Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oh Deer!

I am not sure what drives the deer…hunger...the whole world is one huge smorgasbord to them.  I guess if there was free chocolate down in the corner field I would be there too!

Chance thought he was so smart tonight, waiting for me to take a few pictures and then he would bark and delighted in watching the deer run…his tail was wagging ninety miles an hour.


These two were in the neighbors horse pasture. The fawn still has spots.

Three deer

These three were all lined out in a CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) field.  Twin fawns most likely following their mama.

Then we found a herd of seven but I only got  a photo of five.  A not so good photo because the daylight was fading.

Five deer

Chance really enjoyed this herd!  Deer were running all over. So when I say we are being over run by deer…you will understand.  Tonight we saw 18 deer total in one square mile.

I am glad this week is behind me.  I am tired, the heat and humidity was horrid on Saturday, I came home and crashed on the couch in the AC for an hour before I felt human again.  I had people that stayed beyond closing time at the museum.  They were getting on my last nerve.  Three weeks left:)


  1. I don't think I could survive that kind of heat and humidity, which is why I don't live there. Just a tiny bit and I wilt! Love your pretty deer pictures, and of course Chance had fun! He always has fun. :-)

  2. Wonderful photos ! It would be a great experience to be among all those lovely creatures with camera in hand ! Our Miggs would want to play chance to ! The weather here has been up and down humid one day cool and breezy the next ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  3. Morning, oh I love the deer, great pictures you took....poor you yesterday, think cooler weather ahead, Blessings Francine.

  4. We have the deer too. They don't seem to like the grass anymore - they want our shrubs.
    We have the heat too. It does drain one's energy - at least it has made me into a wet noodle, content only to sit on the couch.
    Fall is on its way - only 3 more weeks, eh? That will fly by!

  5. Great shots, seems like they are getting over populated I see them everywhere now, even in urban areas like downtown Indianapolis, that was wierd..:-)

  6. Those are some great pictures of the deer. Glad to hear you only have 3 weeks left .

  7. Yes, your supply of deer is certainly plentiful. Hope hunting season starts soon. Those herds need to be thinned.

  8. They all look slick and healthy.

    Just three more. I know it has been a long summer.

  9. The deer are outbreeding the rabbits here. And I gave up hunting....!

  10. We've seen quite a few deer in our travels this summer. We rarely see them around our property but we know they're out there. My husband saw deer tracks crossing our driveway out back so we looked back on our surveillance and sure enough mid-morning that day a deer had crossed from one side of the property to the woods behind our house. Apparently Duke was sleeping on the job because I never heard barking.

  11. Our fawns still have spots too. We have a mom and two fawns that hang around and think they own the place. They will stand in the road just daring you to hit them!!

  12. We've seen 3 deer this summer.
    Our heat has been miserable too.
    I'll be happy when your 3 weeks pass and you can get some well deserved rest.

  13. I think it's great that you can go out and photograph so much wildlife, though some of it might be getting a little too plentiiful. Hope you have cooler temps for your three more weeks at the museum!

  14. It would be an entirely different work situation if you just had air conditioning! It is a sobering thought to consider what you have to put up with, just working for all those hours in the heat. Your office may be in a museum, but you are not staging a re-enactment!

    Chance is incredible. He is so smart, waiting until after you snap your pictures to bark! He knows his stuff, alright!

  15. Yes it has been warm - and yes Saturday at the museum was warm.... (that would also make me tired....) - maybe fall will arrive this week :)

  16. It's acting like rain here. And cooler. By 20 degrees...only supposed to get to 81 today. Rather nice.


  17. Now that's a sure sign of winter being around the corner. the deer and all the critters are ravenously hungry and trying to fatten up before the famine. Can't blame them. Was nice of Chance to wait for you to take the pictures. :)


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