a week and he looked right at me and then was gone. So sorry about your friend.
    I had a neighbor that complained about my dogs until I told him he should be more concerned about the pack of coyotes I saw in his driveway! LOL! After that he got himself some dogs too.

  2. A very sad day with the loss of these younger people. Sympathy on the loss of Far Guy's cousin. It is hard to console during sadness in this time. Our town has had some "drive by" visitation where cars circle through while the family (and sometimes the deceased) stand under a covering and wave from a distance. There are also services listed where they ask mourners to wear a mask and respect social distancing, usually held at the cemetery. My son attended one of those services and said most did not wear masks or respect social distancing. And then there are those that continue as before.

    We now have 400 cases in our small community The age of those testing positive has changed to 18-35. After driving through town for our big outing and passed three large weddings yesterday (no masks in sight), I am sure we will get another jump soon.

  3. I feel your sadness in your words and really understand it. Where we could once safely attend a funeral or grieve together has changed because of the virus. It isolates our grief which makes it feel much worse.
    The sight of the coyotes was cool. We don't often see them out in the daylight.

    Stay well.

  4. So sorry to hear about far guy's cousin's husband and the other couple as well :(

  5. So sad that if we want to keep ourselves safe from Covid we have to stay away from gatherings.

  6. .... and I'm guessing the accident was the car's fault? Usually it is. May the riders rest in peace and your husband's cousin's husband too. Seems like much too pretty a day to be buried, doesn't it. Love, Andrea xoxo

  7. Sorry to hear of the sadness around you. Yes life can be fleeting, but sorry James, our lives are so much more than a vapor. We know this because of how much we mourn when we lose someone. It reminds us to make every breath count.

  8. Oh how sad- for all 3 deaths. May their souls rest eternally in peace.

  9. Sad also that we cannot be with our sick friends or family members, our friends and family members who have lost loved ones, at hospitals, funerals, etc. Our daughter is having her first baby tonight or tomorrow and we very much wish we could be there to hold him shortly and share with the new parents in the joy of his birth. In fact, we most likely won’t get that opportunity for weeks and weeks. Hate it.

  10. We're so very sorry for the loss of the family member, and also for the couple from the accident. (The same type of accident happened just a few weeks ago here in Kansas in another part of the state but the couple was from our town and very well-known by nearly everyone.) Sadness just seems to lay over our country right now -- praise God that He makes it right in the end! Keeping you guys in prayer! Great photo catch of the coyotes!

  11. WOW! That is so sad. My thoughts and prayers go to everyone.

  12. My sympathies on the passing of Far Guy's cousin, and regret at hearing of the loss of two other lives.

    Take care and stay well.

  13. Life seems to be so full of sadness right now. Dennis's sister is not doing well at all. Hospice has been contancted and she is basically being made as comfortable as possible. Dennis wants to drive back to see her but will he be able to? His brother is planning to fly in from Florida. A double whammy. Florida where case counts are so high and flying. Life is certainly challenging these days.
    I'll be in prayer for your family on the loss of your cousin-in-law and for the other family too.

  14. Death comes to all of us at some point and many are left with a aching heart

  15. One of the saddest things happening with this Covid situation is families or friends not feeling they can safely attend a loved ones funeral.

  16. So sorry to hear about Fr Guy's Cousin's husband. So sad. And the story of the couple that died, very sad too. Don't like to see those coyote sightings either. Since my cancer last year, I have had many thoughts about death and when the good Lord will call me home. It's not a bad idea to think about that and make your peace with God, especially in these strange days we are living through.

  17. Sad to hear that yet another member of your extended family has passed away. Also that couple in their 50's. So much life left to live but cut short. Just this past week back in our home province ( Manitoba) a tornado took the lives of two 18 year olds who were thrown from their truck by the tornado. I don't remember there being such dreadful weather there when we were growing up.

  18. we also saw the activity at the cemetery ~ so sad :(

  19. So sad to hear of these passings. I guess it goes on all the time, but when it comes for our family and friends, it's hard to get our minds around the loss. :-(

  20. You are right: you never know what tomorrow will bring. So sad to hear of those passings. And how difficult it is, in the midst of this pandemic, when of all times, loved ones need the close support of others...but can't be close, because of the risks involved.

  21. That is sad for all three people. I told earlier about the couple that were killed on there cycle up on our hill. Flowers and candles were placed next to the spot.

  22. I'm very sorry about your cousin. Very young. Hugs to you both.


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