Friday, June 21, 2019

Busy Day

Our day began at 5am.  An appt for a liver ultrasound. We saw the Palliative Care Doctor, he was a fairly cheerful guy who talks to patients about worst case scenarios.  Far Guys advance care directive will change at transplant, he needs more time to recover than our advance care directive says right now. Three days on a ventilator and I V antibiotics might not cover changes will be made.  There is a possibility that he could get sent to a rehab unit...or if he has trouble weaning off the vent he will go to a hospital that specializes in those kind of cases.

Our Thoracic surgeon was delayed in surgery so we will see a different Dr next week.

We have a Social Worker  named Liz, she will arrange housing for me across the street from the hospital at the time of transplant. We can contact her with concerns or question at any time.  She also asked some hard questions...that bear discussion.

Far Guy went for a heart cath about 3:15, he did well...and is pretty normal for his age.  He had one small questionable area which was cleared up with a heavy dose of heparin.  He is resting now and when he gets all his tubes out we will head home.
We have to be back next week for A gerd test, a rehab visit and a visit with his new Thoracic Surgeon.
Transplant Board meets every one of these Thursdays he will be listed...God willing and the crick don’t rise.
From his scan on Wednesday he most likely has a lung infection brewing and will be treated with antibiotics.
Thank you for all the comments and prayers we appreciate them.
It rained here.

Far Side


  1. Sounds like an exhausting day, both physically and emotionally.

  2. Eeks. However I am learning so much by your account of what you both are going through. Know that I keep thinking of the both of you.

  3. Sounds very exhausting to me, but also very hopeful. Keeping you both in my prayers and thoughts.

  4. Home will feel so good to you! Keeping you both in my prayers.

  5. Thinking of you two every day. Sending prayers.

  6. Once you get through all these tests, and you get on the list, you then have to wait until a donor lung becomes available, right? What a long and involved process. Biting my fingernails while we wait...

  7. So glad you met with a Palliative Care doctor. IT sounds like you are in good hands and everything is being told to you. I'm glad you get to go home now and rest up. How far is it and what hospital? Or did you say and I missed it? It's been 'suppoed to rain here...even 80% but nothing. I could water twice a's getting hot here. Safe trip home and prayers are continual!

  8. Safe travels home, hope both of you will get plenty of rest once you are home. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  9. This team is crossing all the "Ts" and dotting all the "Is" which is so important for such a major surgery and life-changing event. I'm glad you're in good hands.

  10. Keeping you both in my prayers and also praying for the person who will be the donor. May God's will be done.

  11. I said it before and I'll say it again...I'm amazed at how much a patient has to go through as far as assessment and testing is concerned. You've got to be in good shape to go through all of these procedures.

  12. Safe travels, thinking of you all - praying for good reports and strength during this time!

  13. Keeping both of you in my prayers! And Like Shirley, for the person who will be the donor and that person's family. Hugs

  14. I haven't commented much lately, but I've been following along. A very scary time for you both. Hugs to you and Far Guy, and hoping for the very best of outcomes.

  15. It rained up here, too. (I think you're down at Mayo, right?)
    Long days. You'll need some time to rest when you get home. Safe travels. :)

  16. Glad everything seems to be on schedule! You and Far Guy have strength. The prayers help! Rest well when you get home.

  17. Your day sounded exhausting, honey, but it also sounded profitable. We're all here for both of you throughout this journey. Thank you for keeping us posted. Love, Andrea xoxo

  18. What would happen if you don't decide to do this? We will obviously support you with whatever decisions you make, but, honestly, I'm scared by all this.

  19. How wonderful that all of these people are available to help guide you through the maze of decisions and tests.
    Prayers for you both. Always prayers.

  20. What a great blessing that you have such a wide variety of trained folks to help you through all of this before and after! Jerry and I continue to pray about all of these things, and for you and Far Guy to have an easy time of it with comfort and calm and strength. Prayers prayers prayers!! ♥

  21. They sure do a thorough job of checking out everything and that is good. It does sound like he has done well. I can't imagine how exhausted you both must be. You are both a regular part of my prayers and will remain so. Safe travels home.

  22. Oh my many important things going on in your lives and so many new people to meet and questions to consider. What a huge undertaking it is but hopefully, prayerfully, all for the best! God Bless You and Far Guy as you go thru these all-important steps preparing for his transplant. You will be covered in prayer every step of the way. Peace to you both. Safe travels too.

  23. So many things to think about. I don’t know how you keep all this new information straight. The vocabulary alone is kind of mind boggling. Anyway, I’m glad you are going home for a bit. You’ve got to be missing your little home in the North Woods. Enjoy the weekend.

  24. Seems to me that for you two, when it rains, it pours. :-(
    Thank you for keeping us informed. Wishing you all the best.

  25. You and Far Guy are the kind of people whose strong love gets you through each day. So one day at a time, and it seems you're really absorbing the information well. I have a lot of admiration. Calm and tough. Phil

  26. Hopefully you are both home now - and are settling in - and all the strain of the past week ease and wash off you.

    The many prayers continue.

  27. A very early start to your very busy day. All seems to be going along well. Hopefully you can have a restful weekend.

  28. Wow...just wow. What a busy, exhausting week you've had, but all worth it to get to answers. How great to know they have such a good support group system developed. It sounds like an endurance marathon that needs a ton of support!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie