Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hello August

If you look at the brush in the woods, some leaves are turning yellow....mainly small popple trees.  The Goldenrod is blooming.   Goldenrod always means the end of summer.   August is the end of summer in matter how long we want summer to last it will end.

My Yellow Gaillardia or Blanket Flower is in full bloom.   I always wait for this plant to blooms as yellow is my favorite flower color. 

I mowed in the neighborhood yesterday and checked on the status of the chokecherries. Far Guy will probably pick some that are ripe today...most of the berries need just a few more days. 

I have cut to size, scored the paper and started to stamp the Christmas Cards... I am making progress.

Far Guy and I designed the 2021 Christmas Ornament...he cut out the wood they are ready.  He is still woodcarving everyday...I find other stuff to keep me out of trouble. 

Far Side


  1. Cheerful yellow flowers! Goldenrod blooming means allergy problems for me. Wishing you both a nice weekend.

  2. Wait. August? Already? Tell me it isn't so...but on the other hand this summer has been so stressful maybe it's time to let it go. Though I never want to. Summers are short in Minnesota and Michigan too. Our tomatoes aren't even close to being ripe yet, as is always the case. About the time they're really coming in we get a frost. But let's not rush...we still have a few weeks of August left!

  3. August signals the last month of winter for us! I am already looking forward to some sunnier days :)
    Loved your pretty yellow flowers, so cheering after today's grey day.

  4. I saw a few yellow leaves on a maple tree that turns early. And goldenrod is something that always makes me sneeze. I'd better start with the daily Flonase treatments. I love that picture of Chance in your header. It always makes me smile. :-)

  5. Love the pretty yellow flowers. Summer is still in full swing here and will be for a long time to come. We are lucky if it will start to cool down a bit by October. You are really moving right along on the cards, you are always so productive! Enjoy the first day of August :)

  6. Pretty flowers!
    It is hard to believe it is August - time is flying by!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. I'm see fall here also. Leaves turning in the Cottonwood trees, fall blooming weeds...and today is August 1st!

  8. I hear you, August is the end of our summer too. It never lasts long enough! It becomes more and more evident as the days heat up and the nights cool.

    Gallardia is one my favorites as well, though I must admit I prefer the orange. Goodness, you're thinking about the 2021 ornaments? Definitely well ahead of things.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. Those are the most beautiful shade of yellow! It is hard to believe it is August already. I am thankful this summer has gone quickly with all we've dealt with recently. You are already getting started on the 2021 Christmas Ornament? You two are amazing! I have not even started on some 2020 Christmas gifts I want to make yet.

  10. While summer lingers here well into fall, the fresh exuberance of spring and summer are passed. Now my garden is looking tired. It needs grooming, but I can't do it so I am working on accepting imperfection.
    I have a cultivated variety of goldenrod in my garden. I do like that brassy yellow color.

  11. It's certainly cooler here, typical August weather. Haven't seen any goldenrod yet though.

  12. Same here that August is the beginning of the end of summer.But then we get all the fall colors.

  13. On our walk this morning I noticed the goldenrod in bloom. This has been the hottest July I can remember, so I'm glad to see August and hope Fall comes soon. Your yellow flowers are pretty.

  14. I love gaillardia , but the goldenrod makes me sniffles. I can't believe you guys are working on the 2021 ornaments already! Wow, you guys need some sort of trophy for working ahead like that! I can barely think ahead by a couple weeks lol. Blessings to you both!

  15. Your yellow blanket flowers are gorgeous. what a bright beautiful color.'ve already figured out your Christmas ornament for time is wasted by you guys. You two are really organized. Have a beautiful Sunday.

  16. It is a beautiful flower. I like the shapes of the flower. They may be the same as my multi colored ones but I have have noticed the shapes. In my old days it was the first week of August that we packed the van and went home.

  17. Our summers are also way too short. That's why we're going to go ahead and leave the lake 6 weeks early. Last year we closed up in the snow! We want to be completely settle and ready for winter before it arrives. Well, as ready as we can be.
    I can't believe you have already designed 2021's card! You two are something else. Wonderful teamwork. :-)
    I hope your Sunday is restful and peaceful.

  18. thank you for the "end of summer" news! I know it won't be as early down here but a girl can hope! As always I can't wait for Fall and Winter or at least cool temps!
    Yellow is my favorite color for everything!
    I can't believe you're already working on cards for 2021! You 2 are amazing!
    It's cooled off some the 80's so I can't complain. Stay safe and well!

  19. Somehow, my mind is still stuck on March...when we all got locked away...and it is hard to even comprehend that it is the beginning of summer, let alone the end of it! Perhaps by the time fall is here, my inner clock will recalculate it to finally think it is spring...


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