Saturday, September 21, 2013


I had a really nice night/day at Lind Lake with all the scrapbooking gals.  I did not drag out my scrapbooks.  Instead I worked on my cards.  The ones I make using my photographs. Jen asked “Mom what are you going to do with all those cards?”   I send most of them out, it is surprising the number of sympathy cards I send out and of course I give some away to silent auctions and to other people “just because.” 


I find working with paper relaxing.  Since I am a paper hoarder it also gives me a reason to purchase more.  We went out for breakfast and went shopping for more paper, yes I bought some more.  I made lots of cards in the afternoon. I came home late in the day and had a nap.  It was a good day..sorry Red no pictures of a cake…we don’t eat cake very often around here!  No candles to blow out either…probably a good thing as that could have been a fire hazard.

Far Guy, Jen and family gifted me with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 software.  It will take me some time to master that program.  I hope my older brain is up to the challenge.  Good thing there are tutorials online…I may have to take notes!  Jen has the same program and really likes it so I suppose I will too after a period of adjustment.

I went for a walk. 

Cattails at Lind Lake

Cattails at Lind Lake


Very little blue sky between rain showers.  We are having a cool wet spell, I know the trees need water this time of year but I need just a little sunshine:)


  1. Hope you get some sunshine this weekend. Sounds like a very nice day working on your cards and walking at the lake.

  2. People must look forward to receiving your cards. Your photographs are beautiful!

  3. Oh that's awesome about the photo shop software you will have fun with it. We have had it for quite a while and Papa who is the master at this stuff is still learning what all it can do lol . I like to use Light room I find it a bit easier and it can do a lot to . So glad you had a good birthday ! We also enjoy making our own cards with our photos and calendars . So much one can do with ones photo's now a days . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  4. I am so glad you had such a nice birthday. The Adobe software is such a nice gift.

  5. What a nice present! It will help your brain to learn something new. And I love your pictures. It's good to know you had such a nice day! Birthdays are our very own special day. :-)

  6. Looks like we might have some sun today after the fog burns off.

  7. That would be my idea of a great Birthday!
    What is it about paper that makes it so alluring?!!

  8. Sounds like a really fun B day...I love the cards.

    So that's what we are called, paper hoarders? I was wondering if there was a name for people that had stacks of paper filled closets, and I know.

    You are going to adore LR! Simply adore it, it's much easier to use then PSE, and when they say it's intuitive, they mean it. I've had LR3 for a few years, and will have to say that it was being underused by me...other then downloading my photos, and the occasional edit, I just didn't pay it enough attention. Until last week when I had to edit a family session, and was "forced" to pull out my Scott Kelby LR3 book, [which I cannot recommend highly enough], and it all came together.

    It's so simple to use, even for us older brains, seriously...but get the Scott Kelby book if there is one out for LR4 yet, it just makes it all so much easier. The tutorials are great, but Scott Kelby makes perfect sense, and he's funny.

    Best of luck, hoping to see those new LR photos when you get some free time.


  9. Glad you had such a nice day. Great way to use your photos. The photos at the lake are wonderful and would make great cards too.
    Have fun learning Lightroom.
    We are having a cool sunny day. I hope you are having the same

  10. Missed your birthday. I hope you had a good day. The cards are great. We tend to buy cards like that and write our own message inside. It is a more personal card than having someone in Kansas City write it. I missed seeing cattails this year. I will have to head west of town and see if they grew without water.

  11. Those cards look lovely! Glad to hear you're enjoying your rest.

  12. You had a very pleasant walk. Now when I say something about a cake you know I'm kidding. Here we're down to a cupcake and one candle!

  13. This is so nice to make cards...really thoughtful....and a pretty walk too

  14. Making cards from your own photos and lovely paper sounds like a wonderful way to spend a birthday! And your new photos are lovely. Glad you had such a good celebration. I don't know that version of Photoshop, but usually you can find some user-written how-to guides online or available to order. Have fun with it!

  15. The rainy season hit here with a vengeance--and just in time for the beginning of fall. I'm with you: not ready to give up sunshine just quite yet.

    I am a lover of paper, too. I get lost any time we are traveling and find some of those boutique-y paper stores. There used to be a JC Paper warehouse near my city with an outlet store...even there I could spend hours. Some papers you just have to stop and experience. Paper makes its own kind of statement, both to see and to touch.

    You should have a heyday with your new Adobe Photoshop software. What a great birthday present! Glad you had such a pleasant day...even without all the cake and fixin's.

  16. Glad you had a good B'day...Your cards are as nice as your photos...I also have a good time making photo greeting cards for sale and for my use...let me know how your new photoshop program works...I tried one a while back, but I like the less complicated ones...again, Happy Day...

  17. I'm so glad you got a nice non-working relaxing day!

    Happy Birthday,once more, Connie!


  18. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Your cards are lovely, and who wouldn't enjoy receiving one? Isn't it just the way things go. Long time ago it seemed all I did was purchase wedding and baby cards. Now, I'm in the same boat as you. Too many sympathy cards go out.

  19. I always think I am going to make photo cards - goodness knows I have enough photos! But somehow i never get it done. maybe someday....
    Yours are lovely. What size photo? what kind of paper? what kind of adhesive? Do you have envelopes to fit?

  20. Love the photos! Have a wonderful Sunday. ♥

  21. I admire that you make your own cards. Like you, I send out a lot of cards for every occasion.

  22. Sounds like a great way to celebrate your birthday! Happy year ahead to you!

  23. Happy birthday! Your cards are gorgeous! Glad you had a good day. and we have sunshine today over here--whoohoo!! :) :)


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