Sunday, October 21, 2012

Signs of Fall

I was a little slow changing the flag for October.


I had good intentions of dragging out the scarecrows..but I never got around to it..

It has been raining..and the sun has not been shining.


It has been dreary.  I have a Happy Halloween sign someplace, sigh..I hate to give up the sunflower. 


There was a small break in the clouds late yesterday afternoon..I saw some blue sky.  There was a little sunshine on the Tamaracks.

I was hoping it would clear off..the Northern Lights might be active and there are Orionid Meteors to watch for and Iridium Flares…predicted for early mornings for the next few days.  Of course I have to throw on a parka and boots to drive down to the cemetery to watch. ( I am tempted to take a blanket and just lay down.. can you imagine the rescue call that would wake up my husband?  Person laying down in the cemetery, might be  dead… If he dresses quickly he will be the first one there! ) I am not lucky enough to have a clear shot of any horizon here at the house:)

Blog Signature


  1. I love the sunflower too. I vote that you forget the scarecrow and leave the sunflower in place.

  2. I love that last picture! I usually don't care for halloween but for some reason this year I wanted to decorate for it.

  3. Your scarecrow flag makes me and dreary smile!

  4. Love the new header - so cheerful and bright. Enjoy your Sunday...and make it a day of rest, you work too hard!

  5. Before I forget, beautiful the vibrancy of those colors.

    Cloudy, or with sunny bits, your part of the country is lovely.

    Yes, go and have a adventure in the graveyard, and think of the exciting blog post you can then write, sure to tell Far Guy before you go so he can be in on it.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  6. Your new header is so nice! Perfect fall picture, and I love to see Chance right there (as usual). We have had sun breaks but more rain than not. It's pouring out there right now, drumming on the roof.

  7. Morning...cloudy here for days now.... I want to sky watch it. Don`t get caught in the graveyard this time of year...BOO!!!!!! Love the Autumn flag...Blessings Francine. P.S.I also love your new Header pictures..

  8. We had an amazing summer - it was almost a record for some 50 days without rain....and that is saying something for Oregon. When it finally rained last week, everyone said, "Oh, we sure needed it - about time." But, I was a little sad that the rain came. It is officially Autumn - so I'm with you about not taking down the sunflowers. I'm just not quite ready for the cold and rain to be here.

  9. Beautiful header! Just looked and there is a bit of sleet on the back of the car, and the rain is pouring. Cool this morning. I wonder if the rain will stop by next June.
    We've more than made up for our record dry spell in the last week. Fall is definitely here.
    I think a trip to the cemetery is in order, but drag Far Guy along with you:)

  10. I sure hope you can make it to the cemetery - but don't lay down - Far Guy doesn't need that excitement! LOL

  11. I really love that flag. I need to get some new ones. I had so many before my husband passed away and put them out for every season and every holiday. After he died, I didn't put them out for awhile...just didn't feel like decorating. Anyway, this year I started to go through them and found that many of them had started to rot so I need some new ones.

  12. Thanks for the tip on the meteors. What a wild sense of humor! yes, it's Halloween.

  13. Lol I don't drag anything out after summer.....way too lazy anymore but you've given me inspiration ;)

  14. I've been hoping to see the stars the next two nights are so also. So far I haven't gotten too..


  15. Pretty photo. Yes, you need to tell FG ahead of time what you plan on doing!!!
    Sorry your weather has been unpleasant. Cloudy days get me down!

  16. I would have to drive a long way to see the meteor showers, but I can totally see lying down to watch them, even in a cemetery. And if it's cold, you could take some hot potatoes in your pockets, as Minneapolis blogger Pearl wrote about recently.

  17. A true star gazer. I've been accused of that also. But never thought of laying down in the cemetary across the road from here...:)

  18. I love that last pic and the brilliant color of those trees. Your intro paragraph reminds me of "The Cat in the Hat" as it begins, "The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house all that cold, cold wet day." It made me smile. It would have made Chance smile, too, if he had that cat to chase!!!!!

  19. Keep the sunflower. If you need to hang the 'Happy Halloween', hang it somewhere else. ;o)
    Go you if you get up that early. We don't. haha!
    Have a great week! ♥

  20. What do you mean, "Signs of Fall"??? I thought you had your first sign of winter a couple weeks ago =/

    Don't feel bad about missing the meteors on account of those clouds. They had a perfect shot of showing themselves here last night, and all we did was get a crick in our necks and get cold in the process!

    Love the vibrant colors in your header!

  21. Your fall flag with the scarecrow and pumpkins is attractive; and I did not see the meteors either.

  22. I can see the horizon just fine, but there's been nothing but cloudy skies over here and there are too many city lights to see much, anyways. I'm glad you didn't scare FarGuy and who knows who else by lying down in the cemetary, though. ;)

  23. I missed the meteor shower. darn.


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