Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Museum Mystery: Sept 16

Todays mystery items hang on a wall in the museum.

Mystery Items

Two items that would used by men to create or repair something. I will post the answer here later in the day.

Two weeks left. It is actually five days because I have days off.   I am more than ready to be done for the season.


The shelves in my office are not getting bare.  Saturday was a quiet day, when I got done with research questions I hit the accessions hard.   The “stuff” that has been hidden under my desk for three plus years has been accessioned or sorted out for the rummage sale room. ( The Director before me stuffed one item after another under the desk.)  See that box next to the pink bag…Tom brought me that one.  Tom is a saver, I just peaked inside..oh my.  I may save that one for next spring. Tess and I just finished his last box which contained about 60 hometown newspapers from 1941 to 1946.

The weather has turned cold, I need a sweater or a sweatshirt in the museum now.  We have a fundraiser this week.  A Soup and Salad Luncheon, I will donate potato salad.  The luncheon is held upstairs in the Great Gallery ( old courtroom), I have not been up there all summer to see the “art.” Since it is one of my days off I will take my big girl camera and take some photos:)

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On the left we have a Wagon Makers Rasp.

On the right A two sided shave.  Very rare. Probably used for shaping spokes of wagons and buggies:)


  1. More mystery goodies. One looks like some sort of file, the other looks like it would be used to assist in turning something.

  2. Paul Bunyan's toothpick? I know you are looking forward to having a break from work, Connie, but you never really seem to slow down. I look forward to pictures taken with your big girl camera. :-)

  3. One looks like a file or hasp, the second like some sort of hole punch. I would know just what to use them for...wonderful wall art!

  4. Some kind of woodworking tools?

    Glad to hear you're nearly on holiday...

  5. I think the item on the right might be a tool for making holes? The left, boy it looks like a rasp with a shoe horn. Look forward to the answers.

  6. Because we just had to repair an inner tube, it makes me think of the cheap little kit we had for prising the tire off and then there was a little rasp in it also for roughing up the rubber before sticking the patch on. The one on the right could be for taking the valve stem out? But really they look much too big for that, but that is what they are reminding me of at the moment.

  7. Intriguing. Some old tools are baffling as to "what they did with them!"

  8. you picked out some good ones... I sure enjoyed my visit awhile back ~ lots to see and even more to sit and dig into :)

  9. Counting down the freedom. Good idea.

    I like the mystery items, couple of interesting tools you have hanging up there.


  10. Hard to believe it's cool there already. My sis moved to Kansas and she woke up cold today, too!

  11. One looks like a file and the other not quite sure lol ! Looking forward to finding out ! Oh I bet your excited about the time off getting closer . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  12. I wonder if all museums have he same challenge with processing accessions? I know ours does.

  13. Soon very soon, your days will be yours and can spend them doing what you want, as another year is put on the record books!!

  14. Well, I knew the first tool was some kind of wood rasp, but the second one had me baffled.
    I did some dusting and organizing in my house this morning, and some of the bulletin boards were mini-museums in themselves. It sure is easier to put things up than to sort and cull out and take things down.
    Good luck on the fund raiser, and the last days of museum closing.

  15. Hooray for 5 days left.
    I love old tools. I figured the one on the left was a rasp... but not what is was for. Fun.

  16. I guess I'm glad I got here late as they would have been driving me crazy wondering what the heck they were--LOL! Only five more days!! Whoohoo! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie