Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day!

Happy May Day!  I will be delivering my baskets after school today. Stay tuned tomorrow for photos!

Here is the update on my April projects.

April List of Projects:

Finish Jen’s afghan. Done and here is a photo.  It goes perfectly in her porch!

Afghan finished

Photograph a Robin in my yard!  

The robin

Spring clean the furnace/laundry room. Yeah!  I am done with this one!

Clean up some old sleigh bells for a project. I  didn’t get around to this one.  I will put it on the May list.

Contact one old friend through the mail.  I wrote a letter to one of my old babysitters/neighbor gal.  I have not heard back.

I did get some things done that were not on the list.

We have been trying to wood carve everyday.  We have 17 Christmas Ornaments totally done and in their boxes awaiting Christmas.  It is a big project.

May will be a busy month.  Trica our oldest daughter graduates she is now a Nurse Practitioner..or will be after she takes the State Boards.  Our oldest Granddaughter Savannah will graduate from High School.  Chance goes to the groomer and to the Vet for his annual visit.  I am getting ready for a garage sale.

My May List:

Clean garage

Vacuum cars and wash windows

Sleigh Bells

Spring clean some kitchen cupboards…probably not all of them.

Trim some grass around some old grave markers.

Visit some graves that I have not been to in a few years.

That should about do it. 

The ice is off of the Millpond at Osage but I am not sure if the ice is off on the big lake yet. (Straight Lake) 

The ice is off on Fishhook Lake.

Fishhook Lake

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  1. Looks and sounds like May will be busy for you . Glad spring has finally sprung there for you . Lovely photos , Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  2. Happy May Day to you. The afghan is very pretty. Glad you finally saw a robin.

  3. You are one busy lady! I am not a list maker, which might explain why things meant for April get done in July. :-)

  4. Happy May Fay, wow, you are going to be a busy gal, good luck, Blessings Francine.

  5. I'm happy to hear the positive ice report!

  6. Happy May Day to you! Love the afghan and it does look nice on her porch. I really like her porch too....very cozy. I'm going to start doing recaps like that per month and list goals for the month ahead. Maybe that will help me get more done. Yesterday I wrote a "crabby" blog first one, I think. But today the sun is shining and it is the first day of a beautiful month to come...I hope! Your lists inspire me...thanks, I needed that! Congrats to your daughter and grand daughter too!

  7. Congratulations for crossing a lot of projects off of your list and Kudos to the graduates!

  8. I'm doing about the, catching up and this morning it's washing windows and getting the deck ready for coffee in the summer ;) Congrats to Trica....that's no small feat!

  9. You tend to get things done when you have a plan. It must feel pretty good to be able to check all this stuff off.

  10. I LOVE your carvings. Imiss seeing them. Your gift blanket is lovely

  11. One thing about it you will have all your house stuff done and be ready and willing for the yard stuff. It's hard to have both pulling at you. We are still cold here also. Ice on running water is cold.


  12. I believe in pacing myself when it comes to cleaning. I like your plan to clean "some" of the kitchen cupboards.

  13. Having the ice off on some of the lakes should help warm up the state. A giant ice cube for so long, it does take time to get rid of it. The afghan has great colors in it. Good job.

  14. I think you're the only person I know who does May baskets. :)
    I think I need to make a May list. ;)


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