Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rainy Day

It is raining a bit outside.  A fine misty drizzle.  Chance and I went out to check the snow stick.


Sorry Day Photo is not the day.  The snow is going away slowly and look how dirty it is today..we are making progress!


The driveway is almost free of snow..we don’t play ball in this direction anymore..or if we do then we play ball in the other direction before Chance comes in the house.


We still have lots of snow to melt.

Far Guy went for a walk yesterday..I told him to be careful..Chance walked with him to get the mail.


We used the zipper in his jacket as a sling support.  He still has considerable pain..and lays down with his arm up in the air quite often.

We have both enjoyed watching Hockey the past couple of days..the Fighting Sioux won last night and advance to the Frozen Four!  It was a great game against the Denver Pioneers..but the Sioux won in double overtime.

Far Guy has a follow up appointment this week to check on the progress of his injury and he will begin occupational therapy.  I guess we will skip Wood Carving this week…I suppose I could go and carve..and he could watch:)

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  1. Glad to see Far Guy out and hope all of the snow melts soon, even if I lose.
    Happy Spring!

  2. Yeah, I think maybe he should skip wood carving... for quite a while! I hope soon you will write that he's not in so much pain any more. That will be a nice thing to hear.

  3. Hi:
    It sure is tough dealing with that huge clumsy cast, but the surgical repair is probably so delicate that the cast has to be very thick to protect it. It must be awful trying to get through the day with this impediment. We all feel for Far Guy and hope for the weeks to go quickly so he can get back to normal activities.

  4. Maybe it would be better if you forego the carving too. I'd hate to hear that you cut a tendon and now both of you have clubs. Nice to see that you actually have ground beneath that snow. Chance looks comfortable lying there - guess sloppy mud and a cold ground doesn't bother him much.

  5. You have mud! Isn't that exciting! I'll send you some more if you'd like to spray it all over your old snow? I could do that, its the lengths friends go to ya know!

  6. I know you all are looking forward to Spring. So sorry Far Guy is still suffering and I hope he will get a good update from the dr. Hugs to Chance!

  7. Seems weird to hear you talking about rain:) That's usually my department!
    If it stays above freezing and you get a wind, that snow could be gone in a day or two.
    Know what you mean about dogs and the mud, a snow bank sure comes in handy for cleaning them off before they come in!

  8. Glad to see Far Guy out and about. Hope the therapy helps him heal quickly.
    Have a blessed week! ♥

  9. Hope Far Guy keeps that smile going!

  10. Glad to see Far Guy is getting out and about thats good. Your snow I think will be gone lets say by April 1st . All ours is gone now thank goodness. It was nice and sunny and warm today Papa and I were able to get out in the gardens and do some tiding up. Have a good day !

  11. Glad to see Far Guy is recuperating. I'm a great believer in Occupational and Physical Therapy. I know lots of people who have been helped by the dedicated people in those fields.
    Also glad to see you have mud. Hope you don't get the flooding we get in this area when our snow thaws. We're to the damp stage. The flood waters have receded although there are a few puddles left in low fields.

  12. You have a long driveway. I kept thinking how many baths Chance must get after being in the leftover snow and slush. I showed hubby Far Guy's picture with the bandage. Yikes. We cut our fingers once in awhile even though we make an attempt to be so careful. We sure wish Far Guy success in recovering quickly and completely.

  13. and here I thought I had read the "Fighting Sioux" logo had been dropped? In any case, college hockey has become a non acceptable subject for polite conversation here in Golden Gopher land.

  14. That sure was a nasty cut...I always try to cut my finger off with the potato peeler. Glad to see Far Guy out and about with his 'club.'

    Less snow...that's a good sign!

  15. He looks like a boxer in his warm ups, waiting for the bout!

  16. You would love our weather here in Southern Georgia, but far guy would need no jacket and may loose his support sling, have a great day, and praying your Spring comes soon.

  17. I'm very worried... does Far Guy's injury mean that YOU have to do all the cooking? ;-)

    Lots of snow here too!

  18. Ooooo, poor fella...I can see the bump on his nose too!!!

    So are you solo in the kitchen now??? :o)

    God bless and have a beautiful Spring Day sweetie!!!

  19. I imagine that Far Guy would still have quite a bit of pain. It's worse pain when they mess with tendons, etc more than just a 'simple surgery' to cut something out. He's smart to keep it elevated - - - - for swelling and pain control.
    Chance is a funny dog - - - - so very beautiful but doesn't care if he is in mud or not.

  20. Well, I missed! But seeing the melt that is starting is a good site...MUD SEASON!



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