Sunday, December 1, 2019

Well it is December

Youngest daughter Jen brought the Christmas tree downstairs when she was here, plopped it on the love seat and said "Perfect snowy day activity."  We didn't get around to it.

We ventured out in the morning to go to the Dump...we go once every three or four is only open on Saturday mornings in the winter.  $3.25 is the going rate for one garbage can.  We recycle so that really makes a difference.   We filled all the bird feeders when we got back.  It snowed on and off all day long.

On the could still see the high line poles so it was a good day.

Just before dark I took a photo of the snowstick it said 4 inches.

Yesterday I worked on laundry, I organized my craft suitcase...I keep adding projects.  I did some paperwork....I didn't even have a nap.  I shoveled the walk one time.  Far Guy had a nap and worked on a couple of his woodcarving projects.

We cooked supper together...salmon for him, steak for me, fruit and vegetables oh yes and some french fries in the air fryer.

December is here along with the snow like it or not. 

Far Side


  1. Oh, wow...I would be terrified to drive in that! Happy December!

  2. We got about 3-4 inches this weekend too. I am so tired of winter already, and it's only just begun.

    Enjoy your day!

  3. I like it when I can get all my stuff done and can stay organized!

  4. Well there it is...December and months of crappy roads! I would be happy to get rid of all the mud from this past week! I guess soon enough right? We don't have telephone poles on our ridge road so it gets hairy to try and guess on some days where the road is....

  5. Thank you again for my special Birthday treat! You’re the best!

  6. December one. We lost our clear sky but the snow didn't materialize and it looks like we will be entering the Big Gray, dull sky, low 40s and off and on rain showers. It could be much worse, and this way you can't see my dirty windows. :-)
    I just read DJan's Sunday post, and what a sweet and thoughtful thing you did for her birthday! She is a special person and so are you.

  7. Hope you're feeling better. The sun is shining today, and the drifts on the driveway and sidewalk have been cleared. December is here.

  8. We watched rain on Friday gradually turn into ice, then lots of snow. The snowplows just came through our street - 2 of them clearing the north half of the street. We'll see them return later to clear the south lane probably just in time to block our driveway again. My husband is out there with the snowblower right now. Lots of slush under the 8" or so of snow. We're just lucky it stayed warm enough for rain as long as it did or it would be hip deep.

  9. It looks so cold there! We've got wind and rain today.

  10. It was rainy, foggy and dreary here and warm. I'd rather have your snow!

  11. We have a cold (for us) and clear spell. A little bit of snow is predicted for tonight, but then it is back to milder and wetter. I imagine your snow is here to stay for the next four months at least.

  12. It's cold and windy here on the coast of Maine, in the low 20's today. We are expecting snow later. We pay a flag rate of $5.00 a week for garbage pickup. He comes into our porch for it! Problem is, he retired 😩 yesterday! Now we have to find someone else to do it. Always something. 😵😊

  13. Looks pretty dull . There must be heavy cloud.

  14. It's good that you have the tree down. Our son was out yesterday and was going to bring our tree up for us but we all got busy and forgot. Tom and I will wrestle it up today but it won't be decorated for a few days. It seems like December gets here faster each year. Getting ready for Christmas can be a challenge sometimes.

    Four inches is a good start for the snow stick but I know that amount will quickly grow! I feel for you driving in the mess. Slick roads scare me. I hope you can have a relaxing day in today!


  15. I wonder if you'll feel up to getting out all your lovely Shiny Brites this year?

  16. It took hubby two days to check and replace bulbs in all of our Christmas lights. Decorating will begin tomorrow for us, but I'm not going to do as much as usual as we will be visiting our daughter in Virginia for Christmas.

  17. So glad you guys keep busy, no matter what the weather! We got 12 inches of snow last Wednesday and another 10 to 12 inches this weekend. I think we're set for the winter as far as snow goes....but ha, I'm pretty sure we'll get more. Hubby is digging out all the Christmas Décor boxes and we boxed up all our Thanksgiving and Fall stuff today, after watching football. I'm sleeping so many hours at sure takes a long time to heal from a long surgery. I am exhausted all the time. Hoping that will chance before too long. Take care you two.

  18. We started our day at a sunny 50 something and dragged out the outdoor decorations. Well, the lights didn't work and by the time we went to the store and got everything working and up, the temperature dropped almost 20 degrees and it started to rain. As soon as we went inside, it turned to sleet! Happy December!

  19. Reading this raised a memory of going to the tip with my dad as a child

  20. We're right there with you. No snow was forecast, but Mandy and I ran out to Michaels this afternoon and it started flurrying. Within an hour or so all of the roads were completely covered. We're supposed to take her and Piper to the airport at 6:00 am tomorrow and the roads look terrible. Alex to the rescue! Dennis will already be at work so Alex volunteered to do the airport run. I need to get a few city runs on snowy roads under my belt for the season before I head off on the interstate to the airport!
    Stay safe.


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