Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wistful Wednesday: January 1917

The little boy with the cute haircut is Far Guy's Dad. He was 2 years and five months old in this photograph. He is wearing knee pants and long stockings. He is standing in front of a sleigh. Do you see the buckboard seat on the sleigh? There are also two sleigh robes. In January 1917, traveling by horse drawn sleigh was the only way to get to Grandma and Grandpa's house nine miles away.

Far Guys Dad told these stories to us many times:

"Mother would get lonely for her family in town. Plans would be made for a trip. Dad would hitch up the team of horses to the sleigh and we would make the trip to town. We used blankets to stay warm. The trip took about three or four hours. Dad would unhitch the team when we got there, and he would take them over to the livery stable. We stayed overnight and would return home the next day. When I was a little older Dad rigged up a cover for the sleigh, we stayed cozy warm then because there was a wood stove in the sleigh."

Of course there is probably much more to these stories, these are only the bits and pieces that we both remember:)


  1. I'm sitting here freezing just thinking about a 3-4 hour sleigh ride, wood stove or not. Are we spoiled now, or what!! I love looking at your old photos.

  2. Oh - he's too cute. Must have been cold in those clothes though...

  3. Could you imagine? When my Mom was little the entire family of 11 used to pile onto sleighs, horses, whatever they could find. They also used something like a sleigh but without seats. I just can't remember what it is called.

    I missed your Wistful Wednesday, got a little busy, but I will try to post and link next week.


  4. What a fascinating story. It really takes you back in time.

  5. Far Side,
    Cute! It's amazing, all these photos that have someone survived. Glad they are seeing the light of day and being shared with us!

  6. I love your wistful Wednesday pictures and stories

  7. My mom (b1914-d1993) told me about them warming up bricks when she was little. They put their feet on them in the wagon. Then as a teenager, she had to ride in the rumble seat -- and it was probably in an early Ford.

    I don't know much about my dads childhood.

  8. I love this story! I wish we lived like that today.

  9. My mother told me stories about heating up bricks and wrapping them in flannel to keep the bed warm at night. She was born in Montana in 1919. Her parents were homesteaders there. Takes me back to the conversations we had when I was a kid. Thanks.


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