Friday, January 10, 2025


In 1991, Osage had its Centennial.   Some how I got roped into helping with the Centennial Quilt.  Anyone in the community could make a quilt square, it was quilted and still hangs inside a glass case at the new Osage Community Center.   

 The photo was taken inside the old Community Center/Senior Center/the school where I went to 5th and 6th grade...I believe we are in the 6th grade side of the schoolhouse.  I believe my Mom took this photo.  These photos were were amongst my Mom's many photographs. 

I am at the end of the quilt in the red shirt says Pine Springs Resort as that is the resort that we owned at that time...a summer fishing resort with eight cottages and a campground. 

All of the ladies are gone now...on the left is Grace...she made the best cookies ( she and her husband lived two farms away from us), next to her and quite hidden is Auntie Esther/Far Guy's Aunt...we loved her very much.  I am not sure who the man is in the photo...maybe Mel?   Standing talking to me is Dorothy...I went to Release Time classes at her home when I was in Grade later years I helped her teach Release Time ( Release Time was always on Wednesday and was like Sunday School...called Release Time because the kids got released from school to attend...we would form a line and walk over to Dorothys house) Dorothy dedicated an area in her basement for Release Time.  Then the lady in Harriet...a sweet lady...her husband Ray was a favorite ...when my baby brother and I would be with our Dad at the repair shop...he would buy us soda out of the Coke machine!  Then there in her red shoes is these years she always made me a cake for my birthday...she made the most delicious chocolate cake with boiled icing...sometimes when she would make the cake and it wasn't my birthday she would call me to come over to have coffee with her and Walter!  Olivia worked for my Mom for many years cleaning cottages at my parents resort...she was the best kitchen cleaner ever. Olivia also grew huge Dinner Plate Dahlias. 

I wish I could recall the conversation that day...I do not...but it was still a good day.

Grace, Auntie Esther and Olivia all stitching away.  Dorothy is in the background. 

Good memories of some great women.

Far Side

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