Saturday, May 17, 2014

First Wildflowers

Last night we saw the first wildflowers to bloom in our area.

Marsh Marigold May 16 2014 also called Cowslips  Caltha palustris

Cowslips or Marsh Marigolds or Caltha palustris.  They are heavy in bud and if it ever warms up they should be full of blooms.  These are down on Ashley’s road at the creek.

Higher up we found some Prairie Buttercups.

Ranunculus rhomboideus (Prairie Buttercup) May 16 Ashleyys road

Ranunculus rhomboideus pretty little tiny things that seem to be blooming right out of the grass.

It is encouraging to see some wildflowers blooming, even though we have had downright freezing weather at night.

I heard that the bears are out of hibernation and hungry.  One made a visit about 6 miles south of us and destroyed bird feeders.

It was a quiet week for us…keeping things low key so Far Guy could get better.  I worked in the kitchen cleaning cupboards and on rummage sale stuff and even managed some entries in the 1918 Farm Diary.  I have several other projects in the works…nothing is finished yet…of course.  We were even plumbers one day as the kitchen sink drain had a leak.  Such is life in the fast lane of retirement.

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  1. Lovely wildflowers . Yes the bears way up north here are out and about to . Sounds like you have been busy . Hope Far Guy is beginning to feel better ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  2. Yes, I think you passed me in that fast lane of retirement this week. Usually it's the other way around but you are hold back for Far Guy. :-)

  3. Enjoy every minute of your Fast Lane lifestyle!

  4. Sure glad that Far Guy felt well enough to go for a ride. The wild flowers are so lovely and what a treat to see them this time of year after all that cold and snow this winter. You both take good care of each other now and I know that Chance will take good care of both of you!

    Shirley H.

  5. I was just about to do a post on wildflowers:) Nice to see that you have some indications that the seasons are moving on. Summer is going to hit you with a bang any day now!
    You have reminded me that we have a leak in a bathroom sink drain. I've had a container underneath it that I sometimes neglect to empty in time:(

  6. I always enjoy your wildflower photos. Hope FG continues to improve. Wishing you a nice weekend.
    Moving day is Wed. (at last)

  7. The wildflowers are so beautiful! I am glad spring is finally finding you!

  8. It's surprising how many early hardy flowers there are.

  9. Glad to hear Far Side is getting better. Hope the bears stay away from you!
    Have a blessed Sunday. ♥

  10. Yes! That 1918 farm diary...bit by bit. What an interesting picture of the way things were!

    Hope Far Guy is getting better. With the weather brightening up, who wants to be sick?!?!

  11. Buttercups were fun flowers to play with when we were kids. Retirement Fast Lane Life is wonderful - - - flexible with lots of choices - - - as long as we have healthy days. It's a long deserved vacation. And the projects - - - get to them when we want!

  12. Durn pretty flowers in that fast lane! ;)

  13. Durn pretty flowers in that fast lane! ;)

  14. I can't imagine being able to keep up if I was still working. The energy of my youth is gone and I can barely keep up with anything. I just keep plugging along but I never catch up. I'm hoping to have the house in order by the time I die. Lord, if you're listening....I need lots more time.


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