Monday, December 9, 2019

Mantle and Chickens

I put the Nativity on the mantle yesterday.

We delivered more wood carved ornaments.  I had a bunch of errands to run so we did that in conjunction with ornament deliveries.

Drove one of the gravel roads that was worked on last summer and we will stay off that road all has no shoulder and steep ditches and the road is a lane and a half...the township was screwed on that road project.

At one of the delivery spots I was met by chickens...Blue and Purple Ribbon at the County Fair Chickens.  They talked to me.  Good thing I am not afraid of chickens...

We are supposed to get snow and then it is supposed to turn colder.
Far Side


  1. Oh, those chickens! I love them. I would have a yard full if The Mister would let me.

  2. I raised chickens for a long time and they were fun. Loved them and their eggs.
    I love your mantle. So do you call that little gal and guy Nisse or Gnome? LOL.
    I love the photo of Chance up there too.
    The weather? Yeah, dense fog now and horrible icing and snow to come later.

  3. That road sounds horrible. I am always in fear I will meet someone coming the other way on a road like that. Hope you don't have errands today with that forecast!

  4. Those are delightfully colorful chickens. I like the variety. :-)

  5. We had a night of wind that sounded like a freight train roaring past, only there was no end to it! This morning the sea is calm and I am wondering if it was all just a dream.:-) I will have to check to see if there's missing shingles on the roof of house and garage. I like your Nativity and all the chickens!

  6. If chickens can be pretty, those are pretty! If our weather heads your way, yes you're in for some cold. It's getting miserable here.

  7. Chickens are lots of fun and full of personality.

  8. That is a pretty bunch of chickens. And your mantle looks wonderful with the nativity scene there. I didn't get my large nativity scene out this year, but must admit I kind of miss seeing it.

  9. Your Nativity looks nice. I put ours up yesterday too. I especially love the picture of Chance. Those chickens look like prize winners. Stay warm!

  10. LOL, I can almost hear the chickens. I can see why they won awards at the Fair.

  11. Beautiful chickens! Look a lot like mine! However, mine hate snow, but luckily have a my huge barn to run around in while they visit amongst the sheep and cattle. I love your picture of Chance up there on the mantle!

  12. The Nativity is beautiful. Love your mantle and surround and the canvas print of Chance. Those chickens are so colorful. John's surgery is tomorrow a.m. I'm still waiting on a referral to a pulmonologist.
    We continue to remember you both in prayer. Sending our love.

  13. Your mantle is so pretty. I love the nativity. That road sounds positively scary. Alex was supposed to fly through Minneapolis today on his way to Tokyo, however his flight was cancelled. He's still at the airport trying to make new arrangements. Since he had meetings scheduled tomorrow, this has definitely messed up his plans. :-( . The perks of flying in the wintertime!
    On the fun side though, those chickens are gorgeous. I can almost hear them clucking away at you. They are beautiful!

  14. Everything is so pretty and festive!
    I do love those beautiful chickens!! :)

  15. I remember chickens on the farm. they always chattered.

  16. What beautiful chickens! Your mantle is pretty and I love the big picture of Chance.

  17. Look very healthy, those chickens. One of my favorite pastimes, watching them browse , drink, eat bugs and cackle at things.

  18. I have been gone for a few days. Thursday I was taken by ambulance back to the hospital in Milwaukee. They put a drain in my side and it has been draining fluid ok...but tonight I am in more pain and wondering if I have to go back to the ER again. Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine, friends.

    1. hi diane, So sorry to hear of your troubles, sending prayers your way!

    2. Dear diane in norther wis
      Good thought from here as well , if you are a friend of Farside's you are a friend of all of us.

    3. Thank you dear Far Side and Gemma. Your kind words mean so much to me! God Bless you.

  19. Well, mantle and chickens caught my eye. Your mantle Nativity is pretty, and what a beautiful bunch of chickens. Wish our old hens looked like those. We need to get new hens...but keep the old ones too.

  20. Love your nativity. It's a good thing you have an alternate route to use as that road does not sound at all safe!

  21. Chance is still and always present in your home. Pretty chickens, for someone else to keep.

  22. What lovely plump hens! No scrawny Leghorns in the bunch.

  23. Oh my goodness! You have the same figures we do. Mine are from the ‘50s. Some were my parents andI have added the rest from garage sales over the years.


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