Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Last Aunt

It rained most of the day yesterday…and it wasn’t very warm either.

It kinda matched our mood.  Into every life a little rain must fall.  We stopped and picked out funeral flowers…yellow and light orange roses.  We attended the Funeral Home Visitation for Far Guy’s last Aunt….our flowers were there along with many others.  She loved flowers all of her life…and has many beautiful bouquets to mark her passing on. In her younger years her gardens were a sight to behold. 

I have heard that saying “If you love me bring me flowers when I am alive instead of when I am dead.”  I think she would have replied…I will take flowers when ever I get them!

Far Guy still has one uncle that is living on his Dad’s side of the family. He is now the “older generation” on his Mom’s side of the family.

Aunt Louise has struggled with health issues all summer…she has been in the Nursing Home since spring….now it is fall and she has died. She was 88 years old. We had a good visit with her in mid summer…her laugh was distinctive…we talked about her much loved husband who died in 2012 and her children.  She and her husband had seven children…one is Alaska Guy who is the same age as Far Guy.  He has been here most of the summer caring for his Mom. Sharon was here earlier in the summer…I missed seeing her…she and I were just a year apart in age and spent many childhood days together.

Rest In Peace Aunt Louise.

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.


Willard and Louise Abbott jpg

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  1. So sorry for your loss. Give Far Guy my deepest sympathy.

  2. She looks like she liked flowers enough to wear them, too. Nice picture, and I too hope she rests in peace.

  3. I am sorry. As I lose my Aunts I feel like a lose so much family history. Sounds as though she was a wonderful woman.

  4. Deepest sympathy to Louise's family and extended family.

  5. I'm so sorry. These days 88 is not so very old, but each person has their time I guess. We lost the last aunt on my husband's side this year too. In fact it's her birthday today, she'd be 103. I hadn't thought about it being the last aunt, husband had so many of them, five all told. I always called them collectively 'the aunts.' Now I imagine them all together again and there's a heck of a party up there. I hope your Aunt is celebrating with family and friends too, especially her dear husband.

  6. My condolences. I have one remaining aunt on each side of my family, both around 90 and one of them in poor health. And yes - I've become part of the older generation too.

  7. My condolences, Connie! I think I'm right up there with your Aunt...Bring me flowers ANYTIME!

    My Brother and I and one cousin are all that is left in our family. Sorta sad really.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful lady who lived a full life. What a special thing to be remembered for your laugh and your flowers!

    I have one aunt and uncle left. The uncle's health is failing and the aunt is rapidly losing her memory. My mom is still doing okay and almost 90. Won't be too long and I will be the oldest of the generation to follow. That's a sobering thought...that I hadn't focused on till right now. Whew!

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. 88 isn’t so old in my mind. My siblings and I are the oldest generation in my family now. We lost our last aunt last winter. It feels strange to not have anyone older than ourselves to relive memories with. Many blessings,

  10. I'm sorry for your family's loss. She sounds like a wonderful lady and it is kind for you to share your memories of her.

  11. Our condolences, it is sad to see them go (all of the knowledge and history). She was a neat lady - we enjoyed the time she spent with our first child as Grandma while we worked. Interesting enough she also babysat for my son-in-laws family too. :)

  12. I'm sorry for your loss. I also noticed that aunt Louise was wearing a floral print dress.
    I have one aunt left, she is 93. Her husband died last month but she's still in her house ( at least for now).

  13. Sorry for your loss. She looks like a joyful lady.

  14. I'm sorry for your loss. Strong people leave a mark on us as they are excellent mentors.

  15. When I was a child we had a lot of contact with 2 of dad's sisters but not so much now days they are both alive but we rarely see them. Sounds like Aunt Louise had a good life, I am so for your loss

  16. I have one uncle and aunt left. Tom's family has none. It is startling when you realize you are now the oldest generation. Peace be with you.

  17. She sounds like a neat lady with a good sense of humor, everyone's idea of a "favorite aunt."

  18. I hope your aunt's gardens and her distinctive laugh live on in your memory in her honor. My condolences to both of you--and all Far Guy's family. Such times are always hard to face up to. It's the memories that stay with us and bring back the sweetness that help.

  19. Thank you Connie for the nice tribute to Mom!She was indeed a very special person! She had strength and Courage for the many Operations and trials in her life and we all knew that she loved us.What more could you ask! They are both gone now but only for awhile when we will see them in Heaven. Sharon


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