Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wistful Wednesday : Chance

We were very fortunate to have a wonderful dog in our lives for a good long time.  Yet it never seems long enough.

Chance #4 Dec 26 2004

Dec 26 2004 shortly afer we brought him home with us after he chose Far Guy.

Chance and Gene (2)

He brought much joy into our lives everyday. He was singing for Far Guy!

I could play ball all night!  November 14 2013 (2)

He loved balls…especially the pink ones…and blue ones…fact is if it was a ball that was thrown he probably loved it. He would play ball outside or in the house…he didn’t care just as long as you threw it!


He was a loyal friend who would share everything…yes even his beloved balls, toys and his food and water dish with Miney and Little Elvis.  He loved it when they visited!

Chance and his pal 2013

Most of all he was Far Guy’s faithful companion.

He liked me well enough but he had a special bond with Far Guy. I think it was a “guy” thing.

2009 (2)

He tolerated me and my camera.  I think I must have thousands of photos of him.  Here you can see his big heart on his shoulder…he was loved by so many people!

Chance as good looking as ever 2012

Saying goodbye was hard…  we are incredibly sad, our hearts are broken.

connie blog headers-p0095

Blog Signature


  1. So sad. My thoughts are with you as you and so many mourn the passing of a treasured family member.

  2. We are never ready because they get in our hearts and we just don't want to let them go. Thinking of you and Far Guy

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. Chance was truly the handsomest border collie I have ever known. My heart aches for you and Far Guy. You both are in my thoughts and prayers. R.I.P. Chance.

  4. My heart is breaking for you and Far Guy at the loss of Chance. I so loved it when you share pictures of him and his view of your outings.

  5. My heart hurts for you, loved this dog

  6. I am so very sorry. My heart breaks for you guys. Chance was loved by all of your blog friends, as well. xo

  7. :( I am so sorry. Chance was such an important part of your life.

  8. Oh, I was afraid of this coming. I am heartbroken, Connie. Thank you for sharing this wonderful furry friend with me for so many years. He was a good friend to me, even though I only knew him through pictures. :-(

    1. He was a wonderful friend we were so fortunate to know him!

  9. Oh no. I dreaded this day. Thank you for sharing him with us. Sending virtual hugs.

    1. Thank you yes these last few days have been really hard

  10. I think I am crying more for your dog than any of ours! Chance had the best personality and could relate the events of your lives even better than you some days!!!
    So very very very sorry to hear this but knew it was getting soon for him to take the bridge to the other side. That doesn't make it easier though. Crazy animals have a way of making us love them so much and their love for us is unconditional. Praying for your broken hearts and the absence you will feel each day. It's been two years since our last dog and still some days I expect her to be waiting at the door for us when we return home.

  11. so sad to hear about Chance. He was a wonderful dog and a great companion to all of us who read your blog. Thank you for sharing with us the photos in today's blog. Chance was one in a million. You and Far Guy were the lucky ones.
    God Bless

  12. Oh my - so sad to see that Chance has passed. We love our furry family so much. Thank you for sharing him with your readers over the years.

    1. Thank you, it has been my pleasure to share him...he had enough love to go around:)

  13. I so sorry to hear this. We have lost three "blogger" Border Collies over the past few months; Chance, D'Arcy, and my Scout. However all three of these dogs had the very best lives, and I know we will never ever forget them. Thanks for letting us know about Chance. I will be thinking of all of you.

    1. Thank you farm buddy I know you understand, they did have great lives!!!

  14. My thoughts are with you and Far Guy during this difficult time. Chance always brightened my days when you posted photos of him and I will miss his posts. Sending you both a big hug as you mourn the loss of your great friend.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about Chance. I always loved your photos and updates about him. Having lost my border collie Bear two years I know all too well the pain of losing a beloved furry family member.

  16. I'm so sorry to hear you lost Chance. I know how hard it is to lose a furry family member.

  17. So sorry for your loss! Just leaves a huge hole in our hearts when they go. Sending sympathy and Be sure to treat yourself very carefully with good food and plenty of rest.

