Friday, January 17, 2025

Nothing new

Not much new here.

I ran an errand for Far Guy...he needed some stuff... the store he sent me to had yarn for sale...more yarn may have been purchased for yet another project.  I am not doing very good on my word for the year ...focus.

Colorful artwork at the shop in Grand Forks.

flippin' happy home decor and more

We have one more day (Friday) of decent weather then our neighbors to the North are opening the deep freeze again:)   We have nothing planned for the weekend other than staying inside where it is warm! 

Far Side


  1. Ha ha ha! You had me laughing about the yarn. Focus! Ha! Oh my.

  2. Yarn on sale is very enticing. I’d go for it. The cold is coming south of you. Oh, woe is me. But the good news is no snow with it or just a bit. And it’s a shorter storm. In the winter, I tend to hibernate.

  3. very pretty and spring-like paintings...we've a 2-day break in frigid until it returns with a vengeance single digits...brrr...thankful no appointments all week

  4. It sure is hard to resist a Sale. I know you have something great in mind for the yarn you purchased. We've been watching the weather and it sure looks like we are all facing some freezing temps. Wrap up...stay warm...

  5. It will be cold here, too, but nothing like what you have.

  6. We are supposed to drop into a deep freeze too. Well, it is winter.
    I doubt I'll go out and about, there is no need to and I don't feel like it.
    The Artic Blast looks like it will last until Tuesday here.
    Stay warm...need yarn! Yes!

  7. It will be a stay inside and stay warm weekend for us too!

  8. I think hunkering down and staying warm is the perfect plan for the weekend. We plan to go to Brookings tomorrow for Jackrabbit double header games. We will make sure our extra winter gear is in the truck for that drive as we expect that deep freeze too.

  9. I love the color in the art! Really nice. It's going to be frigid for awhile. Good time to stay inside.


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