Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Tuesday’s Talks

Tuesday was all about talking to a few people. 

First the size 000 Dietitian who was so thin we are convinced she never eats anything.  Far Guys diet is just fine. 

Second was Dr Tom a Hepatologist or Liver Doctor.  He looked over Far Guys Liver Biopsy and declared him fit for a transplant.

Third talk was a really long Transplant Teaching Class with Far Guys Transplant Coordinator...Chris.  We have a huge manual to read. 

A lung transplant is a big deal, lungs are the most difficult organ to transplant. Hearts and kidneys are contained within the body and are much easier for that reason.   There will be a rejection of some kind after the transplant.  The donor will have to be someone over 5 feet 9 inches tall with type A or O blood. 

In the afternoon we drove North to a huge craft shop.  I bought yarn for a special project and some for nests....imagine that. 

The cotton yarn on the left is all tangled up. It is driving me nuts. 

We heard that the fellow with no brain activity after his lung transplant died today, leaving behind his fiancée and a 1 1/2 year old, a 9 year old and a 17 year old.  Lung Transplants are scary. 
Far Side


  1. Eeeks, they are scary! Tangles. I have a love/hate relationship with tangles...

  2. Good luck with that. Thank goodness for all those in healthcare who support us.

  3. You both are in my daily prayers.

  4. Glad everything is looing good so far. Crossing my fingers it continues to be that way for you.

    Sad about the man who died though...

  5. I will say it again, just to be encouraging...two men in my very tiny town had double lung transplants a few years ago and are doing GREAT!!! Thinking good thoughts for you both!

  6. Scary indeed - it's all in God's hands.

  7. An intense day for sure. I'm glad you could get out and about and purchase thread. Very sad about the recipient who died.
    Praying. God bless you both.

  8. What Farm Buddy said...we already know two guys who had double lung transplants and three's the charm right? I know it's easier to think of all the scary stuff, but try to remember all the fun stuff you'll be able to do again after the transplant. Just hang in there and get through the hard part so you can move on and enjoy the rest.

  9. Many prayers coming your way, Connie & Far Guy. Take one day at a time and know that whatever will be is already "written in the book of life"... and worry or fretting won't change a thing. You guys got this!! XOXO Love, Andrea

  10. OH! MY GOSH! That is scary. Although, we know a lady who lives not far from us who had a double lung transplant (she is 75) and is doing very well.

  11. Praying for the two of you each and every day. Sometimes I wonder if it's good to know all of the facts beforehand as they are sometimes terrifying. I loved reading the comments here today though, of all of the people who are doing so well.
    Much love.

  12. I can only imagine the fears and hopes the two of you are experiencing. I'll be thinking of you and hoping that all goes well.

  13. I know it has to be stressful right now...and is hard to take it as it comes, but in the end God is in control. I think a bunch of us are praying for you.

  14. You are learning a lot and that's good. You don't want to go into something like this without knowing as much as possible about it. It must be exhausting both physically and mentally. I'm keeping you both in my prayers. Good luck with that yarn!

  15. It's a stressful time for everybody.

  16. Thinking of you - but I'm not one to advise on surgery!

  17. Scary indeed but when it works it can be amazing, take it one day at a time

  18. You're going through some grueling days there...and so many people to meet and hear from concerning the lung transplant. Yes it is scary but it seems some of the most important things in life are. Pray for continued guidance and head in that direction. Big prayers coming to you from this little corner of the world!

  19. After reading the comments above there's nothing more I can add. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Nice that you got new yarn.

  20. It is so scary. It helps to have thoughts and prayers on your side, and you sure do have plenty of that. Sending mine along as well.

  21. This whole deal is scary. Hope all goes well.

  22. Prayers for you both as you make this huge decision but's never too late to back out.


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