  18. ‘‘Tis a certainty that Chance won the lottery when he got the two of you for his humans. He lived the best life among his many friends. Life just doesn’t seem right when our beloved animal companions have to head on down the road without us. Hopefully hearts full of joyful memories will fill the vacancy he’s left in your lives. So sorry for your loss.

  19. I know you were gradually preparing for Chance's departure, but it's still heart-breaking. I'm sorry he had to leave you.

  20. The news we were all dreading has come. Many of us are sharing your tears this morning. Missing him will be hard for you for a long time. Peace be with you.
    Goodbye, Chance. You were well loved.

  21. Oh, Connie, I am so sad for you both.

    1. Thank you! I know many of you have loved him for a long time.

  22. The very best of good buddies. Tears and hugs. Love Joy

  23. Tears welling as I type this. A wonderful dog, he was lucky to have you, and you him. Loved reading of his adventures. Such a terrible decision to have to make, so very sorry for you, lots of hugs winging your way this morning.

    1. Thanks for the hugs Karen, he had a good life...just not long enough for his greedy humans.

  24. I am so very sorry. A dog's only fault is that they do not live long enough. I guess we all knew this was coming and yet it is still a shock. I am glad for you that you had such a good friend and very glad for Chance that he had such a wonderful life with you. He will be missed.

  25. Replies
    1. I know least he waited a few days past my birthday:(

  26. I am so very sorry for your loss. It saddens me to hear of his passing. I have so enjoyed the stories Chance would give to all of us. He was truly a unique pooch. It is so hard to say goodbye to our pups. Please know that I am hugging you and shedding tears for you. Take care!

  27. Very sorry to hear that you lost Chance. He will be missed in your house and life. I will miss chances odd blog post.

    1. Thank you Red many people will miss him. He will miss the snow this year, he always loved the first snow:)

    2. Dogs look so excited when they can pick up mouthfuls of snow.

  28. Oh, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Chance. Our furry friends hold such a huge part of our hearts and they leave a very large hole when they cross over the Rainbow Bridge.

  29. Awwwww dang..... I'm all choked up... he was a good dog and a true loyal faithful border collie as well as being the handsomest. I hope the hole in your hearts is filled and appeased with the many wonderful memories of him.

    1. Thank you Shirley, we are choked up too. In a few days we may be able to remember the good times better.

  30. Oh my goodness, when I saw this post I didn't want to read it. I am so very sorry. I know this is the most difficult thing for you, Far Guy and your family as well. I wish I could hug you both. Chance was the most loved and well taken care of boy. You gave him a wonderful life and he will live on in your hearts. He was also loved by many people around the world because of your blog. I loved and enjoyed him through your blog. Prayers and love for you, Far Guy and Chance.


  31. What a lovely tribute to your beautiful and loyal friend! The only downside with our pets is that they don't live long enough. I know your hearts are broken, but after a while, you will look back on all the good times with Chance and smile.

  32. I'm so sorry to hear this news, inevitable as it was. Chance will be missed so very much. He was truly a lovely dog.

  33. I knew this day was coming but I still don’t like it. I am so sorry and so sad for you both. It has been a couple of years now since we lost our white dog. We miss him less than we did but we do remember and share the joys of having had him. Chance was like family for all of us and we all hurt a lot right now.

    1. Thank you Larry, pat Barney for me and give him an extra treat!

  34. I am so very sorry! Losing a pet is as hard as losing a human loved one!!

    1. Thank you Paula, it might be harder at least people can communicate their wishes and what would make them feel better.

  35. So sorry that Chance is gone, and I will miss seeing him on the blog even though I never got to meet him! It will all take time for the pain to go away! Sharon

    1. Thank you Sharon. Time will help...he was such a good dog that he must require a good amount of mourning.

  36. I am so sorry for you guys. Luckily good times are kept in our hearts to help them heal a bit. I just can't say how very sorry I am. Hugs to you both.

