Saturday, June 8, 2019

Busy Days

Not sure where the time goes.  I spend more time in the yard I guess.  The dandys are driving me nuts...they make the lawn look so untidy. 

I spent a few hours taking care of Poison Ivy, still have more to do.  Had a nap.  Started a new crochet project...not sure if it will work or not.  Did some laundry, watered the seeded grass and flowers and cleaned out the bird baths.   The Oaks are real messy now...the pollen has covered everything.

This is one of the new yard is a solar light the whole bottle lights up at night.

So happy to see a few Dragonflies today to help with the skeeters.
Far Side


  1. It's a pretty ornament. I was just wondering yesterday why the time is flying away so fast. :-)

  2. The days are flying by, aren't they?

  3. What a cute yard ornament! Sometimes the skeeters almost look that big.

  4. Love your new bug light!! :)

  5. I love your new lawn ornament, Connie! I love those solar-powered thingies. My oldest daughter bought me a solar-powered little squirrel holding a bottle of fireflies that light up at night. I couldn't bare to put it out in the weather so I charge it in my front window and then turn it on at night, next to my easy chair. It brings me such cheer. Love, Andrea xoxo

  6. Lovely ornament! I sorted solar lights (cheap $1 or $2 ones) this spring and tossed out the ones that weren't working. Now many of the ones I kept aren't working either. Arggh!

  7. I've always loved dragonflies, and now I have another reason to like them. I had no idea they ate mosquitoes!

  8. I don't think anyone with a yard ever has to wonder what to do. Unless it's all in grass, but then you'd be mowing all the time. We didn't have any grass at all until son2 decided he wanted an area of grass for the kids to play on. It is roughly 20 ft square. Takes him no time at all to cut.

  9. You sound like you get so much done...I like your new yard ornament. I am always happy to see dragonflies...

  10. I know where my time goes. I'm just a lot slower.

  11. There is always much to do in the summertime and then, zip! It's winter again. So we try to enjoy even the business of summertime. Love that solar light, there are sure some cute ones out there now.

  12. What a cute lawn ornament! You sure have been busy.

  13. I adore the yard ornament! Our pollen is finally gone. Now the clean up begins. Sending love and prayers to you both.

  14. I'm sure glad the dragonflies are bigger than the mosquitos... although at time those pesky things seem huuuuuge! I saw an unusual dragonfly today... been looking through my books to find out his kind, haven't found him yet. // I love your dragonfly light! Sure are a lot of great new solar yard ornaments this year! // I have nothing good to say about dandelions... lol 🤣 // Have an awesome Sunday! Blessings!

  15. Puttering in the yard can eat up a lot of time. I'm glad you are finally feeling up to it.

  16. Oh, I like your new solar light! Dandelions are good food for the bees, so we just leave them.

  17. You have the cutest lawn ornaments! You need to take a picture at night when they are all lit up. How do you 'take care' of your poison ivy...mine is back and I have to use Roundup Spray for Poison Ivy which I hate to do but what else is there? I have plenty of dandelions...they don't bother me and most of my green 'grass' is clover! LOL! A guy came up to me once and said "You know your lawn is mostly weeds" and I said "yes, I know". LOL!


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