Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Snowball report

The Minnesota Snowball has turned white.

The shrub looks pretty good for getting no care what so ever.

I have been busy in the yard and the driveways...it is that time of year to spray the Poison Ivy along the roadsides.  I wait for conditions to be right...not too windy.  I also walked through my baby brothers zipline area.  Lots of kids will be running up that hill later this summer.  It is located in the deep woods on a hillside.
  Far Side


  1. Good Morning, Those white blooms are spectacular. Your brother's zipline must be lots of fun for the kids. The folks who bought our Nalley Valley home put in a zip line down to the creek. Remembering you both in our prayers. xo

  2. Your snowball bush is very pretty. Praying that Far Guy is feeling better.

  3. I've always wanted to do a zipline. I fear my creaky body won't take it, though!!!

  4. I second Linda's post. Me too.

  5. That bush is beautiful! Hmmm a zipline - sounds like fun!

  6. Snowball bush is beautiful! No zip lines for me. I’m chicken. What do you use to control poison ivy? We just bought a place that’s loaded with the stuff. Hope Far Guy is feeling better every day!!

  7. Such pretty snowballs. I like them much better than the cold/frozen variety!
    We don't seem to have nearly as much poison ivy here as we did in the midwest. That's a good thing because I was so allergic I had to get injections weekly during the spring/summer as a child. If it could be blown on the wind i got it. On and in my eyes included. I'm glad to be away from it.

  8. The snowball Bush is so pretty...sounds like you are getting a lot done.

  9. The snowballs are pretty! Thinking of Far Guy and you...

  10. What a pretty plant! Are you able to get rid of the poison ivy or does it keep coming back?

    1. It usually dies, the following year some may come back.

  11. The snowballs are beautiful! I didn't know that you could spray for poison ivy, fortuntely, we don't have any around our home. I hope you and Far Guy are doing better.

  12. Pretty flowers on the bush. And for your sake, I'm glad they're not real snowballs!

  13. Beautiful! That's the kind of snow to have!

  14. I remember having conversations with my wife’s late cousin. She had live in Minnesota and told me about them. I really have never seen them in life but she thought I should know something about them. I did not. They are very pretty. My old foundation hydrangea is now budded but nothing open yet.

  15. I use Roundup for Poison Ive also as it comes back time and again. I hate to use chemicals but that's about the only thing that works.


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