  37. Such sad news, such lovely photos, Chance was such a handsome dog

    1. Thank you, yes we thought he was incredibly handsome!

  38. Didn't want to read up and walked away from the computer for a while...was welling up regardless...sat back down to hear the sad news. Can't talk. Tears for Chance. Tears for Miss Karma, too. He will be missed. An understatement. *love and hugs*

    1. Thank you Rita...your heart is still mostly broken for Karma. Thanks for the hugs!

  39. So sorry. Hugs to all of Chance's best buddies. Dog lovers around here say their dogs have gone over the rainbow bridge. He will always be loved.

    1. I have a whole pile of dogs and cats at that bridge and cannot wait to meet them again someday! Thank you Pauline for your kindness.

  40. I am soo sorry for your loss . We will all miss him , I cried and to had to take a minuet to collect myself to get through reading this post as my heart sank . He will always be in your hearts and memories and ours to.

  41. So very sorry to hear of Chance's passing. I did not want to read this post but knew it was coming. He will be sorely missed. Dogs are wonderful creatures.

    1. Thank you Kathy, we knew it was coming too but it is still hard.

  42. I will really miss hearing about him and his pals!

    1. I will miss writing about him. Thank you for you comment

  43. My heart sank when I started reading because I could see where it was going. We tell ourselves the dog had a long, good life and it’s for the better. But that doesn’t stop my daughter and me from tearing up whenever our Aussie comes up in conversation, 10 years after her death. We console ourselves with the thought that we’ll see her again because all dogs go to heaven. That may be a cliche but I firmly believe it.

    1. Thanks Denny, I believe they are someplace special too...what would heaven be without our best friends.

  44. diane in northern wisSeptember 26, 2018 at 8:53 PM

    Oh gosh....I have been thinking about your sweet Chance for the past few weeks and worrying about how sick he was. I am so so sorry to hear about his passing on. What a beautiful and sweet dog he was. I know the heartache of losing a beloved pet and my heart aches with you guys, even though I only knew him from your blog. It's the hardest thing about having a pet that you grow to love so very much. Please accept my sincere condolences in your loss. 14 years might seem good for a big dog...but it's never long enough. Peace to you both.

    1. Thank you Diane He was a sweet guy and missed so very much.

  45. So sad - I am sad right along with you (love all those old dogs)- they are our companions and family members! I remember what you told us when we were saying goodbye to our old pups, they just know when and how to tell you it is time. Great memories!!

    1. Thanks Leah, He was a big part of us...we three were a team. He told us when it was time to go and we didn't want him to suffer any longer.

  46. Everyday is was a blessing. I was honored to have Chance as my little brother... although we clearly had different parents... what a great example of two people loving their dog as unconditional as he loved you both. Miney and Elvis will miss him, but the cat not so much, so if you want to have an animal that will live forever you can have the cat. :) Hugs and much love, a few sad days, but almost 15 years of happiness! I'm pretty sure Chance would agree you both were the best! One day, half day, hours, and minutes. Our love does not stop at loss. My heart aches for you both and all people who are better because we had Chance in our lives.

    1. Thank you Jen, He loved you too. He was a good little brother and I know you loved him as much as we do.

  47. Oh Far Side, we are so saddened to hear this! We will keep you in our prayers. Chance was so loved and will be missed terribly.

    Much love,
    The family of Emma Rose

  48. Oh dear. Somehow I got behind in reading and I didn't realize. He seemed like such a beautiful, good, fun loving boy. I know you are missing him. I am sending huge hugs to you and Far Guy. I'm sorry I'm so late in this condolence. Maybe Chance can come back to visit the blog once in awhile...after all you have those thousands of photos...

  49. Oh, Far Side, I am speechless. I guess I figured somehow, he would pull through. I don't know how I missed this...saw your posts about your aunt, but not until today's (Saturday's) post did I see you mention Chance. My heart is breaking for you. He was such an exceptional companion...even for you, the one he "tolerated." :(


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie