Tuesday, September 11, 2018



I remember 17 years ago holding a small baby close and crying.  I was at Jen and Andy’s home helping out with the new baby. ( Adam was just 8 days old) Later that day I ventured home to Far Guy stopping only once for gas, a fellow at the gas station said “Max out your credit cards while you can.” What a idiot…I am not sure what he was thinking. I felt safer when I returned home…we live in the boonies…who wants to crash a plane into the boonies. 

Last week I saw a First Responder talking about how they are suffering with cancer…there are more victims that day than we knew.

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  1. :( It was a very sad day and continues to do harm.

  2. It was a sad day and one I hope America will never forget. Sure hope we will continue to take care of those people who got cancer because of the dust and debris.

  3. I was at work and watched the towers collapse on TV. We then were sent home and I can still remember the first time I saw the entire horror in color. It's burned into my brain. The world changed that day, and not for the better. :-(

  4. A day I'll never forget. I live in Canada, but every September I put out my U.S. garden flag.

  5. I imagine that most Americans can say exactly where they were at that moment. I was in a staff meeting at the high school I was teaching at. It was difficult that day for the adults to hold down the panic and keeping the kids calm. Not much actual teaching happened.

  6. Like Sara, I was at school that day trying to keep students and myself calm. I remember walking outside at lunch and realizing how eerily quiet it was and how clear the skies were without jet contrails.

  7. I was at work. An employee came into my office stating her daughter was on the phone and a plane had struck a building in NYC. We both thought it was some small plane, pilot error, suicide something. Then the daughter who was still on the phone started screaming that a second plane had hit the other tower. We told her it was probably a rerun of the original plane...but she was right. We were all disbelieving.

  8. I was at work. I’ll never forget. I ran home and brought a small TV back so we could keep track of the news while we worked. I have never forgotten and never will. A lot of innocence was destroyed that day.
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. Yes, this is one of those days we will always remember where we were and what we were doing when it happened. It changed our world and I pray nothing like it ever happens again.

  10. A sad day in many ways... Our government failed it's primary reason for existence big time.

  11. There will soon be more deaths from the aftermath than there were from the towers coming down. The hurt goes on, and in so many ways. I just hope we can soon get to the point where we can commemorate without hate, and stop fighting the wars that began because of that day that have killed so many more in lands not our own.

  12. I am so glad to hear that Chance is hanging in there. Good dog!!

  13. Evidently that 'dust' was lethal. I was at the farm and changing the sheets on my bed when my son called and told me to turn on the t.v.....I did and I think it was on for the next month...watching with my mouth open, not believing this could happen "in the land of the free and the home of the brave"...so terrible.

  14. I was driving my old van to work and heard about it on the radio. Watched the second tower being hit live and then tried to explain to others during the noon meal. They couldn’t believe that passengers were on those planes.


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