Sunday, June 9, 2019

Minnesota Snowball

The snowball bush is putting on blooms. 

Soon they will turn white.

I mowed the dandys again, they will pop up again tomorrow.   We are dry, might get rain...and it is turning cooler.  We have had several days with highs around 90 F or 32 C eh! That is too warm for me...even my head sweats.

We worked on carving Christmas Ornaments,  I have not painted one yet but I am reasonably certain all will be okay.  The design will work great.  It is a rare year that we have two designs in mind...but one will be for the next year.

We have not been going to woodcarving with the group for some time,  they have been woodburning and the smoke in the air is not good for Far Guy. 

Far Side


  1. I think often of you and Gene and all those doctors' appointments. Sometimes I think Life just wants to find out how tough we are. I usually read your blog every day but I've missed a few days. It was good to catch up on what you have been doing.

  2. Pretty bush! I'm not sure I've ever seen a snowball plant.

  3. I prefer these snowballs to the real thing! A wise decision to avoid the wood burning smoke: carving at home is much safer.

  4. Love your snowball bush. I've been seeing those around here. I'm excited about your wood carved Christmas ornaments. I'm sorry it's not healthy to attend the class; I know you miss the fellowship.

  5. My mom had a snowball bush....I think yours is beautiful.

  6. Love snowball bushes and also bridal veil? That's too bad about them burning wood at your carving group. You are so efficient...already have the ornament for next year. I just found the ornament I'll be making for the grands this year....miniature longjohns! Too cute. They're knitted..I hope I'm up to it. It's rained all week here but next week is nice so I have lots of outdoor work to do to catch up. Enjoy your Sunday.

  7. Yes, I like this kind of Minnesota snowball. Nice! :-)

  8. My grandparents house in Cokato, Minnesota always had snowballs! We weren
    t allowed to touch them. The white snowballs were so numerous and large that they bent down onto the grass. I remember lying in the grass and examining all these little flowers. :)

  9. My snowball bush, in a hidden part of the garden, came and went without me really noticing. Sad. But onward.
    90 degrees? Ugh. But it is going to heat up here this week, or so they say. We plan to be away for most of it.

  10. I love your snowball bush and look forward to seeing it all white if you'll show us. I'm always interested in hearing about your Christmas ornament carving. It's great that you already have a design for next year too. I hope you both are feeling well and able to get some breaks from all the appointments!

  11. Our weather didn't seem to go your way.

  12. 90 degrees F is awfully hot! Hot weather is on its way here and I hope we stay below 30C or at least get a nice breeze along with the heat.
    Have a good week.

  13. We have something similar to your snowball bush...but ours starts out white. I think. It's white right now, I guess I don't know if the balls start out green, they very well could. Now I'll have to wait till next year to pay attention and see!

  14. I don't think I've seen a snowball bush out here but we used to have them in Iowa when I was growing up. It rained here Thursday, Friday and Saturday but today as beautiful. We did stay at the lake until today though. I love to hear the rain on the roof of the camper. We are supposed to be in the 90's most of this week. Ugh! Too hot, too early. At least the humidity out here is really low which helps a lot.

  15. Our “snowballs” (hydrangeas) are blue here in S.C. Love the white ones in Minnesota.


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