Sunday, December 29, 2019

12 Years

Well...I have been blogging for twelve years.   My family says "She has no filter and is brutally honest."   Guess it must be true.

Whoever still reads this need a medal.  I know Far Guy reads it but has given up talking to me about it...I think he must be kinda like a duck and lets the water flow off his back.

It snowed a little...must be a pre storm snowfall. We are ready for winter storm Gage.

I cleared off the patio from the last four we can start anew.
I accomplished some errands outside.   Far Guy has a very sore throat possibly a cold coming on so he rested quite a bit yesterday.  One day at a time.

I usually give myself flowers on this my blogging anniversary.

The Poinsettias caught my eye one day.  The red bracts are so vibrant.  The actual Poinsettia flowers are the little yellow/green nubins in the center of the bracts (modified leaves) enough horticulture for today!

I guess I shall continue to is what I do.  It serves as a great journal if nothing else.
Far Side


  1. I love reading your blog and admire your honesty. Some bloggers only talk about the good things that go on in life and we all know there are also not so good happenings.

    My prayers are with you and Far Guy.

  2. I've been blogging for 12 years also. I started when my son's moved far away. I thought it would be a way for them to know I was still alive. They've given up on it but I am my biggest fan. Sometimes I just go back and read a year's worth and am amazed at how much I have forgotten. I really do have a wonderful life and sometimes the day to day ups and downs makes me forget that.

  3. Yours is my favorite blog to read!

  4. I would be very disappointed if you decided to quit. I love reading it.

  5. Hmmm. I started in 2005 I think...anyway good on you! For so long I was very careful about what I wrote as DIL read it. I'm wondering if saying sometimes what is on my mind is better.
    I do check in each day here. It is always a delight.
    Thank you.

  6. I also read your blog every day too, and sometimes tell my husband something about what you said etc. Just yesterday when we were watching the weather he said.. What did your friend from Minnesota say about the snow? I really do feel like I know you cause I've been reading your blog for a few years now. I don't blog but I have been keeping a journal for the last 15 years or so. It's fun looking back at what went on and things. Take care and enjoy the snow if you can! We right now are just getting rain here in Pennsylvania.

  7. Congratulations on 12 yrs! Happy New Year!

  8. Congratulations on the milestone! I only found your blog a couple of years ago and likely lurked for the first while before starting to comment. I enjoy your writing style and appreciate the honesty with which you write.

    Have a wonderful day!

  9. Keep blogging please. I look forward to your words every day. I'm only sorry it is a one-way communication because I feel you have let us into your live(s) and I haven't. Just know we are all out here connecting to you.

  10. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I'm a faithful reader and enjoy it very much.

  11. Please keep blogging! It is how I start my day every day, and I would truly miss you if you were not there any more! May you and yours have a Happy and blessed New Year!

  12. I enjoy reading your blog though I don't comment very often. Happy Anniversary and keep on writing!

  13. I am glad you are continuing to blog. My New Year's Resolution is to begin blogging again.

  14. I read your blog every day. And I think I have been with you for a very long time. It's been a pleasure and a gift! Hugs to you!

  15. I'm glad you are still blogging. I especially enjoy the old photos and the pictures of all the "kids" (now no longer kids) lined up by height :-).

  16. Happy Blogging Anniversary Connie! I've only "discovered" you in the past couple of years, but I'm so glad I did. My husband has come to realize that I have friends all over the world now. He'll ask me what my "friend" so and so thinks about this or that or what their weather is like. Isn't this blog thing amazing when you think about it? We've actually met many people in person and some have stayed at our home when passing through town. I was always taught that you can never have too many friends.
    So, all of that to say, I'm so glad that you're still blogging and that I found you.
    I'll be praying that Far Guy's cold is nipped in the bud and he's better very, very soon.

  17. Happy blogaversary! Yes, you have faithful readers. As surrounded by actual family as you are there in Minnesota, you have also created a blog family. We care about you and FG and want your daily updates.

  18. Larson says: Keep up the good work... read it everyday.

  19. Indeed we blog for ourselves but others "get to" enjoy it as well. Looks mild there as it has been here. I'm buckling up thinking we are due to get REAL WINTER here soon.

