Friday, March 14, 2014

About Time

It was about time that I wandered through the house and picked up all the Christmas/Winter decorations and put them away.  The silk poinsettias were replaced with red tulips. Everything found a storage spot! With all my organizing upstairs the Christmas crap one of a kind decorations were reduced by one entire Rubbermaid tote!!  Some people may measure progress by other parameters, my yardstick is totes!

The red lights and sleigh were put away and a bunny is now the star of the outdoor wreath.  I turned the lights on over Valentines Day…but golly that was a month ago…how time flies by. IMG_7310

Somehow a bunny doing the splits makes me smile.


For now this flying goose replaces the pine cone wreath on the other side of the door.

Nothing like a bit of warm weather and a lake in your yard to make you think about spring.


I am sure we will get more snow, it would be a really early spring if this weather continues.


The snow stick stands at 12 inches…we lost another three inches in the past couple of warm days.  Last year we had 24 inches at the snow stick this time in March.

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  1. Love your Spring decorations. Also glad to see some of your snow is melting. I'm sure we will still get more snow, but it sure is nice to have a glimpse of warmer weather. Have a great weekend.

  2. After such a hard winter, it's possible that you are done with snow. It sure looks like spring out your way, too. Our maple trees are sending out tiny little leaves already! :-)

  3. We're still buried in snowbanks here, but I can feel spring in the air and it is WONDERFUL. I finally took the Christmas tree off the front porch this week and put away a Christmas wreath that was hanging on our hutch. I'm finally ready to move on, now that our weather is giving us some encouragement. We're expecting 40 degrees today. That's so encouraging!

  4. It seems like the forecast says you may get a little more of that white stuff today.

  5. Our last little mound of snow disappeared on Wednesday when our temps soared. Now, we're hearing there may be more snow on Monday!

  6. I admire your downsizing efforts. I NEED to do the same, especially in the garage.

  7. Yes, I'm sure spring will get here eventually, and there must be melting going on, but I'm still looking out at the same snowbanks. Your spring decorations are encouraging.

  8. We've felt Spring already, in fact with what I saw some people wearing the other day, you would think it was the middle of summer. Hope Spring is truly on it's way to you, soon, you certainly deserve it!
    I think the bunny looks a bit lonely on the wreath:)

  9. So, I'm thinking that when you have all of that snow around... it is hard to even think that spring could come, and that's why you keep Christmas up for so long!
    Glad to see it melting.
    Does the fact that you had less snow mean problems with water later in the year?

  10. Spring decorations are a good idea, especially when winter has been so darn...wintery.

  11. Yes, it is about time. We had 20cm (8") yesterday. sigh. We've got about twice that on the ground. At least.

  12. My neighbor lady, in the back seat of the car, was complaining about her neighbors still having the the decorations up. I told her don't look at my front door. It will be up until I remember to take it down. I like the rabbit. I need to dig out my spring plastic flowers and maybe that will happen soon.

  13. Nice to read about your retirement. You gave it you best shot. Other can carry on. And now you cane smell the rose just in time for spring. :)

  14. 12 inches instead of 24 sounds promising.

  15. I cannot wait for it ALL to be melted. Just heard we are getting 2 inches tomorrow.. .:( It is always nasty for the st pats day parade and st pats. Usually we start to get near 50 and 60s after March 20th the first day of SPRING

  16. We each march to our own tune. So have your decorations up when you want them.

  17. Tell me when the stick falls over, then I may head back to Wis.

  18. It must be easier to hang on to Christmas decorations with all of that snow still around!

  19. My winter decorations went yesterday, too. All of a sudden, they aren't attractive anymore, they are just something irritating that you have to dust.

  20. Now you have the time to think about your OWN stuff!!! Yippee!

    ♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

  21. If it hadn't been too cold to snow half the winter we would have had more--LOL! Sloppy spring--well, it would be a shock if this was it and we weren't getting any more snow. Glad you are having time to spend on your own doings. :)

  22. Spring is here in the Ozarks and we are getting a drenching rain today which is good. I hope you have an early one after the cold winter you've had...if anyone deserves it Minnesota does!


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