Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Trudging Along

One foot in front of the other.
The deer took my best blooms.

You can see where he/she ate two blooms.  They are not supposed to like this plant.  Baptisia australis or Blue False Indigo.

The same with my Lupine.

The squirrels had their way with my small flower bed.  I bought a few plants to replace the ones they damaged. I will plant them today.

We made it to Woodcarving...no one was woodburning so we stayed for quite awhile. It was good to catch up with everyone.  The woodburning fumes make Far Guy short of breath and his lung feel burned...just like all fragrances, perfume and aftershave.

The Christmas Ornament is being carved...progress is slow but sure.

Far Guy is completely done with the Prednisone now...it was a long drawn out taper. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that he will still feel okay and not get sick for awhile.

Far Side


  1. Glad you are able to do some of the things right now that are pretty normal for you. And I do hope that FG is able to stay away from the 'bugs' so to speak.

  2. Glad you were able to make it to woodcarving. i know you both enjoy it. The critters around here will eat anything, even stuff they don't like. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  3. That's wonderful that you were able to go to woodcarving. I too pray that Far Guy will be okay once off the steroids. Sorry about the deer eating your blooms and the squirrels.

  4. At this time you don't need any help from the deer or squirrels with the gardening.

  5. I guess the deer didn't get the memo. Hopefully while you are home they'll leave the plants alone. It was wonderful you were able to get to your woodcarving group, good to have friends around. Wishing Far Guy good health.

  6. Good to hear you and FG are settling in to enjoy the summer and hopefully good health. Enjoy your carving and visiting time.

  7. Good to hear you were able to go to the wood carving group. Hope Far Guy stays well.

  8. How wonderful to be able to visit with your friends. Continued prayers.

  9. It's good to do something that is just fun, without any Doctors involved.

  10. My aunt used to complain about the deer eating her roses. I guess they will eat anything that looks interesting. The wild animals have not gotten into our plants yet, but the chipmunks are burying the sunflower seeds they vaccum up in the buckets where we grow tomatos, so I have plenty of sunflower sprouts for the salad.

  11. How nice to hear you got to go to woodcarving! It is always good to catch up with friends and get back to a regular activity. Do you still have your wildlife camera out? I bet it sees a lot of activity this time of the year.

  12. How good to hear that life is falling back into somewhat normal routines for you with deer, squirrels and woodcarving. The ordinary is wonderful isn't it? Praying for the bugs to stay far, far away from Far Guy.

  13. I pray that FG will do fine w/o the prednisone. So glad you could attend woodcarving w/o the smells. I always enjoy seeing the flowers in your garden.

  14. I am glad you got to go to woodcarvers. They can wood burn at home. I remember that smell and it is strong. I had one when I was a kid. I think you need to build sort of a pagoda and cover it with chicken wire top and sides.

  15. Prednisone, is a wonder drug my dad was on and off it for the last few years of his life

  16. Those darn deer will eat anything apparently. I've always been a bit skeptical about lists of plants deer won't eat.

  17. Such a long and drawn out fight to keep your beautiful flowers intact....I know of which you speak as we have the same problem especially with the deer. So glad there was no wood burning so you could enjoy visiting with your friends. Prayers each day for you two!

  18. Dang deer! And then the squirrels. I hear you about FG -- I too hope he can stay healthy enough for the transplant.

  19. Someone needs to tell the dear deer that they don't like those flowers

  20. I wonder if there is anything that will really detour deer...I hope Far Guy continues to feel good, too. It is hard when they feel bad, or is very hard for me when Roger is not up to par.

  21. Flower thieves are not nice
    I'm glad you are able to get out a bit.

  22. Glad you got to stay a while at your woodcarving group. I imagine there was a lot to catch up on...

  23. Shame on those deer, eating the lovely flowers! And squirrels playing havoc in the plants. Tsk tsk tsk. Such a long road for Far Guy. I'm covering you both in prayer, for Far Guys's comfort and things to go easier for him, and for you to have strength to help him through. Be sure you rest often and take care of yourself! Hugs and blessings! ♥


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