  20. Congrats on 12 years! And you still blog every day!!
    I am part of the faithful readers and wish you both well, always. :)

  21. Congratulations on 12 years of blogging! It's fun to keep up with all that you do and your busy life! I started getting sick on Friday with a sore throat and then it moved on to include headache, stuffed up nose and aching all over! It's Sunday and the cold is still hanging on but hope Farguy is doing better! When I take Elderberry my colds don't seem to last as long as usual! Did't get Christmas cards out this year even though they were on the desk ready to make out! I always enjoy yours and the letter!. It's pouring down rain so we are watching all the Christmas movies that we did't have time for yet! Happy New Year with many Blessings! Sharon

  22. Happy bloggerversary!

    Hope Far Guy isn't coming down with something, and gets rid of it quickly if he is.

  23. Congrats and Happy bloggerversary! A true milestone! I've been blogging for about 10 years now, and it's a struggle for me to keep it going, but I really want to. Which is why I so admire someone like you who can and does - An example to follow! :-)

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤Happy New Year and onto the next 12 years of blogging!

  24. Congrats on your blogging anniversary! I'm so glad you have a blog! Sorry to hear that Far Guy is feeling sick....sure hope it doesn't get a lot worse. we're expecting 7 to 10 inches tomorrow. The poinsettia is a beauty....hope you bought yourself that for your blogging anniversary! Blessings to you two.

  25. I love your style of blogging. You don't mince words and aren't scared to say what you think. Hope we are reading your blog for years to come!

  26. I very much enjoy "visiting" with you every day. Glad you are continuing. Prayers for healthiness!

  27. 12 years is amazing you write I will read, at times my family will tell me not to write about something on my blog, many read but don't comment

  28. Congratulations on 12 years! I don't know how you manage to write everyday but it is definitely to the benefit of your readers. My day is never complete until I have visited your blog!

  29. I'm impressed by your daily posts. I aim for every second day and even that I will often fail. Please keep on blogging.

  30. Wow, 12 years. I’m always impressed that find something to entertain us with daily. I couldn’t do that. I’m glad you started and I’m glad you will continue! I always thought i would meet you in person one day as we were “practically neighbors” and I never planned to leave Minnesota. You just never know where life is going to take you! Hope FG holds off the bug.

  31. A gift to us as well as your family. I appreciate it.
    You are like me or I am like you. AND I like you.

  32. Congratulations on 12 years . You post every day so that's a challenge. Don't worry I will keep on reading.

  33. Congratulations! I might not read every day but I try to keep up with you, and enjoy your posts thoroughly...unless there is sad news, then I am sad with you. I agree the blog is a definite journal and I've used mine to remember when something happened quite often. Husband will ask some quesiton and I'll say, "I don't know, let me go look at the blog." :)

  34. Congrats on the 12 years. I think I started one of my blogs a year after you started. I need to look it all up. My Israel blog is taking a lot of time with a lot of writing. That means I have been following your kids, dog and grand kids for 12 years.

  35. A blog is a journal and an open door, inviting new and old friends to stop by and visit.

  36. Happy blogoversary! I may not comment on every post but I read them all.

  37. Congratulations on the blog anniversary! We loved your Christmas card and Far Guys letter. Your cards are beautiful.

  38. Happy blogiversary, and congratulations on twelve years. I am glad you've kept at it all this time--or I never would have gotten to "meet" you!

  39. Congratulations for 12 years of daily writing. I know I've been reading your blog for at least 10 years and look forward each day to what you write and your gorgeous photos.

  40. I think I have been following you for a decade. I might have missed some of your early posts, but I ran across one from early 2011 the other day, and there your comment was! I love this shared community and those whose lives are so important to me. Hugs and smiles coming your way. :-)

  41. Your blog is one that I read every day... happy blogaversary!

  42. I love your Blog! It is one of the few that is still alive. Most of the blogs I started following years ago are now gone. Just yours, Larry's and a hand full of others are still around to read from time to time. And wih 40 comments... You must have a few others following you. (Lucky!)

  43. Happy Blogaversary - blogging keeps some of us sane! :) Many blogs I follow ended a long time ago (maybe they don't have anything to talk about). Have a great day!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie