Friday, December 27, 2019

The Great Grand

We think our Great Grand is pretty great!  He allowed me to kiss him a couple of times (on the head) and I got one hug.  We attempted to read a book...he has a very short attention we played cars!

It was great to hear a little one giggle and be thrilled with every package he opened!
Hey Mikey and his Mama
His hair is very curly! He would be spoiled rottener if he lived in Minnesota.  He is not very excited about his sibling...he says "no baby"....boy does he have an adjustment to make!
Far Side


  1. Glad you were able to enjoy having him there for the holidays. Yep, he has a huge adjustment to make. Hopefully he'll feel differently when the baby's actually here.

  2. The little ones sure make Christmas special! Hey Mikey is adorable with those curls! Hopefully, he will be thrilled with a new sibling when the time comes. Wishing you and FG a good day.

  3. He’s got his mama’s cheeks! What fun to have a little guy around for Christmas.

  4. What a cutie pie and look at those curls! Yes, I love the giggling too. Someone once compared getting a sibling to what if your husband or wife said.."You know I love you so much I want to get another one!" Yes, he will have an adjustment to make.

  5. I was the firstborn and I remember how much I didn't want my sister to take my place! Now we are best friends. :-)

  6. Hey Mikey is a cutie! They're so much fun at that age. He may not be happy about his sibling but I'm sure he'll get over it.

  7. Hey Mikey is such a cutie. Great picture.

  8. adorable is he? He'd be worn out from me trying to smooch him all day. Lol...

  9. Love all the curls! I'm glad you were able to spend Christmas with your Great Grand.

  10. How cute! Isn't it fun to have a little one around, especially at Christmas!

  11. Sweetie Pie! I am sure you all enjoyed him at Christmas

  12. His hair is really curly! Looks a lot like his mama.
    They are so fun at this age. Being a first born, myself, I remember not being thrilled about a baby brother. LOL! I wish they lived closer to you. So glad you got to spend some time with them, though. :)

  13. Oh my! He he so cute. I love his hair and how much he looks like his Mama. As the youngest, I was always asking for a baby brother or sister. It's hard on these little ones when they have been the "only" for awhile. I'm sure he'll love that baby once he adjusts to the change. I'm so glad you got to spend time with them and playing with him. Memories are wonderful.

  14. Oh, my, how great to have sweet GREAT grandchildren! Still looking forward to that day!

  15. My mum has 14 great-grandchildren the youngest is only 1yr old

  16. is so easy to spoil those grands and great-grands. Mikey is soooo cute. He will soon be surprised that the baby is coming to his house. Hopefully they'll become best of friends in time. How nice that you've had the chance to visit with so many over the holidays. Peace to you and far guy! Happy N.Y. coming up soon too!

  17. I like your sentence about little one's giggles and being thrilled. Having young children around at Christmas time is a special joy.

  18. Mikey is cute. He made me think of some of the younger pictures I've seen of Far Guy!

  19. Our middle grandchild is trying hard to adjust. He is doing well but he has become very bashful. He will be four in April so he is still young. Big brother loves little sister and he is a jerk with his little brother.

  20. He is a cutie but honestly, at that age, the world revolves around them. He'll figure it out as will Mum and Dad


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