Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Monday’s Tests

The mornings tests included a very large blood draw, two sticks worth and 25 vials. Urine and poop tests. A Dexa Scan and xrays of chest, spine and hips.  

Just before lunch we went to a Lung Transplant Support Group meeting where we made many friends, they all were either waiting for a lung transplant or had one, or were a Caregiver of a lung transplant patient.  The stories were varied and some were sad... one fellow died recently and another had no brain activity for the past few days.  Young and old people from all walks of life. 

A while back our daughter Jen said “ My friend and co worker Peggy has a friend who had a lung transplant and she is doing great.” Well who do we meet at the meeting but Peggy’s friend...and yes she is doing great.

The support group has a Facebook page and Far Guy was “friended” by a number of people. 

A wonderful man by the name of Charlie gave us his phone number and said to call day or night.

We had lunch in the Cafeteria before Far Guy had a Lung Perfusion test and an Echocardiogram with Bubble.

After all the appointments we went to a shop that sells flavored popcorn.

Then after resting a bit we went to a place called Annie’s Parlor for some supper.

Tomorrow is another day.
Far Side


  1. Sounds exhausting. Hope the tests come back with the results you need for Far Guy.

  2. All the testing sounds exhaustive. Support Groups are "the cats meow". Sounds like you have met some wonderful people. Praying for you both.

  3. Oh wow! Sounds like you truly met some wonderful people!
    Thinking positive thoughts. :)

  4. Not being alone in this is huge I would think. Glad you got to meet a support group.

  5. Glad to hear about the support group. Keeping you in my prayers.

  6. What a long and grueling day. I think the support group is terrific. The only people who can truly understand what you are both going through is others who are going through it. I am glad your husband has new friends to discuss his concerns.

  7. It's a scary thing, but it could make all the difference in your lives. Fingers crossed for good news. :-)

  8. A long and difficult day but I'm thankful for those who friended you both and offered their support. Praying.

  9. Keeping Gene & you in my prayers, as he goes through all these tests. Hope you both are resting well when able.

  10. Sounds like an exhausting day for both of you. The support group sounds awesome. One of my best friends has pulmonary hypertension and has joined 2 support groups - one online and another in person but 70 miles away. She appreciates both groups.

  11. You've got to be tough to take all these tests.

  12. That sounds like an exhausting time. Rich likes his Pulmonary Therapy group, he was anxious about it at first but enjoys going now.

  13. Oh my! Such a day and lots of tests. But what has me most excited for you is the support group. I know my pacemaker isn't nearly as serious as a lung transplant, but when I found a pm support group online, made up of only people with them, it nearly saved my sanity. All of the sudden I realized the strange emotions and thoughts I had weren't unique to only me. Most people had them. And that's not even bringing up the physical stuff. Doctors think they know everything, but most of them have never lived with the conditions they're treating and so have no idea of the real things you deal with. They pretty much only understand the medical end, which I know is important too.
    All of that rambling to say, I'm REALLY, really glad Far Guy has made contact with a support group and it sounds like a great one too.
    Much love and prayers,

  14. I am hoping that the evening food will be pretty exciting. Almost like eating out. Continue prayers for all things.

  15. You had a very full day, I'm sure it was tiring for both of you. The support group sounds wonderful, all of those folk who have been or are going through the same process will be a great resource and as you said, offer friendship as well.

    Good luck today.

  16. Having a support group is a huge thing!!!

  17. The support group sounds great. It can make such a difference for you having others to talk with that have been through what you are going through. First day accomplished and by now you are well into the second day. Before you know it you will be back home. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  18. That's a lot of tests, but that's actually a good thing. Now to get a plan of action. So glad you found a support group. This is all scary stuff.

  19. I will be sending positive vibes your way every day of this journey.

  20. I hope the support group helps, so many test but they are needed to help treat him

  21. Oh my....what a lot of tests and wow...25 vials of blood. My prayers are with your hubby and you as you go through these grueling days. May things turn out just the way you are hoping and praying for. God Bless You Both.

  22. I have not been commenting...but have been following along on what is happening...I know I did not meet you all that long ago in blogland.

  23. Everything seems to be falling into place. How great that you found a support group. No one else will understand just what you're going through like they will.

  24. Glad today's tests are over! Hope there aren't too many more. Hoping for a good day tomorrow.
    (We had popcorn tonight but it wasn't flavored!)

  25. That was a very busy day - thinking about you guys!

  26. Glad there is such great support for Gene and you. You definitely need to keep up your strength and I hear flavored popcorn is the way to do it. I keep praying for you both!


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