Saturday, August 15, 2020

Rain and other stuff

 It has been a wet August so far...usually August is our dry and hot month.  It has been hot and humid from time to time but it has turned stormy and rainy.  We had 1 6/10 inches at the rain gauge from early Friday storms and all day raining.  We had some strong thunder bumpers move in.  Just like little kids we counted from the crack of the lightning to the thunder to see how far the storm was away.  Far Guy was keeping track of the storms on his phone.  I slept on and off...mostly we are both tired.

Not much happening outside...except rain. 

The wildflowers are happy. 

Far Guy finished his rose carving.  We sent it off to his sister before taking a photo. So she took one for us. 

We have found that peanut butter jars work great for cushioning a woodcarving inside of a box. Far Guy painted this rose all by himself.  We discussed the color at length....I won with shades of pink. 

Far Guy's sister begins radiation treatments in early September for six weeks.

Our oldest daughter Trica tested negative for Covid finally...she had no symptoms.  She wouldn't have known about it but they tested her before emergency surgery.  (She had two positive tests.)  She is back to normal again after her surgery. 

I am working on the watercolor Christmas cards...Far Guy is carving another flower one new to him that he saw in the wild gardens. 

Far Side


  1. I've always wanted to go back to carving class, it was so fun and very calming to carve. I did make up some very rough pieces a long time ago....and I found my carving knife too!
    We had some rain very early around 2am. Fog here now. We needed that rain!

  2. The wildflowers sure look happy and I suppose after the rain lots of mowing will be happening again. Far Guy's rose is beautiful and so glad your daughter Trica is ok. Have fun working on your cards :)

  3. I am so glad your daughter tested negative. Our governor had mandated masks - finally. And some people are not happy but I noticed all the people at the clinic and the grocery store here are complying. (I wait in the car while Lee goes in.)

  4. You are both such amazing artists!

  5. We are in for a heat wave again. Summer rains seem to come with big storms, our prairie provinces are getting hammered with major storms including deadly tornadoes and hail.
    Keeping your SIL in my prayers.

  6. Everyone of the carvings you show are amassing. You both are very talented!

  7. The rose is beautiful! You are both so talented. Glad Trica is alright and that her surgery went well. I love a good storm but we are hot and dry here.

  8. Very happy your daughter is now negative. Hoping she is healing well from her surgery. 5 more cases in our county yesterday. The parents have talked the school board into overriding the super indent who wanted children to attend school part time and do virtual part time to make for smaller classes. Now they will pack the classrooms five days a week. Our governor has mandated masks and now they are protesting that.

  9. I love the new carving.
    We are in our summer drought season and things are heating up this weekend. Wild fires are now spreading.

  10. Love both the flowers!
    We had rain yesterday, too. 1 and 8/10 inches. And most of it came all at once, it was really pouring down!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. So happy your daughter had no symptoms. My daughter wasn’t so lucky, though she is okay now. We have had a lot of thunder storms here too this month. Bob is not a happy camper and I’m tired of cleaning the dog hair out of my shower every time I use it!

  12. The rose is lovely! Good luck to your SIL as she begins radiation treatments. Glad to hear your daughter is well.

    Take care and stay well!

  13. I'm glad your daughter is doing well and has now tested negative. This stuff is so scary.
    Far Guy's rose carving is so pretty. I know his sister will treasure it. I'm sending well wishes to her as she has treatment.
    We haven't had rain here in weeks. Dry lightening is predicted for tomorrow which is NOT good. Wildfires are happening all over the place and the 100+ temperatures are not helping a bit.

  14. I"m glad your daughter is back to normal, and I hope FarSide's sister does as well as she can with the radiation. I'm sure you're all worried. Will send positive thoughts to her. Love the rose...and you starting watercolor Christmas cards. I am thinking about it. Seems like a big project though. I'm thinking maybe I won't send cards at all this year. We'll see. Agree that if I'm going to do watercolor Christmas cards I better get to starting.

  15. I like to track the storms on radar.

  16. You both are so extremely talented!!! Bravo!

  17. I have a dumb question. How do you “block”. What you crotchet? I am finishing a baby blanket and I think it needs to be made more u inform, but I don’t know how to block.

    1. I have special mats that I purchased but you can use towels for large projects... Lay out your towels and then wet your project...squeeze water out your project on the towels shaping as you go...I use T pins to hold the edges in place but any kind of pins will work. Then let it dry. :)

    2. Thank you. I've wondered too!

  18. The rose is really beautiful and I'm sure it will help his sister while she is dealing with chemo. Special gifts from special people always lift the spirits! I'm so happy to hear Trica is doing better after the surgery and covid. It always takes time to get back after surgery and I'm sure the covid didn't help. It looks like we are in for a thunderstorm today and then I hope the weather will cool to the 80s. Enjoy your weekend!

  19. Wow, amazing carving and I love the colors of the rose! You guys do such great work! We'll be keeping your sister-in-law in prayer. Thank the Lord your daughter's test came back negative. Be safe and stay well! Blessings!

  20. Nice Rose that Far Guy carved and painted. He turns out carvings almost as fast as you make shawls.

  21. We could use some of that rain... Tested positive twice! But no symptoms? That is a good thing. Wonder how accurate those testing kits are... even now. But hey! At least the Hospitals are open for cancer treatments and surgeries again. Hope everyone gets better and speeds to a full recovery in record time!

  22. I am back to painting today. The kitchen remodel pretty much sucked the life out of me so hobbies got put way on hold. Going to try some more acrylic pouring and we'll see what happens. Looking forward to our camping trip and some time to sit and draw! -- Sherry in MT

  23. I love that beautiful rose. Glad you picked such a beautiful color to make it even more stunning. Best wishes to FG's sister.

  24. Those covid test seem to be so unreliable. I am glad she is in the safe zone. That rose is marvelous. I can't imagine the work doing all those grooves, petals.

  25. The rose made me go wow........................
    Rain is needed a lot of rain is not..............

  26. So glad Trica is OK. It's been incredibly hot here, and I've been hoping for storms personally.


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