Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tamarac Wildlife Refuge

We went for a drive yesterday through Tamarac Wildlife Refuge.  It is not far from our home and if you aren’t in a hurry you can meander through it on the way to Detroit Lakes.  The road we travel is mostly gravel.

There are a few signs of spring there.

Mallards at Tamarac

A pair of Mallard Ducks

Eagles at Tamarac

Eagles soaring


Finally at this wetland we heard the Spring Peepers.  I know spring is here now, they have awakened from their muddy entombment….and they are real happy about it!

Swan at Tamarac

Trumpeter Swan, they have paired off now and will nest soon if they haven’t already.

Yellow Rumped Warbler Maybe

I think this might be a Yellow Rumped Warbler of some sort. We sat watching them flit around at the edge of one of the ponds.  Chance watched too.  Interesting little bird but they don’t stay in one place very long so this was my lucky shot of the day.

We saw our first Loons of the year over at Tamarac Lake.

First Loons of the year

There is a pair … they were a long ways off…usually we see them before we hear them and should have heard them down on Straight Lake by now… perhaps they are down at the other end of the lake or the wind has been blowing like a banshee, so we have not heard them yet.

They must have done a prescribed burn recently around one of the wetlands on the refuge.  Usually we don’t see burned areas in the refuge.  We also noted that the North Country Trail System has a real nice hiking/cross country ski trail along Pine Lake now.  Far Guy said “One day we will give it a whirl.”

Our weather was about 50F or 10C eh.  It was a nice day!  Lows at night are about 35F or 1C eh.

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  1. Does sound like spring has arrived in your area. I haven't seen a yellow-rump yet but I know they are around. Have you ever heard them called Butter-butts?

  2. Thanks for taking us along on your drive through the refuge.

  3. That burn might have been done to improve the habitat for golden-winged warblers. Can't wait to get back. I'm taking today off from driving because the wind is whipping around already at 8:00. That usually means it's just going to get worse. :(

  4. Loved seeing the birds - nice shots! It must be a relief to finally see some signs of weather changing for the better!

  5. Somehow I've missed this refuge and always thought it was in the far Northwest. It's now on my bucket list....:). The non techy birders called them "butter butts." Well yellow rump works to.

  6. Such a wonderful thing to see and hear spring in your neck of the woods. I went on line to listen to what "spring peepers" sound like, I I think we have them too. At first I thought they were crickets, but now I'm thinking they are peepers. We only hear them in the springtime. :-)

  7. Thanks for letting me tag along, beautiful place. I love the swans, lucky to see them, Francine.

  8. Birds are so active in April as the choose mates and also in May. Lots of fluttering activity in our yard and I so enjoy this time of the year.

  9. That little warbler is a great "lucky shot". Am I to understand that "peeps" are frogs? I love your nature posts.

  10. I am glad Spring has made it to your part of the world.
    Love your nature post.

  11. Warblers are so tough to catch with your camera. Great shot!
    I want to hear the frogs at our local pond before their music is over ….I love that sound. Thanks for the reminder

  12. yes..I think spring is finally here..We have seen a few birds but then living in town you don't see as much..Your pictures are awesome

  13. This is a great way to watch spring happen. Slowly birds return and nest. Other birds just pass through. You saw some great stuff. Who wouldn't want to see a swan?

  14. I would love to go along on one of your drives and see all the wildlife. That's the kind of thing Poppy and I enjoy.Your May baskets were so pretty! And way back, the black and white picture of you on May the snow! In May! I love the picture, but that is so funny. You have certainly had your share of snow! (I replied to your comment on my last post) Thanks!

  15. Wonderful photos. I would love to visit that place!

  16. So many nice birds enjoying spring and the un-frozen water. What a nice drive.

  17. Love your photos and temperatures. Enjoy them all!

  18. It has now been a few years since I have gotten to the Tamarack ~ need to put that on my list to visit again :)

  19. What great places you have around you and so much nature!


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