Friday, December 13, 2019

Snow again

It warmed up enough to snowed somewhere between 1 and 2 inches.  I was too tired to measure it....I just wanted to get it off the walk and patio.

The blur off to the right is another Woodpecker...they were "talking" to each other when I went out to take photos.

It says 10 inches now at the snowstick...snow settles...

Mail: Christmas Cards are coming in!  Also yummy fudge and cookies from Cathie in Texas and a  pretty little stitch marker from Betsy in Washington!  Getting the mail is so much fun this time of year!  Thank you ladies!

My sock knitting has been non existent the past few weeks.  Maybe when things calm down again I can knit and knit!  Right now my crochet brain is at work. ...I am about half done with the baby blanket.  As my luck would have it...the yarn was spliced...I almost always wind my yarn myself to check for imperfections...I didn't  do that this will be okay...I just don't like unplanned splices. Everything went wrong at that point and I ended up with a huge yarn can wind up so messed up is beyond me.  Lesson learned wind your yarn every time!

Far Side


  1. How does that happen when yarn snarls? It has taken hours to get some of those rat nests untangled....good t.v. watching activity but I'm sure you would rather be crocheting! I haven't done much on my projects either but I am looking forward to a quiet, cozy Christmas Eve and Christmas where I can sit and do my handwork and even start a few new projects! Stay warm and dry and cozy!

  2. I also love this time of year with all the letters and cards coming in. I love the "stitch marker". When I still crocheted I hated spliced yarn - drove me crazy. Have a great weekend.

  3. I'm thinking I might take up crochet this winter. I know how to both knit and crochet, but I haven't done either in quite a few years. :-)

  4. So a funny not so funny thing happened. I lost my old address book. I'm sure I put it in a safe place, so safe that even I cannot find it!
    I'm going to start to have to look for addresses on line or send messages. Color me soooo embarrassed. I feel like your tangled yarn today!

  5. Love the photo of the bird feeder and woodpecker. I haven't seen any here, mostly grosbeaks and chickadees.

    Have a good day!

  6. Nice you're getting some lovely stuff in the mail. Still jealous of your snow.

  7. One of our local charity stores sells those snarled up yarn messes cheap. I always by them when I see them because I sort of like the challenge of untangling them and since I knit hats for the homeless, i can afford more yarn. It’s a dark day here, the kind that if it were Minnesota we’d be expecting lots of the white stuff. But, we’ll only get rain.

  8. I always liked getting the snow off the walk and drive before anyone had the opportunity to walk on it. My knitting has stalled, but I'm planning to cast on a hat today.

  9. I just ran into a nasty splice myself. There should be a law.

  10. We have a foggy cold morning but the frost on the trees is pretty. I love checking the mail this time of year for cards and letters. Some of the folks only keep in touch this time of year, and aren't on social media - so this is the only time I hear about major life events like new grandbabies or weddings.

  11. We got several inches on Tuesday so I shoveled much to Dennis' chagrin. He was at work and left orders for me not to touch it. But I hate it when people walk/drive on it. It makes it so much harder to clean up. I should have waited because it started raining Wednesday and hasn't stopped. Most of the snow is gone, even from the driveways that weren't shoveled. You never know though. It could have stuck around all winter and it would have been a mess.

  12. Years ago I used to knit and had the same problem if I didn't wind the yarn into a ball. Funny how that tangled mess memory came right back--LOL!

    What a pretty stitch marker! Love this time of year. :)

  13. I love that you have woodpeckers. We get them in the summer but I've never seen them this time of year.

  14. It's good that you have less strenuous hobbies that shoveling snow during your long winter. Our mountains could use some of your snow. We are finally getting some. Our ski resorts are hurting.

  15. what a happy post never seen a woodpecker in person only on telly

  16. Although officially there's another week to go before winter, I'd say it has arrived for you and no doubt about it. Isn't it fun to watch the birds coming for suet and seeds? I just wish those darn House Sparrows would quite hogging every feeder and keeping the other birds away. ( Except for the flicker. He gets rid of them fast).

  17. Snow happens in the winter. It's all good stuff.

  18. Interesting that you look for things to calm down before you knit. My daughter has a student who just broke her leg, requiring surgery. Between having to rest, not being able to move much, and dealing with pain pills making her nervous, she is begging for something to keep her hands my daughter is teaching her how to knit! For her, it will become a way to calm down when things are too hyper!

  19. Murphy's Law: When you're nearly finished, you find a splice in the yarn.
    O'Leary's Law: Murphy was an optimist

  20. "It warmed up enough to snow."

    Ohhh, brrrrrrrr.

  21. The snow is looking good but I am not wishing for any of it. I suppose we will get it when we want to travel to Chicago area. I am working on outdoor lights.

  22. I almost always wind my yarn for the same reason. We have been getting rain and more rain which is unheard of here at this time of the year. Usually we have several inches of snow by now.


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