Monday, April 26, 2010

I have been Loony for three years now!

We are very fortunate here in Minnesota to have an individual by the name of Larry Backlund who has a Loon nesting platform near his dock on a small lake in Minnesota. This is a project that is near and dear to Larry's big ole Loony heart.

The Live Loon Cam is up and running, I have a link to it on my sidebar...on the left.. This year Minnesota Bound ( The web site that hosts the Live Loon Cam) has added some extra features.  There is sound!! AND a Night Vision the loons will be visible 24/7. Larry has a loon blog, and there is a forum for questions and observations.

Larry gives up the use of his lake shore property so that the Loons have a safe place to nest, he built a platform and supplies it with cat tails and weeds. The Technical Crew comes in and sets up the Cam and all it's various connections. After the Loons have hatched their young they will leave the nest, and Larry can have his lake shore back again.. he follows the Loons and their activity on the lake very closely.
Once the eggs have been laid the Loons will never leave the nest for very long. They trade spots day and night, wind and rain..Loons are very devoted to their eggs.
In 2008, my grandsons were here when we watched the first chick go for his first swim. It was a wonderful sharing experience. I hope you enjoy this years Loon Experience as much as I will !

Here is what I wrote on May 5, 2008:
I have been doing some reading about Common Loons (Gavia immer) ..I just love those scientific names! Imagine yourself a Male have had a foot loose, fancy free winter in the south. One day something says fly north...something draws you to the nesting site you had last year. Finally the ice is out and you use your magical calls to establish your territory. Then you wait for your mate, when she finally shows are really happy to see her.. "Hiya Toots"...lets get on with the laying of the eggs! You are both tireless parents, taking turns on the nest..then spending most of the summer rearing and protecting the chicks. One day you say, "Time to go junior or juniorette...hope you have a good loony life." You and your mate take off to gather with friends, and head south. You might see your mate over the winter, you might not, you may be 100 to 1,000 miles apart.."See ya at the lake in the spring Toots."Such is the life of a Loon..fascinating creatures!

The Loon cam is up and running a little early this year, the Loons have mated several times and should be starting to build the nest soon.  This morning, the platform is gently rocking in the wave action and I can hear Red Winged Blackbirds in the background.  I did not see the Loons..but they will be there one day soon:)  


  1. Now we all can go a little loony. Oh wait!!! I'm already there...heeehehehe! Thanks for sharin' the Loony cam with us girl.

    Have the best day!!!

  2. That is sooooo cool, thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow, that's two live cams in the last half-hour! DJan has posted an eagle's nest link as well. I've bookmarked them both.... Thanks for posting!

  4. I never like Loon eyes...kind of scary (o:
    I checked it out...nothing happening right now.
    Is the platform on the water or up in the air. Silly me.
    Isn't it funny they part for the winter but come back to each other...why not just stay together?

  5. Human children would be far better off if they followed the loon's law of never leaving.

  6. This will be fun. Thanks for telling us about it.

  7. the link under the cam to sign up on facebook doesn't work. Do you know what the facebook link is called?

    I was just watching the cam and saw the loons swimming close

  8. Thanks for the link...I will DEFINITELY be looking at it,I am enamored with loons!!

  9. Pamela, Minnesota Bound Live Loon Cam..I clicked on the I like it thing (Facebook) off to the right and got there.
    Grammy, The Loons like seperate winter vacations. It seems to work for them! The platform is floating on the water!!
    This Loon Cam has been an awesome experience!! :)

  10. Will the loon cam only show me feathered loons? ;-)

  11. Vern interesting - I'll keep checking. Nothing now, just the nest moving from water action.

  12. Oooh! What a cool story! I've never seen a real loon in the wild! I hope you will post photos when you see them, especially the babies. :)


  13. I think the one thing we enjoy the most when we go to our yearly vacation to Peck's Lake is the mornings that we get up and can hear the loon and if we are lucky we will get a glimpse of one also. I love to listen to them, they can be eary sounding but if you know what it is, it is the neatest thing to hear.

  14. Thanks for the link. That haunting cry always brings back the years spent in the Boundary Water with my two sons.

  15. Oh, great post! I love hearing loons whenever we're someplace where they are. And now I want to go.

  16. Very cool! I'll have to check it out.

  17. I am so excited aout this, Connie! Thanks! We do not have Loons here, but I love hearing them in movies and songs and on the internet. Wonderful!


  18. Lady Fi, Yes only feathered ones on the Loon Cam!
    Laughing Orca Lisa, This cam is a long way from us..Larry is a friend. I hope to capture some photos of Loons..perhaps later in the summer..we have three pairs on the lake very near us. We can hear them from our house:) Connie

  19. Once when I went camping in the Boundary Waters, a male loon kept swimming up to our campsite whenever I would speak.

    I don't know if I'm loony, but apparently I SOUND loony.

  20. here in Canada our $2 coin is called a loony because there is one on it!
    Very cool! Will check this out.

  21. I can do that: Here is a link to my latest short story-- Love Letter to the First Garden

    My Google profile:

    You might be interested in the loon pictures in this album: though I did not take them.

    Hollis Paul


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie