Tuesday, September 3, 2013

12 how did that happen?

Someone went from a tiny baby to twelve just like that!   This grandma wants to keep him little and safe forever.  Possibly it has something to do with the year of his birth, perhaps it is because he is the “baby” the youngest of the grands, and maybe it is a little bit of both.

I have suggested to his mother that she do something to stop his growth, but she keeps feeding him.

His arm is normal again at least that was his last report to me.  I turned his wrist this way and that and pressed here and there to make sure he didn’t have any sore spots or abnormalities that I could see.

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He is a delightful child who will talk your ear off if it is just me and him one on one.  He likes Orville Redenbacher’s  Ultimate Butter Popcorn…when ever he is here, he opens the cupboard and says  “Oh good you still have my popcorn.” He has decided that he doesn’t like chocolate milk in a carton.  He likes to mix his own using Hershey’s syrup.  He only likes long spaghetti, recently he wanted spaghetti and I tried to pawn off some elbow macaroni as being the exact same thing..no dice.  He accompanied me to the nearby small town for the “right” looking noodle.  He also likes spaetzle ( a homemade noodle or dumpling) and will eat a heaping bowl full and go back for seconds. 

He is getting more handsome all the time..and taller! 



Happy Birthday Adam:)


  1. Happy birthday, Adam. You're the same age as my youngest grandson. Next year you'll be a teen. So many adventures ahead.

  2. He is a very handsome young man. It's only been 4 years that I have watched him grow and I am amazed at the changes I've seen in such a short time. He is on his way to matching his brother's height. I love the photo collage - especially the one of Adam and Grandpa together. You have a terrific grandson. Happy Birthday Adam!!!

  3. Indeed, happy birthday. Is there anything better than children, somehow I doubt it.

  4. Happy Birthday to Adam. He certainly is a handsome young man.

  5. He's very good looking, and right at that age before puberty when he'll change into something else. Enjoy him now, Connie! :-)

  6. Send another 'Happy Birthday' on to Adam... better yet, give him an extra hug when you see him. He certainly looks hugable!

  7. :) Ah, Hershey Syrup in cold milk - Adam has excellent taste!

  8. What a handsome young man. He is at the height of his oncoming teens. Look out world, he will make a mark on it. A good one of course.

  9. My two grandsons now have son's and they are so cute. Time is moving to fast.

  10. They grow fast that's for sure ! Lovely photos . A handsome young man . Happy Birthday Adam !

  11. Happy Birthday Adam, really handsome I would say, Blessings Francine.

  12. Definatly handsome! And opinionated too!

  13. Yeah...with that adorable last photo, I can see why you'd want to keep him the same forever. But handsome, tall and a man in his own right will make his parents (and grandparents) pleased, too, I suspect ;)

  14. Happy Birthday Adam. Great photos!

  15. My son was the same way about his pasta; except for him, long spaghetti reminded him of worms and he wouldn't eat it. Had to be corkscrews or some other shape. You are so very blessed. Must go wipe my eyes now.

  16. Happy Birthday Adam ~ your grandma got some great pics of you! Keep smilin'

  17. Oh, yes, he is a most handsome young man, or boy, as you would prefer. And I understand that completely.

  18. What handsome young 'tween he is!!

    Happy Birthday, Adam!


  19. OMGosh! I thought it was just his birthday a little while ago! I agree--time is going way to fast!
    Happy Birthday to handsome Adam. :)

  20. Hope he had a wonderful day. They grow up far too fast!


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