Saturday, December 28, 2019

Early Morning Trees

Surprise Surprise we got more snow Christmas Day evening and night.  About 4 inches plus or minus fell.  It made the roads slippery.

We have another winter storm moving in.  Not sure if this one has a name yet.  This one should last three days....we shall see.  We will be safe at home. 

The light in the early morning caught the snow filled branches of the Oaks very nicely.

There are 11 inches of snow at the snowstick as of yesterday.

We ran errands up north yesterday.  Delivered baby shower packages to Maddie.  Her baby shower is today and we will miss it on account of the weather.  Their trip back to Michigan will be delayed a day or two.

 After dropping off packages we stopped by Hobby Lobby for one skein of yarn and I came out with that's not so bad!

I stopped by and gave Savannah a hug and then we visited our oldest daughter.  We got home just at twilight.  The moon was a beautiful sliver of orange in the western sky and straight south was Venus very bright in the night sky.

My computer went all wonky on Friday morning, Andy got it into safe mode and I copied everything I wanted to keep.  While we were gone the computer fixed itself...but who knows for how long. ..Windows 7 was a long time ago.

Thursday;  Andy and Jen came down to my baby brothers for a holiday meal and then they went to Bingo with my Dad and I.  Jen and I both bingoed so it was a good night and we can go back again next week.

Far Side


  1. More snow? Stay safe! We are in a warm spell and I can't complain but I hope we are not in another snowless winter. They are so dreary.

  2. Tom looked at the forecast last night and said, "I bet Far Side is getting more snow."

  3. Glad you could get out and safely run errands. Hope the storm won't be too bad. We are experiencing warmer than usual temps here and rain.

  4. How lovely to get snow on Christmas Day! But I realize there are a lot of people visiting and then having to travel home so I pray everyone is safe. How nice that you got your errands done and new yarn before the weather changed! Whew! A gal must have plenty of yarn if you're going to be snowed in! LOL!

  5. Nice trees and blue skies after the snow. Hope everyone makes it back home safe and sound. :-)

  6. My computer went all wonky too, ... gremlins. We don't have ANY snow! We are supposed to get up to two inches of rain with the roads turning to ice.
    I love, love, love your photos.
    Here it is brown, brown, with areas where there are ice floes from small springs in the woodlands.
    We have hunkered down for the weekend.

  7. I dropped my laptop before Black Friday sales and had to buy a new one. As well as pricey new one works, I might as well have had my old laptop repaired . . .

  8. Yesterday was a good travel day - dry roads and light traffic. Today it's snowing, and I'm happy to be home. Sorry you missed the baby shower.

  9. Yikes, that's a lot of snow. Hopefully you don't get too much more in this next storm. We're in the brown stage of snow, as it's dirty but it's supposed to warm up later this week so we might lose some of it.

    Congrats on the bingo win!

  10. Only two? Remarkable self-restraint!

  11. Pretty pictures. I'm glad you had time to get your errands done before the snow fell. It also sounds like you had lots of fun family time. Congratulations onthe BINGO win!

  12. I feel great that I'm not sending you the snow or the cold. It's not coming from me this time!

  13. Good thing you got your errands and visiting and bingo done before this next storm comes through this weekend. Stay warm and safe. :)

  14. You were wise to get up north and back before the next storm moves in. I love your pictures. I've always enjoyed the trees when filled with snow. Good luck with the computer - they can be a real pain!

  15. Sun and snow are so pretty. We've had the chance of a bit of snow a couple of times so far, but nothing has materialized. I like to see it come, but get tired of it quickly. Hope your next storm isn't too bad.

  16. A clear sky on a winter's night is so amazing. Your snow is pretty; I wish we'd get a smallish snowfall. Who knows if we will.
    Congrats on another win at Bingo.

  17. You surely do keep busy. Stay safe and warm.

  18. Lovevly photos and snow with sweat dripping off me it is hard to imagine

  19. You had a lot of places to be. It is good you can see them. I keep thinking we will hit by snow but it is staying a little north. It is raining a lot, all day.

  20. My son is an IT professional and fixed my daughter’s computer when a Windows 7 update was automatically pushed to it and basically shut it down. Maybe that’s what happened to you. And he set it to refuse any more updates. Now that Microsoft is dropping support for Windows 7 next month, she’s finally upgrading to Windows 10.

  21. so fun to hear about your visits with everybody. It is quiet here now and I don't think we're getting the snow you're talking about. It has been quite warm here for almost a week. I don't think the ice on our lakes is very thick yet. Hope people are careful. Enjoy your time relaxing at home, out of that weather.

  22. Sounds like your Christmas went well! Enjoyed Far Guy's letter. We had a green Christmas, then on Friday got about a half an inch of snow that may or may not stay.
    My computer is also Windows 7 Home Premium and won't be supported after January 14th so my computer geek godson/brother in law is sending me another tower with Windows 10 installed. I'm sure it will be a learning curve.

  23. Glad you'll be safe at home during the storm, and that your computer has fixed itself for now. Also, congratulations on the bingo.

  24. We got a skiff of snow on Christmas day as well and generally I was happy to not be driving anywhere but then that is the case quite often anymore. I'm impressed you got out of Hobby Lobby with 2 skeins of yarn? I'm sure I'm leaving them more than enough money for the both of us!


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