Friday, August 10, 2012

Flowers on Main

I stopped after work yesterday and took a few photos on Main Street.  They have flowers planted in plastic pouches that are filled with dirt and then the small plants are planted in the holes in the plastic bag.  A hose supplies water by a drip doubt it is on continually…or perhaps it is automatic.  I am sure they also supply a little bit of fertilizer.

Flowers on Main Street


It really brightens up this part of main street. 

Red petunias

The red petunias are one of my favorites.

I am cleaning out nooks and crannies in the museum.  Many storage places have not been cleaned out in years. ( Many people have shoved “stuff” that was not suitable for a museum in boxes.)  Needless to say there is lots of junk…and I mean junk…that can be sold at a rummage sale.  The Board Members are working at getting everything on tables and marked.  I keep bringing them “stuff.”  The sale is next week.

I am absolutely swamped with paperwork and accessions..and people and questions.  The volunteers have started to come back into the museum.  It finally cooled off a bit and makes working in the building bearable.  Tess showed up yesterday..I was so happy to see her!  She loves to visit with people and make them feel welcome…which frees me up to do other things... like catch up.. I know that will never happen..but I can hope:)

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  1. The flowers are just beautiful . I love all kinds of Petunias and the way they have them in your photo is awesome ! Hope you get some down time at the museum , take a breather every now and then . Have a good day !

  2. Beautiful flowers and idea. Petunias work pretty well around here.

  3. Those flowers certainly do cheer up anybody who sees them. I hope you get caught up, or close to it, at the museum! You are such a valuable employee there; it's good you finally have some help.

  4. Gorgeous flowers.

    Three cheers for Tess!

  5. Gorgeous flowers in town!
    Maybe the weather will stay decent now for the rest of the fall. Well, one can hope, right?
    With that job I doubt you'll ever feel totally caught up, but I'd be going through every nook and cranny, too. ;)
    Have a fantastic weekend, Connie! :)

  6. They are lovely and colorful, nice to look at. Your working very hard these days.

  7. Here's wishing for the kind of day where you can conquer the invincible "stuff" and catch up on the impossible.

  8. Glad your temps have cooled and that your volunteer is back.
    I love these flowers on Main St. So cheerful.

  9. The flowers are gorgeous. I hope your days get a bit lighter for you.

  10. They are pretty flowers. Glad to hear your volunteers are coming back, too! Good luck with the rummage sale!

  11. The flowers are gorgeous! I may do a link to this on my blog if you don't mind. I want some of my friends to see it. Serving the public is what we do - - - but when is there time to catch up when we are busy serving? It's the story of our life at work all the time, too.

  12. Our museum is just like yours. We have all kinds of stuff that we were too afraid to say no on because it might hurt somebody's feelings. Now we have boxes and boxes of stuff. It was meaningful to somebody but doesn't cut it in museum.

  13. Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous! I think I need drip irrigation here! I feel like I've spent all Summer watering...twice a day and even then some didn't make it...just too darn hot here! If I didn't have the AC I wouldn't have made it either! LOL!

  14. Very pretty, I kind of wish our little town did something like that. They cheaped out this year, big time....

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  15. Those flowers on the fence are beautiful! My friend had this "bag" system and hung it from her window box. I had never seen one before. They are pretty cool!


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