Thursday, September 5, 2013

Old Stuff at the Museum

I have been buried in old stuff, sneezing.  Old stuff sometimes makes me sneeze.

That Record Cleaner had most of you stumped the other day.  It had me stumped for a long time too, I turned it every which way and even stood a board game inside of it.  Then I said “Self.. think about it.”  AND the light came on.

Record Cleaner

Some people actually used a record cleaner instead of just wiping them off on their jeans.

I am making a little headway.  This display case is downstairs. 1970’s items are displayed in the bottom of the case.



A start

“Stuff” is making it from my office into display shelves.  That Mystic Hand Board is from the 1940’s and is considered a little rare. It was manufactured by Haskelite Manufacturing Corp. of Chicago IL it was popular before the Ouija Board.  The Mystic Hand Wooden Planchet is in perfect condition.


The box is a little worse for the wear but the game is a great start to a collection of board games. 


Did you notice the pin on the 1970’s jacket? 

I had the meeting with the mucky mucks at the County.  It went fine, the result will not be known until they have their budget meetings.  I am cautiously hopeful that we will get some kind of increase and maybe new carpet for the foyer.  The two new Commissioners even smiled at me…that is a first…perhaps it was the welcoming pretty picture of the Historical Museum Notecard I sent them after they were elected!

Three weeks and 2 days left, not that I am counting or anything.  Since school started it is quiet in the building, so I can move right along making headway with all the “old stuff”:)

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  1. WOW, I never would have guessed a record cleaner. Never saw that one before.

  2. Well, no wonder I didn't know what it was, I've never seen one before! :-)

  3. A record cleaner - that is cool! It had me stumped too but that is fairly easy :) My first thought was some type of time card machine ~

  4. Husband bought a fancy turntable that hooks into the computer so he could make CDs or MP3s or whatever of the vinyl records we have (huge collection of them) and needed an insert for the 45s. He went to a Best Buys (or something similar)to buy the insert and the clerk asked him "What's a 45?"

  5. I hope the powers that be, loosen the purse strings a little bit!!!

  6. What a fun job! I didn't know there was a pre-ouija board.

  7. Excellent post - I have many LPs and play them from time to time. A couple of years ago, I started converting them to mp3 files, but I got stalled with over 100 left to do. . .someday, maybe.

    Glad that the Commissioners were smiling - always a good sign.

    A board game display/collection is a great idea. I've never seen one in a museum.

  8. Never seen a record cleaner quite like that ! I hope they have deep pockets for the museum and you . Its amazing what you learn about ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  9. The old phonograph player brings back a lot of memories. When stereo and real hi-fi came out they had to stop making them. It will be a fun display and yes it is the good old days.

  10. I thought I better come over and check on you since the weather channel keeps saying you're hotter than we are in the South here! What's up with that? Although, I'm not complaining because it's been real nice here! 80's!
    I saw your picture below from 5th grade. I am sure we would have been buddies had we gone to school together. I loved school and getting ready with supplies and clothes. You were so cute and such attention to detail....a fashion plate! I'm not a clothes horse but in those days I laid out my clothes the night before and had it all put together...pins, necklace etc. and scarves!
    You were adorable! You probably still are I just can't see you.
    The museum is SO cool! You do such a great job. I can't imagine anyone being able to do it with more enthusiasm and passion! They ARE lucky to have you! Who knew there was something before the Ouiga Board? Fascinating! Well, I have to go out and pump up a tire on the mower and get to work! TTYL!

  11. Now that record cleaner is something I've never seen before. I think I need it as I still have old records but no turntable. I think your museum must be an interesting place to visit.

  12. Haha. Who could afford a fancy record cleaner like that? Live and learn!
    Things are looking great there, Connie. Wish I was closer to you.
    Have a great day!

  13. A pre-Ouija board!

    My mother would faint.



  14. I'm sorry to learn I would have the potential to cause you to sneeze. Oh well...

  15. Well...some people use other types of record cleaners...not big and clunky like that one ;)

    Here's hoping those smiles turn into something beneficial for the museum!

  16. And I'm so late getting here that you have chopped off almost another week on the countdown!
    Love the Mystic Hand! Have never seen that before.
    John was my favorite Beatle. You have some pretty interesting items over there.
    I hope the board is generous.
    I am actually allergic to something--old dust, old mold--and can't stay very long in old bookshops or antique stores. I not only sneeze, my eyes and nose run like crazy until I become a general annoyance to all around me.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie