Friday, September 20, 2013

Sixty years ago I was two

I am just thrilled about another birthday.Connie second birthday 1953

Me in 1953 when I was two years old.

The only good thing that I can say about this birthday is that I am finally old enough to draw Social Security.  I am not sure if I will “retire” yet or not, but it is nice to know it is a possibility. Of course I can always draw social security and still work at the museum.  I have not made up my mind about all that yet.  I don’t want to make any decisions at the moment.

I will spend the day AWAY resting, going out for breakfast with some people I love, taking some pictures, being creative and having an afternoon nap:)

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  1. Happy Birthday, Connie! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing day. Enjoy it.

  2. Happy Birthday, fellow Virgo. (Virgan? Virgette?) Our birthdays are only 18 days apart.
    Love the picture - you look like you were having a typically conflicted two-year-old moment. "Should I share this cake? Should I eat the candles?"

  3. Enjoy your special day! You also now qualify for the "Old Farts Pass" that will get you into all National Parks and Refuges for free!

  4. Sixty two was a good time for me though I kept my spouse working to sixty five so she could pay off the new house. oh and I did love being a "house husband" for three years so I could show off my culinary and housekeeping skills. :)

  5. Enjoy your Birthday.
    It is my son's special day, as well!
    Must be that only super good, nice people were born on the 20th!

  6. Happy Birthday you oldie but goodie, I hope you have a great day relaxing, raining outside here, so maybe you will just have to go and win something inside, at least there would be the sound of bells an whistles and you can pretend that it is all for you and maybe even get a free meal.

  7. Enjoy every minute of your special day! Happy Birthday Connie!

  8. Happy Happy Birthday! Relax and enjoy the day. Cute photo of you at 2.

  9. Happy Birthday! Enjoy it! Love the mug shot!

  10. Happy Birthday . Hope you have great day and weekend !

  11. Happy, happy birthday. Enjoy your day. Sounds like you have a plan.

  12. Happy Birthday! I could just tell today was special when I got out of bed.....I just didn't know why but now I do! I am older than you as I turned 62 on January 4th and I had to retire early because of illness but if I could still work I would.....the money comes in handy! LOL! And I love to work but I can't guarantee when I'll "poop out".....somedays I do real good but then the next day I'm beat so I'm just grateful I've made it this far! Have a wonderful day and celebrate!

  13. Happy Birthday, Connie. It's a pretty nice day here; I hope it is there, too. I think you are wise not to make any decisions yet about retiring from the museum. Rest,restore your energies, think about it later. Sixty-two seemed old at the time, just because of the eligibility for Social Security. Now it seems pretty young. In any case, enjoy it!

  14. Have a great day! Enjoy! Can't think of a more deserving person for all these good thoughts and birthday wishes!

  15. Happy B day, another year older, and even better then before.

    I say take the money and run


  16. Yay! You are now officially a Senior. Welcome to the club. I've been here awhile now. :-)

  17. Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy your day. How about a picture with your birthday cake???

  18. Happy Birthday, Connie! Have a great weekend! ♥

  19. Happy, blessed, Birthday Far Side!!! We hope it is the best ever :)

    Hugs and Kisses,
    Emma Rose and the Duchess

  20. What a young thing you are! Happy Birthday!

  21. Happy birthday! We're the same age! Well, for a few months, anyways.
    Enjoy your day--make it a birthday week! Lots of naps. :)

  22. Happy Birthday, Connie!!!!


  23. The social security is a good thing. Might as well get what you paid for all these years just to receive. Us baby boomers are going to probably break the system anyway. First come first serve. I have neighbors who enjoy it all the time and they are thirty years younger than me.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie