Thursday, May 8, 2014

CCC Camp Lake Itasca

We have some Memorabilia from the Lake Itasca Camp.

Feb 10 1936 (2)

February 10 1936.  It was –52 F or –47C

Lake Itasca Patch

This is a patch from Lake Itasca CCC the 3701 st

There are two companies called 3701.  One is inside the park with Co. 1785 and one is just outside the park with Co. 1764.


We think that Far Guy’s Dad Marvin was at Co. 3701 Co. 1764 just outside the park in 1936.  The other CCC Camp was established in 1938.

So off we went to locate the old camp.  We took a gravel road and spotted some fellows planting trees.   We asked if they knew where the old CCC Camp was?  One said “We only come up once in awhile so where that camp is would just be a guess on my part…BUT go talk to Dorothy my aunt, tell her Lyle sent you.”

Dorothy lives at the old CCC Camp 3701 Just North of Hwy 200 We had a lovely visit with Dorothy. She was Minnesota Nice!!  It turns out that she moved to this farm in 1940.  The CCC Camp was gone, only the foundations remained.  The Camp was right on her farm.  She reminisced about how her children loved to play fort and look for relics over in the pasture.  One time they were certain they found some Indian Burial Grounds because of the bones they found…turned out they were beef bones buried near where the Cook Shack was.  Dorothy has lived there for a a gazillion years according to her nephew is really only 74 years.  Her husband died two years ago.  When I asked if I could take her picture she said “Sure but your camera will probably break.”

CCC Camp 3701 North of Hwy 200

Out in the pasture where that Oak Tree is was where the old CCC Camp Company 3701 and Company 1764 were.  This old camp is right along Highway 200 on the North Side of the road…at Dorothy’s place.

So this part of our adventure is complete.  We still need to measure the mileage for the other CCC Camp down on the Hanna Ore Road and take some photos before all the leaves come on. 

We have shared the Lake Itasca Old Photo and the Patch with a fellow who is writing a book about Itasca State Park, the book is due out this spring.   I helped him gather info for his research last summer.

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  1. I love those wonderful old memories! Dorothy looks like such a nice lady!

  2. Hurray, you are finding memorabilia. So glad you were able to connect with Dorothy. She seems like such a lovely lady. Good job!

  3. My first name is Dorothy (that's where the D in DJan comes from). She's a sassy looking lady! Glad you finally found out the location. :-)

  4. Oh my goodness- the history! We had a CCC camp somewhere around these parts, but I don't know exactly where it was located. I have viewed the Camp newspapers on microfilm at the library- so interesting. What a sweet lady you found- you probably made her day too!

  5. Having traveled much of this country, and spent extended time in many areas, I have to say that Minnesota Nice is very nice!

  6. I love Minnesota, great neighbor to us here in Manitoba. Sweet Dorothy, lovely lady, Blessings Francine.

  7. When they had the camps here in Arkansas they planted cotton wood trees every where.

  8. Glad you were able to talk to Dorothy and her interesting info on the camp!

  9. It is nice to get to see the location and even foundations of what was. We walked my father in laws farm yesterday and I asked questions about all the foundations and what the buildings use to be. The lady does look Minnesota friendly. If they don't look that way, I stay away.

  10. This is important work you are doing. This information needs to be recorded before it vanishes.

  11. Dorothy sounds like a charming lady!

  12. Dorothy sounds like quite a character.
    We visited and old CCC Camp in Idaho last summer. They have a little museum here, which was very interesting

  13. You gained a lot of satisfaction with the success of your search.

  14. And they surely built that beautiful lodge there, I suspect....

  15. She sure didn't break the camera, what a lovely smile! I bet you had a lovely chat with her!

  16. Oh, wow, does that mean your name will be in print on the "Thank You" page? Let us know when the book comes out :)

  17. What a fun search you have had, meeting interesting people and driving the country roads and going back in time a bit.

  18. I have thoroughly enjoyed this whole series and your search...thank you very much for it.


  19. You found it--and Dorothy was the bonus treat! ;)

  20. It is all so interesting...I love it! Especially the old pictures. -52 F???? Oh boy....that's cold!


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