Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bored with Brown? Try White

As soon as I complain about the state of brown we are in it turns cold and snows and makes our world white again.

The former muddy lane

Yesterdays muddy driveway is now white.  Oh well this will melt someday.

It snowed about 2 inches but it settled quickly.  The snow stick is at 11 inches and holding.

We waited for the main highway to clear off before heading to town to do errands.  Far Guy special ordered some saw blades and I had “stuff” to drop off all over town. 

Organizing and selling off “stuff” is going well.  I read an article recently about organizing during Lent it was called Forty Bags or some such thing…the whole idea being that if you took one bag of “stuff” out of the house every day at the end of forty days you would notice a difference.  I haven’t kept track of my bags…but by Easter I may notice a difference.

From the looks of the weather it looks like I have lots of time to while away before spring arrives for real.

The road home

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  1. Well, you can't win can you !! Like your label says - spring might come someday. Someday soon please I hear you say lol
    The winter charity I support has reopened and is canvassing - so I've started turning some of my stuff into other stuff that will leave the house sometime. I'm using loads of odd balls of wool and turning them into Josephs - childrens coats of many colours lol
    Take care

  2. uh.oh...more snow. We have been taking bags of donations to the mission. It feels good to declutter.

  3. I guess you are living in Minnesnowda. Sigh. I know spring is supposed to be here, I just know it. :-)

  4. Same here - snow Thurs, sun and bare roads by late Friday! more snow (6") this morning. Old Man Winter just doesn't want to leave!

  5. Snowing here this AM, too, but typically, March and April are the months we get the most snow and moisture.

  6. The volunteer coordinator at Tamarac has already scheduled me to lead some bird walks in May. I just hope I won't need snowshoes! ;)

  7. Morning, yuk, still cold with mountains of snow, Would like to see brown soon, Blessings Francine.

  8. Well for sure. Enough!!! I'm intrigued by the forty bags idea. Now if I could just persuade Mrs. Save Everything No Matter What..... My role modeling Craigs List has worked for me but hasn't caught on with the Better Half... Oh well.

  9. It looks like my blizzard got to you faster than I thought. You have an interesting way to get rid of treasures. I'll have to get religious and try it.

  10. No matter the weather, I love that you keep the projects going as you wrote about in your last post. The list with the progress in a contrasting color was fun. You are right about the forty day challenge. Do you follow Carol Z? She retired last year at age 62 from a high level job in NYC. She wrote about her progress with 40 on this post.

  11. I prefer brown , golds and a touch of green right now to white on white lol ! Hope you don't get any more snow . Ours is on melt thanks goodness and no signs of snow for us just rain . Love your header ! I donated a load of cloths that I bought years ago and never wore ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  12. I follow the news enough to know you got hit again, and it looks like the cold grip of winter will last a bit longer. Good for you for keeping busy, and for keeping us informed on your busyness.

  13. Yes, we must have been complaining about brown here, now it's all white again. Ugh.


  14. We even had wet snow in our forecast today, but thankfully it was nothing more than a few wet flakes mixed in with the rain.
    We too have been sorting through things and dropping things off at the thrift store. Unfortunately I can bring things in as fast as we are taking others out.

  15. Geez, that looks like the dead of winter. I need to start taking out bags of stuff. Maybe next week I'll start.

    ✿♥ღ Linda

  16. Oh boy, more snow! We are going through the same thing...just when you think spring is comes more snow!


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