Monday, March 10, 2014

What time is it?

It is melting time…not sure that it is spring time yet…but 43 F or 6 C  is cause for a celebration eh!!

The snow shelf on my garage collapsed.

Snow shelf is gone

Throughout the afternoon the snow banks sank in the warmth.


The snow stick measures 15 inches…it was reduced by 2 1/2 inches in one this rate it will be gone by the official arrival of spring.

Some of the area fields were showing some black dirt by late afternoon.

The sun was only out for part of the day.

Layers of warmth

It was also time to spring ahead.  I hate it and so does my body.  It takes me a week or two to adjust to the time change.

It was time to go visit the grand girls and get caught up with them.  Savannah will be done with school at the end of this month, she has all of her course work done for the year…graduation is looming in the spring.  Paige will be taking Driver’s Education soon and Maddie is taking behind the wheel and will get her license if she passes the test.  It was good to see them happy, giggling and giving each other a bad time.

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  1. Looking at your photographs makes me feel slightly guilty to think that we seem to have got through the entire winter without any snow at all. But, in some ways, I have missed its cold beauty.

  2. We had a huge melt here over the weekend. I'll take it as maybe this way if it snows again I'll be able to heave the snow over the mounds. I'm not a fan of daylight savings as it really screws up my internal clock. I get up and go to bed at the same time every day. It was just getting light when I get up and now it is dark again. Your granddaughters sure are growing up fast.

  3. Daylight savings time screws up my internal clock. I hate the dark mornings. But I'm glad for the warmer temps and the melting snow.

  4. Yup it is WOOHOOS for us here to as the temps are 6 C or 43 F snow has been melting from the beginning of the week with all the sunshine and mild temps . This morning at 7am the temps were above 0 . I can hear see and smell spring is just around the corner ! Love your header ! Thanks for popping by ! Have a good day !

  5. Well I guess I really chose a date that is way too late for the snow stick. Oh well, I will remember for next year. And I am also one who is grumpy over the time change. Why don't we leave it on DST? It's more natural, if you ask me. :-)

  6. Sounds like a nice time with the granddaughters. And I hate the DST changes too. Takes me a couple weeks as well - not to mention the fact that the dogs have to be put on the new clock. It's like jet lag that we could avoid if we just gave up DST altogether. That's my vote.

  7. Good to hear that Winter is loosening its grip.

  8. I'm with you on DST. I actually prefer more light earlier in the morning.
    We have had melting temps, too. My cat enjoys sitting in the windows and watching the drips from the roof.

  9. Used to take me a day for each hour of time change to adjust, but in the past few years, it has become more like 2-3 days. I even got a head start by moving ahead Saturday instead this year!

  10. awww take a good nap for the time change pressures

  11. Those girls are really growing up fast. We will be melting and flooding all over the yard and up and down our street ditches. One day of 65 degree F. weather before we cool off again. Seeing black dirt is a good sign.

  12. It sure melted here south of the river yesterday but it froze last night and tightened up......hopefully it will warm up fast and NOT freeze tonight.....that should get things moving.

  13. Hope your thaw just continues on, with no backward steps. You deserve it! Your grandgirls will be able to drive out to visit you:)

  14. It's coming!! Spring is coming!!


  15. See, I told ya I send warm weather. However we know this is only a taste and that it will take time.

  16. Yay!!!!! Finally some nice Spring weather, here too. It is melting quickly, Blessings Francine.

  17. Oh's sad isn't it? Well it has to quit sometimes...

    I um was outside raking the front lawn today, between the snow drifts but still...See if you were my neighbor we could be gardening soon.


  18. It's much easier to adjust to the time change when you don't have to get up and do anything anyway. I really haven't eben noticed it this year, but then it is so dark and raqiny right now at 5:00 that it doesn't even feel different.

  19. The time change is enjoyable in the evening but I so dislike it being dark when we have to get up in the morning!

  20. Hooray for a snowbank busting "heatwave"! Before you know it, the mosquitoes will be busting down your doors ;)

  21. The melt freeze part of spring is always good...a fast melt into flood never!

    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  22. I have seriously wondered if this is just our late February thaw or if spring is really around to stay? I can't believe we won't have more snow. It's just the beginning of March, after all. You may need two melt dates--LOL! ;)

    Glad you got to visit with the grands! :)


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