Saturday, September 14, 2013

Flowers In Town

Chance and I went to town on Friday, we had errands to do, Far Guy was working at the museum.  We stopped in to see how he was doing, he was very busy so we left him alone to carry on.

I wanted to photograph some of the flowers downtown before they freeze.

Gartenmeister Fuchsia

This is a Gartenmeister Fuchsia.   If you only grow one Fuchsia this one should be it.  I used to grow it, and it went out of the door like hotcakes.

Red Petunias in tyown

Red Petunias, I am not sure of the variety of this one, but it may be one called Ramblin Red.  This is a planting in one of those plastic bags.


Here they are hanging along the building.  There are drip water tubes going to each plastic bag/planter. AND probably a tad bit of fertilizer as petunias are heavy feeders.

This street is very colorful.  The smell of petunia’s wafts along in the breeze.  I turn on this street after work if I have mail that needs to go to the post office, it is the path of least resistance to the stop light and the way home.

I am wrapping projects up at the museum.  Microsoft Office 2010 expired, not sure what to do about that… my mailing labels are in that program.  My computer consultant is thinking over the situation. If it isn’t one thing it is forty others.  I have six work days left. I will have to work from home a few days in order to finish things up.  It is what it is…at least I can stop and have a nap if I feel like it! :) 

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  1. Morning, oh how stunning the flowers are, so beautiful....thanks for sharing, Francine.

  2. I love those pretty fuchsias, and I am so glad to hear you are winding things up. They have a very valuable employee in you, especially since you are actually two people. :-)

  3. Beautiful flowers and you're in the home stretch!

  4. The winter rest is well earned.

  5. The flowers make quit a show. I can see those set ups working only with the drip line set up as I could see that they might water unevenly if one did it by hand. Petunias do smell wonderful.

  6. Gorgeous flowers. Towns with such beautiful displays are very welcoming.

    I hope you can get the computer issues worked out soon.

  7. Hi Connie, you sound happy, and tired, so glad that this run is almost over for you, and I hope that you will have plenty of time to get out there and enjoy the last bits of summer.

    Sorry I've been busy, and distracted by this silly redirection problems with my blog.

    Muddy Boot Dreams has moved to if you could update your links that would be great. For some reason it's not happening automatically.


  8. Wow, those flowers are impressive! I hope you can enjoy your last few working days of the season, knowing that you'll soon be on hiatus. All the best. -- Nancy

  9. Computers bring so much frustration! And even when one thinks they know it all... things change. Argh!
    Love the flowers!

  10. You have a very colorful street. It's amazing what has been done recently so that plants remain in bloom much later in the summer and fall.

  11. That fuchia is gorgeous. I have not heard of that variety. The petunias really make a statement along that building. Have a nice weekend

  12. It sure won't do to have a non-profit without mailing labels! Hope you can figure that one out soon! Can you switch out any of your snail mail to email and use a service like Aweber or SurveyMonkey? I'm checking that out right now for our genealogical society.

    Those fuchsias are beautiful. Made a splendid photograph, too! Which reminds me...

  13. I've never heard of these planters, but I sure would like to learn more about it. I love those flowers!

    Have a great Sunday!

  14. I sure enjoyed seeing the pretty flowers. Have a restful night.

  15. I think I am all caught up with your many interesting posts now. Maybe I can keep up day by day now.

  16. I love those flowers. I've always wanted to grow fuschias, but have not been successful. I kill them off everytime. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I think I over-pamper them to death.

  17. I love petunias the smell is always right up there with wonderful! I need to try that sort of planting hummmmmmmmmmmmmm


  18. Makes for a beautiful, colorful street!
    Six more days!! OMG!! Naptime!! :)


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