Friday, August 11, 2017


I have been having some troubles with my arm, carpel tunnel problems.  I have been to physical therapy and was fitted for a night time brace.  It worked fine for many months and I was pain free.  Now the pain is back and not allowing me to sleep for very long at a time.  Brace or no brace it is still painful.   We thought perhaps I was wood carving too much, but after three days off it is no better…my fingers go numb and the pain goes all the way to my shoulder.  So I am off to physical therapy once again.  Bummer…the brace is a pain in the butt.  I have knocked myself in the head many times with it. ( It is hard plastic and is formed to the shape of my hand and arm so I cannot bend my wrist at all.)  I can also remove the brace in the middle of the night without waking up…it might be time to schedule the surgery.  Far Guy gives me a daily brace was on. it was off. you were sleeping with your arm in the air again. where was your brace? (Chance had it one night…it was on his back)

I have many projects that I am working on…I am painting some of the Christmas Ornaments, I have 12 more to carve from scratch and about 6 that just need to be sanded.  Three more afternoons and I could be done with the carving.

I have two new hobbies/projects that require two good arms.  I have ordered supplies for one and the other I have most everything. But that is hobby “stuff”…

I have “stuff” that I have been working on outside that needs to be done before the snow flies.  I just don’t have time to baby an arm.


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  1. Yep! :-( When we have things that we baby along and then they start to really impede us from doing the things that bring us joy... well... it's time to get something done. I'm on the cusp of that very thing with my knees. But I worry "What if I have the surgery and nothing changes... and my knees are the same or worse? After all that?" Ah well, we'll never know if we don't try, will we, Connie. It sounds like your life is very full & wonderful... don't let that wrist stand in your way of enjoying it. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Sounds like it is time to get something done. Babying it will only prolong the inevitable. I have some things I have prolonged and it is starting to impede my enjoying life - not worth it. Good luck with whatever you decide. I'll put you on my daily prayer list. Have a great weekend.

  3. Glad to know you are going to see the PT doc and find out if anything can be done about the wrist without surgery. I sure wish you had access to the marijuana creams I use here in Washington state. They work great for my aches and pains, although it's not a permanent fix. You are way too busy to, as you said, baby an arm. :-)

  4. Have you tried acupuncture for some pain relief?

  5. Carpal tunnel syndrome is extremely annoying. They seem to be able to treat it as you mentioned surgery.

  6. Sorry to hear about your painful arm. That certainly puts a crimp in the things you like to do. We have had such good success with PT (not for carpal tunnel though) and I hope you to, too. It's amazing what they can do. They actually moved my knee cap from the side of my knee back to where to belongs, without surgery. Terribly painful but it was worth it.

  7. Gosh, Connie! I'm so sorry. Do you think surgery is in the picture? We have had good luck with marijuana creams for Terry's bad neck, maybe they would help you.

  8. This getting old is a pain, literally. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  9. Oh, Connie, I'm so sorry as I know it makes me mad when I have things to do and pain gets in the way. We have much to do! I remember when I first got the RA and couldn't even open a door or brush my hair and I thought to myself..."why couldn't this happen to a couch potato? I have too much to do!"...not very Christian, I know, but the thing is 'couch potatoes' don't stress their limbs or anything else so therefore they don't get these things. It's the 'worker bees' that get injured! LOL! I hope PT helps and has an answer so that you can continue with your carving and your other 'hobby stuff'. Meanwhile maybe you could keep busy with crossword puzzles or games? Things that don't tax that arm. I'm praying and rooting for you! can't keep a good woman down.....not for long anyway!

  10. Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your arm. It must really put a damper on the many things you want to do. I hope therapy will help.

  11. Yep, arms are very important!! ;-) I noticed that my right wrists bothers me now, ever since I was gifted the laptop and am using the track pad. At first I used the mouse that came with it, but now not so much, although I go back to it when the wrist gets too annoying. When I fell off the bike the other day and used the heels of my hands to break my fall, I did think after, thank goodness I did not break a wrist. Hope you find a good solution for your issue.

  12. Maybe winter would be a better time to have it done--after the holidays. If you can wait that long. Really sucks to have things pop up that ruin your project plans, isn't it? Just sucks! But you'll get through it all. hugs! :)

  13. Hope you find a solution other than surgery! Although non-stop pain has a way of convincing us that going under the knife doesn't sound so bad, after all =/

    Wonder how Chance felt about ending up with your brace on his back?

    Beautiful daylily photo, by the way. Love the colors. Must be one of those fancy hybrids.

  14. I keep messing up a left arm thing. I get things healed up a little and then I put new trim boards on one section of the old house. I hope you can get some relief from the pain.

  15. So very sorry about your wrist pain/numbness. I know folks who have done well after the surgery. I pray that the Dr. will have wisdom in knowing how best to help you.

  16. I haven't been keeping up with blogging. Sorry to hear about your wrist. I had wrist surgery a few years ago. Not Carpel tunnel but similar symptoms in many ways. Had surgery... painful afterward for a while but now as the toddlers say, "All better". I tried other solutions first but none worked long. Hope you find your solution soon. Wrists are used in so many ways that we don't realize until one starts hurting.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie