Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sharp Knives

Far Guy decided on Tuesday evening whilst I was dozing on the couch watching the news in Japan that he would cut his finger off…well the bone in his finger stopped the carving knife from severing the finger.  He said “Bad word, bad word” and then “Get me something to stop the bleeding.. but don’t look.”  I should have called 911..he was bleeding like a stuck hog. Instead I threw him some 4 x4’s and did a pressure bandage with some hot pink vet tape and took him to the ER…and I didn’t even have to lay down this time.  I made it through the whole ordeal without fainting.  I am not any good at taking care of Far Guy when he is injured and bleeding..we have been through this over the years..through many fingers. It is bad enough he has to take care of himself..without picking me off the floor too.


He cut at least one tendon..and will require surgery in a far away from home hospital.  At the ER they stitched him up and had a hard time stopping the bleeding..he is splinted because they don’t want him moving his finger.  He is a mess..he is kinda cranky..and his finger hurts.


He has now officially graduated from Carving Knife Sharpening School..if those knives are sharp enough to slice through his finger then they are sharp enough to carve with.  I have a special glove I wear on my left hand..just incase a knife slips..I have been injured too..but I just cut the tip of my finger off…since then I carve with a steel knit glove on my left hand.  I am going to get him a glove of his very own.


We have successfully learned how to make our own carving knives.  Far Guy makes the blades and sharpens them ( really sharp).   We put them in handles..beautiful little handles..Black Walnut, Butternut or Maple. I sand them and seal them with Bees Wax.  He was carving a spot for a blade in a piece of Black Walnut when the accident ..or brain fart occurred.

We spent almost the entire day( Wednesday) a far away hospital where a Dr B. took care of the injury.  Jo came over and took care of Chance for the day.  Thanks Jo!  We got home very late. I am tired. Far Guy is tired too.

Warning: Photo of the owie..

IMG_1733  Before Surgery


After surgery, yes his whole arm looks like one huge club.

His carving knife was sharp enough to sever one tendon completely and to nick the other one.  After he heals from the surgery he should be almost good as about six weeks:)

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  1. I am really sorry to hear about this accident. I know you both are exhausted. Hope you get some sound sleep.

  2. Oh, good heavens - what next! The photo of the cast was the worst - even the picture of the actual cut wasn't as bad as the cast picture - that really shocked me. So glad that Far Guy will also have a protective glove from now on. You both have had a big shock, so please get some rest and take good care of each other.

  3. What a bummer. I don't carve (except at Thanksgiving) but that special knit glove I wear on my left hand while fileting fish has saved me from more than a few cuts. Take care....

  4. Oh my... I nearly fainted just looking at your shots! How did you manage to stay upright?

    Poor poor Far Guy!

  5. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! Poor Far Guy:( That is a heck of a way to spend St. Urho's day. Looks like they went a little overboard with the bandage. He could almost use that "club" as a weapon. Does this mean you are going to have to cook? It might be a really long six weeks:)

  6. It could have been worse, I am trying to think how, it was bad enough!

    Heal quickly Far Guy!

  7. Whoa! At least all this is behind you now, Connie. And Far Guy's finger (then his whole arm) looks nasty! I can't help but think of you snapping pictures while Far Guy looks stoic.

    My wishes for him to heal up quickly, now that he is on the mend....

  8. Tell Far Guy I hope he heals quickly. All I can say is OMG - your description of what happened made my skin crawl. How are you holding up? Isn't it funny how when we have to be strong we some how find the strength to be strong, yet under normal circumstances like you said we would be on the floor :)

  9. OOOWWWW!!! What an awful way to spend time...If you're looking for things to do, you should be able to find something other than this...sorry you both had to deal with he is going to have to relax and you'll be busy...deep breath...heal quickly...

  10. Oh no! That club thing looks awful! I'd hate to have to drag that around even for six days let alone six weeks! What a pain. Then the whole owie zowie miss mowie, he only said the bad word twice? He is a stoic! Glad you didn't pass out, blood doesn't bother me, but please don't puke around me!

  11. I saw the photo in the side bar and literally yelled at my computer...Noooooooooo!!!!

    I'm thinkin' here she just got her thumb healed up!!! Poor Far Guy...poor you...six weeks, hay???
    I can just say, "I bet they ain't gonna be easy!!!" Bein' a man and all!!! Just sayin'....

    I'm glad he's all stitched up and put back together. Hopefully the mend will go by quickly.

    God bless and have an injury free day girl!


  12. Sorry to hear and see of Far guy's accident. Dindt he know to keep his fingers out of the way and look at what he was doing ahah , thats what my mum always said to me before I used any sharp object, I have put a serated knife through my hand a dumb move accident that was, wont go into details it is goryer then Far guys but I didnt go to get it looked at I figured I would look after it myself I am stuborn that way needless to say My stab has healed but that part of my hand is useless really. Hope you both will be ok.Get ya both a green beer for St Patty's day and have a good one.

  13. Dang! Sorry to read about this. On the bright side, would he like to swap some leather work by me, for a knife by him? One with a little longer blade than you use to carve with if possible. If so, email and/or let me know on my blog and I will send a phone number or something.

    Tell him to eat lots of good beef. It has great healing powers! Faith and begorrah, on this fine St Paddy's day!

  14. So sorry for this sure he will hate being laid up for six weeks.

  15. Ouch! The photos make me hurt! Tell Far Guy to feel better soon :)

  16. OOOOOH! MY HEAVENS! I'm glad he still has his finger, but still........goodness.


  17. Aww....poor Far Guy! I hope the healing is quick! Get Well Soon!

  18. Oh, so sorry. Hope he feels better soon. The carving knives look really cool though. My boy scouts would love those.

  19. I am making my cringing face. Looks like a dangerous hobby. Be careful!!!

  20. Now for the long 6 weeks! We're gonna have to fix something up to hold cards for him!!!!! He won't be able to do much else. Hang in there. jo

  21. Hand surgery - - - again!!!!! But not elective this time - - - but then it really wasn't last time either since you couldn't use your thumb. How is it healing? Did you all have the same doctor?
    That bandage looks really bad - - - like he had more than finger surgery. The good news is spring is around the corner for you all so that is something to look forward to after the healing. So sorry he had to endure this but glad it is something that will heal. Thanks for the update so we can keep you in our prayers.

  22. Just so glad Far Guy still has his finger.

  23. Oh....that is just, well I am at a loss for words. 6 weeks?

    I am so sorry. Get that glove soon, don't wait.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  24. WOW! Poor Far Guy. I hope he heals fast.
    They say that you are less likely to cut yourself with a sharp knife....but it sure can do damage when it does cut.
    And that last photo of the final bandaging, well I thought it must be a joke. Hopefully Far Guy doesn't have to have that for more than a few days.

  25. Ouch! Holy crap! I have never had to contend with an owie like that. I would like to think I would remain calm and collected but I don't really think I would. You did good. Very good.

  26. OUCH. Oh, and I'm real sure Uncle Gene said "bad word, bad work". Was it more like "(#$%@^&, &^$#%^*^%$#" ? That's what I would've said too. Hope it all heals real soon!

  27. Darn near looks.... really terrible with that cast!
    I should get me one of those steel gloves. I'm the only person I know who can cut themselves by using a knife sharpener the wrong way. :o

    I hope Far Guy heals quickly! *Hugs* to you both. ♥

  28. Ouch! Hope it heals well ... will he need therapy?

  29. Ouch! I'd be cranky, too. I got a Kevlar mesh glove for cleaning fish, and I'm sure it saved me a dozen times. All the best to Far Guy.

  30. You poor thing - that is horrible. At least he didn't lose the finger. Guess he wanted you to wake up over there. Get well soon.

  31. Oh my, tell Far Guy I will be thinking of him! The hubbies parents, especially his father is a wood carver, he has carved some wonderful birds! Would love to see some of yours! He tells us all the time about how sharp they are!(the knives).

  32. He handled the ordeal bravely it sounds. My step dad's finger loss (power tool) story is not quite so calm, but quite humorous. He laid on the ground screaming his head of yelling at anyone and everyone around. As he rushed my mom out the door they forgot the severed piece of finger and I had to pick it up and drive it there. Luckily it was just the tip. I guess I got lucky, I'm always perfectly level headed in these situations, maybe because I injure myself so often? Sorry for the novel, tell him to heal quick! :)

  33. Oh my.... I heard this news the other night... dang it looks bad -- heal up fast - spring is here and soon the snow will be gone!

  34. Far Side: I'm so proud of you for hanging in there.......I would have fainted dead away! Take care of yourself too while Far Guy is recovering!!!!!!!!!

  35. oh gosh! Please send him our regards and tell him we are sorry he had to go through all that! (and you too). Hopefully it will heal well and he can get back to the art of which he loves. Yikes!!!!

  36. gee whilikers. what kind of a bandage is that?
    he looks like Popeye.

  37. Poor Far Guy. Thanks for saying "warning" cuz I closed my eyes and scrolled down, since I didn't want to see the boo boo. Glad he is on the mend, and you didn't faint.

  38. Ok, I have the heebie jeebies now with the wound and all. Let me know when I you quit showing bloody stuff.

  39. Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!!! We have been out of touch and poor Far Guy is terribly wounded. Our hearts are aching for him. It looks so bad:(
    Please give him a big sloppy kiss from the Queen.

    Kisses for you and Chance too,
    Emma Rose

  40. Ow, Ow , Ow! That is one ferocious looking owie. Hope the finger mends quickly!!


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