Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tired and now retired

I gave my best effort to the Historical Museum over the past few years.

I am tired. I wish them all the best. 

My last official day is March 31.  I am relieved, I feel like the weight of the entire Museum has been lifted from my shoulders.

I struggled long and hard with my decision to retire. There were two projects near and dear to my heart that I had hoped to finish. In the end… Far Guy and Chance both voted yes and I agreed.

I gave my notice at a Board Meeting on Monday afternoon, short and sweet, I resign. The end. I was at the meeting about three minutes. ( I wanted to sing my resignation..but I was dignified.)

I let most of my volunteers know of my resignation by email so they wouldn’t have to hear it through the grape vine…or as gossip.  Small towns..rumors can go rampant!

IMG_0256 Now I will have some time to smell the rosesSmile

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  1. When it's time to quit, it's time to quit. You gave the museum some much needed pushes in the right directions.

  2. Happy retirement! Now to spend time doing the things you want to do.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. *hugs*

    Your efforts will be like a pebble thrown in a pond, they will ripple and touch places you will never suspect and might never know... but they will serve to bring about remembrance and renewed memory... and bring about understanding of how people came. lived and went - what they hoped and dreamed for and why things are what they are today - which in turns - helps shape what is to come. Nothing better could be asked of anyone.

  5. Congratulations on your retirement from the Museum. You sure gave that place your all and what you did for the Museum will show for many years to come. Now it is time to enjoy life. I am happy for you.

  6. I remember when you decided to go to work for the museum and how much you wanted to make a difference. I believe you have made a huge difference, and I'm glad you did it. But now I'm glad you're done. Sending you big cyber hugs, Connie. :-)

  7. I understand the relief. Congratulations!

  8. What a loss for the public in your County -but I do understand your need to retire from the job. I know that you will find plenty to do without that responsibility.

    Shirley H.

  9. Sounds like a great decision - and you can still volunteer now and then, if you want to, right?

  10. Good for you! I know you will enjoy having more time with family and friends and doing stuff at home. You gave the museum over 100% and it is a foundation for others to work on. Getting sick last year made a difference in energy, too. Like with my retirement, there was more than one factor that made it quite appealing. I am glad you and Far Guy - - and of course, Chance, will have time together to do whatever "suits your fancy" that day! Retirement is a gift you give yourself!!!

  11. Congratulations! Hope your retirement will be a good time for you! xox

  12. Congratulations on your retirement! I felt the same degree of relief the day that i officially retired from the AFB.

  13. How wise (and brave!) of you to know when to leave. Too often people stay too long, pressured by others' expectations or their own. I've been retired for almost three years and have now really hit my stride. I recommend it highly!

  14. Good for you Connie, you smell those pretty roses!!! Blessings Francine.

  15. While the decision was difficult, it was the right one. You did some wonderful things for the museum and set a standard for the new director. Thank you for serving your community at the museum for as long as you did. Best wishes.

  16. Yes, it is time to smell the William Baffin roses. Enjoy!!!!

  17. Good for you! Now, sit back and enjoy! I was always amazed at how much you accomplished. It's time to let someone else pick up the reins!

  18. I can understand how you feel, especially the relief you are feeling. A tough decision to make, but you made the right one for you. You were a wonderful employee for the museum, and set the bar very high for whoever steps in to take your place. It may be now that the museum board may realize what a good 'thing' they had. 'You don't know what you've got til it's gone....' Enjoy your freedom, and we'll enjoy it along with you. (Although I've got to say, I'm miss those b*tchy museum posts, ha ha!)

    1. Ugh, hate it when I publish a mistake:( Should be ' I'll miss.....')

  19. You certainly gave the position all you had, Connie. I am happy you have made this decision and I wish you, FG and Chance all the happiness and freedom in the world! Enjoy and savor every minute!

  20. Congratulations. You did an outstanding job and don't owe them anymore time.

  21. I am happy for you to have more time to pursue all the things you are interested in and enjoy your family. I'm sure you will be missed at the museum.

  22. Congratulations on your decision and on all you have done for the museum. You are leaving it stronger than when you started, in lots of different ways.

  23. You have done so much! They should be thanking you heartily! Good luck with your new found time and energy!

  24. Congratulations on your retirement, Connie, Enjoy!!

  25. CONGRATS!! We're seriously considering quitting the bull sale that has been hanging around our necks for the past 5 was great before that but I can imagine the sense of relief you're feeling right now.

  26. I am so happy for you! Way to go! Enjoy this spring and summer, you deserve it! :)

  27. Congratulations! Have a wonderful time and enjoy your retirement.

  28. You will not be able to be replaced. Someone may warm the seat, but they should have done more to help you.
    Enjoy your well earned spring and summer!

  29. Congratulations on your retirement. If Far Guy and Chance voted for your retirement, then you made the right decision.

  30. Congratulations! Being retired is wonderful!

  31. Hope you enjoy being retired! Love those pink flowers.

  32. I think you got a LOT accomplished there. But when it's time to go, it's time to go.
    Enjoy!!!! :)

  33. Good for you! I, also have retired from my two volunteer jobs--the Rescue for Pets, and the Museum. The museum is a long story. The other was just time.

    I doubt if you get bored. If you do I'm sure you could always go back.....just saying.
    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  34. Congratulations!!!! Wow! what a Summer you and Far Guy will have now and Chance will love it too...more lake time, I bet. Yep, now a days when it's not fun, I don't do it. But I enjoy weird things that no one else enjoys. I'm so happy for you! You go girl!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie