Thursday, September 26, 2013

Flowers For Me?

I am on my last day at the museum.  Sure I will have to go in on Friday for a bit, and next week to pick up odds and ends…but the end is in sight.  I can see it from here.  Some days I wasn’t sure I would make it to the next day..but here we are at the end of the season. What a relief.

Pretty Flowers

My cold is still making me miserable, how much snot can one head hold anyway? 

Yesterday Tess finished off one of her projects and was helping me with the newsletter for October when I heard the jingle of the sleigh bells that are on the front door.


It was my youngest volunteer and her Grandpa with a delivery.   My youngest volunteer was so excited she could barely contain herself!  Flowers for me?  “Yes! For you!” she replied.  She had a good summer helping out at the museum, she has a healthy curiosity about everything in the museum except mannequins.  She is a little frightened by mannequins.  She learned to dust properly, how to wash windows, and was my best carpet sweeper gal, she also wrote her own treasure hunt, she helped me create and update displays, her least favorite job was putting obituaries in acid free sleeves.  The last day she spent with me, we designed a family tree for her to research over the winter.  She had to go back to school when school started, but occasionally stops by for a visit to see what’s new or old as the case may be. Flowers from Kayla

I was thrilled, it is a pumpkin stuffed to the brim with flowers!  It is a lovely gift!

I don’t “do” flowers inside often, they usually give me a cold or aggravate allergies but I already have a cold so what the heck!

It is nice to be appreciated! :)

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  1. That is so sweet. What a lovely girl. You were so blessed to have her volunteer.. Sure hope you cold goes away soon.

  2. Would you believe I actually researched how much snot a head could hold? And I found the answer varied but it was a mind boggling 1-2 liters (1-2 overflowing quarts)!!!

    The flowers look awesome! And yes, you deserved them!! Just look around you at the museum and look how far it has come since you started there...

  3. You so deserve those flowers, Connie. I'm sorry you are still sick, but I'm glad you have had such a positive impact on that young girl's life. Where were you when I needed you to teach me those things? :-)

  4. That is a lovely arrangement. What a great little volunteer and so thoughtful.

  5. That is a stunning present!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Seems like you deserved that lovely arrangement to me.

  7. Sounds like you are training this young one to be a museum director some day. ;oD

    Enjoy your well-deserved flowers, and feel better soon.

  8. Aww how sweet! Maybe these flowers will take your cold away, fingers crossed:) Congrats on making it through another year at the museum.

  9. What a lovely way to say you're appreciated. The arrangement is gorgeous!

  10. She is one lovely volunteer, those are gorgeous flowers, and how incredibly thoughtful of her.

    Glad to hear that you are finally getting some time off, you well deserve it.


  11. Some of the young volunteers are the most dedicated. When you work with a young person you influence them for life. Well done!

  12. Obviously well deserved. What a beautiful display.

  13. The flower arrangement is lovely. Hope your feeling better soon.

  14. What a lovely gift from your young volunteer! Enjoy your time away from the museum and hopefully you will be rid of that cold soon!

  15. What a beautiful bouquet, and how fun that it comes from your young protege. I think you made a very positive impression on her.

  16. How beautiful and thoughtful of this young volunteer.

    You have given her much to build on for future love of history...and volunteering.

  17. What a gorgeous bouquet and thoughtful family! And a great way to end your work season! Enjoy!

  18. Endless snot! We have little manufacturing plants up there--LOL!
    Your flowers are so pretty. Maybe it was a good thing you had a cold anyways--silver lining. You had no hesitation about bringing them home. ;)

  19. It IS nice to be appreciated ! I will bet this has been one of her best summer vacations EVER!


  20. I had to come back to say that this floral arrangement is gorgeous! And you totally deserve it.

  21. Beautiful flowers. That was a sweet surprise.


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