Sunday, August 20, 2017

Plink, Plink

This year we have some Acorns! Not as many as some years.  The plink plink sound as they fall off the trees and onto the steel roofs is good to hear.  Last year we had no acorns.

We sat outside and woodcarved for awhile yesterday, it was about 78F and a nice breeze was blowing.  Our Christmas Ornament project is moving right along.  37 are completely done and many more await painting.  We have about 7 left to carve. ( I think the total is 99 ornaments)

It seemed like a very “loud” day with traffic noises and people leaving the lake…and one  “summer teenager” on some kind of loud dirt bike.  When it was quiet we could hear the plink plink of the acorns reminding us to enjoy every bit of these last Summer days as Fall is coming on fast.


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  1. You will have fat and happy squirrels this winter. And probably a big crop of babies in February.
    That's a lot of carvings you've done. Can't wait to see what you have done this year!

  2. It does feel like summer is fading away, doesn't it? I get to hear a plop now and then when a neighbor's black walnuts drop to his garage and then roll to the ground. We have a regular group of black squirrels in the neighborhood that are enjoying the plops too. Happpy Sunday!

  3. Summer is slowly coming to an end. Here the squirrels are dropping spruce cones and some land on my roof with a good plunk!

  4. Yes, I can feel and smell Fall on the morning and evening air - it's coming.

  5. Boy I would love to have some of your acorn caps!!! Ours are either small and plain or larger than plain. I have not had any luck finding burr oak caps or any others like yours! BTW our acorns do not fall "plink" they are LOUD and I have already started finding them in all the cracks of the cars!! You know, under the hood or in the door wells!

  6. I'm so glad to hear that you have acorns this year. And I am going to enter your contest this year and hope that I might get one of those ornaments. To have the acorns fall already reminds me that summer is almost over! :-)

  7. It's hard to believe it will soon be Fall, although it is still hot here in Missouri. All the kids have already gone back to school here and that makes it feel like Fall to me even with the heat. It is so much fun following you each year through your Christmas Ornament projects! You and Far Guy are so good at keeping up with all the carving and painting of so many ornaments each year. I'm afraid I am too much of a procrastinator to get very far with such a large project! I can't wait to see what your design is this year! You are both extremely talented!

  8. It is coming fast...I so dread that other season...of which I won't name lest summer hurries by.

  9. We have another month of summer here. Hopefully we will have some rain in that month.
    There is just something special about acorns.

  10. You always miss something when it suddenly isn't there. So glad you have acorns this year! Can hardly wait to see these ornaments for this year. :)

  11. Hard to believe summer is almost over. Where did the time go?! Glad you got to enjoy some productive time outdoors--along with the sound of those acorns dropping!

  12. We sat outside Sunday afternoon until we just go too warm. Our north church parking lot has a large majestic old tree that dumps so many acorns onto the cars. I am glad they did not cut it down.


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