Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wednesday stuff

Far Guy had a cat scan and then we met with his Transplant Coordinator for several hours.  She has 100 transplant patients, all in different stages of transplant. 
We went over all the tests so far.  It all looks far.  He has good kidney function which is very important as the anti rejection drugs after transplant could wipe out his kidneys.  His liver function is good. His hemoglobin is a little high, it is possible that his from the prednisone he is on and it may make him a temporary diabetic post transplant. His cholesterol is fine as are his blood gasses.
He has some antibodies, but not a long list. He has had measles, mumps and rubella so he has those antibodies as well as Hepatitis A and Toxoplasmosis. He has antibodies of Hepatitis B because he had the Hep B shots when he was on the Rescue Squad.  So he is in good shape with antibodies....his donor should have the same antibodies...or in the ballpark.
He needs to get the new Shringrix ever you spell it.  Possibly a booster of DTP and when the new flu shot is available he should have that also. 

He needs a couple more tests that they could not schedule this time around, so we will return for them soon.  
If all goes well tomorrow he will presented at the transplant board with the understanding that the last two tests will be acccomplished as neither of those tests are show stoppers.

After appointments yesterday we found a candy shop. 

Far Side


  1. I see you found Minnesota's Largest Candy Store. Sounds like Far Guy has done a great job taking care of himself all these years (I'm sure you had a hand in that too.) After a long week I'm sure you'll be glad to get home, relax and unwind for a bit before the next round. Thanks for keeping us updated on your journey. Best wishes for the road ahead.

  2. I'm thankful for answered prayers. We continue to pray for you both. I'm always glad that you can do a little something fun at the end of these long, difficult days. That is a BIG candy store!

  3. What long days you are having! I am glad things are progressing along.

    What kind of candy did you get?

  4. I am so happy that Far Guy seems to be in good shape for a transplant. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  5. This sounds like a huge ordeal but with a good pay off at the end of it. I hope you get time to get home and rest up.

  6. Wow, this sure is long and involved. It sounds like you've got some good doctors on your side. So many hoops to jump through, but it seems like this is going to work out.

  7. So many tests! But all with encouraging results so that is wonderful news. My daughter and family visit MN’s largest candy store every summer, a tradition looked forward to by all. I hope they bring their toothbrushes along!

  8. Things do sound encouraging as you make small steps forward in this process. I've driven by that big candy store a number of times but my husband just won't stop. LOL

  9. Good to hear that things are going well thus far. A candy store sounds like a great treat.

  10. You'll be so glad to be home to rest up for a while before the next trip. So many hoops. But sounds like they have been successful jumps, thank goodness. You are in many, many of our thoughts and prayers. :)

    Never heard of that huge candy store. Wow!

  11. I got excited for you and Far is sounding so very hopeful!!!

  12. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. It is quite a process. A good friend of ours ended up with a liver transplant after acquiring a serious illness abroad. It was an awful ordeal getting all of the pretransplant testing done and then finding an appropriate donor tissue. I can't even imagine how much research a heart takes.

  13. I am so glad that you are receiving positive answers. Continued prayers.

  14. It all sounds VERY promising for Far Guy. So many tests but then I guess you know where you stand. I think you deserved all the candy from the store that you want.

  15. I read back several posts to catch up since I've been AWOL the past couple weeks. Far Guy – and you – are on our prayers list as you guys go through all of this. I get to see the recipient side of organ donation through your posts... my son was a donor upon his death. It's heart-rending, but to know he helped, and is still helping, so many people is such a comfort. I knew there was a lot for the person who receives organs to go through, but your posts are helping me understand more of the process. THANK YOU for being so open and sharing this with us. Love and blessings to you guys! ♥

  16. It sounds like it's all falling into place. Candy shop? OMG! I'm not a big candy eater but I bet I could fins something I liked at that place!

  17. You both deserved that candy store after yet more appointments!!

  18. Whew! Praying for you as you continue on this long journey. May all continue to go well.

  19. I've been away for a bit so I'm just now catching up. All of this sounds exhausting for you and Far Guy, but so far everything seems to be positive and going well. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  20. It is sounding good so far. I know you must both be exhausted. A trip to the largest candy store has to be helpful!

  21. I'm glad Far Guy seems to be in good shape for the transplant.


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