Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Guilty or Innocent

 I have a pair of red crocs that I wear as house shoes.  Guess who loves to steal them?

Guilty...but sadly guilty.

Now if she could only speak and tell us where the other shoe is???  Perhaps she thinks if she keeps it hidden I won't be able to leave.

Far Side


  1. So sweet! Why do they love shoes? I think you are on to something. You can't go anywhere without your shoes!

  2. At least crocs are fairly indestructible and you didn't find it with holes or a bunch of teeth marks in it.

  3. She may be laying on your shoe.

  4. Smart Sadie! She knows how to keep you where she wants you. :)

  5. Aw! Our Jesse used to steal one slipper of mine when I went out to run errands. I sure miss that bugger. We plan to get a dog again. We just need a fence built for safety. Jesse was trained, but I'm not taking chances with where we live.

  6. She may have chewed it all up and hidden it!
    I used to have a dog that would bring her leash off a door knob every time she wished to go for a long walk in the neighborhood. One time I tied the leash up ... she chewed it in half and brought it to me.
    Dogs are the best for trickery!

  7. Sadie just wants your shoes for comfort, you are her favorite!

  8. she looks so innocent though. I'm guessing she knows exactly where the other red croc is and is keeping it for security.

  9. The scent of you brings her comfort and security! It is comparable to when I watched each grandson when their mom returned to teaching after maternity leave. She would leave a shirt she had worn to be put near them when they slept for a few days until they adjusted well to our home. It was their security blanket. I forget how old Sadie was when you lived their the first winter but I do remember you writing about training her to simple commands. Even though dogs are time-consuming regarding meeting their toilet needs, they love us more than some people do. She is so beautiful!

  10. Sadie definitely loves you very much. She wants to keep you close. Without a shoe, you can't leave her.

  11. Oh Sadie!! A sweet shoe thief.

  12. Aww, sweet Sadie - she looks remorseful.

  13. Our little house guest (Freyja) has a thing for stealing my hair elastics!

  14. She doesn't want you to know she has forgotten were the other one is

  15. Oh gosh! Maybe she wants crocs of her own. They make dog crocs believe it or not, but I looked it up. Hope you find yours. Dogs do like the scent in the shoes of people they are familiar with. The scent can comfort them. So, it's sort of compliment. Hope the croc shoes up.
    Goodnight Gram

  16. My Sons dog gets underwear from the baskets and carries it around.

  17. Oh oh....fess up Sadie girl! They are cute shoes though!!!

  18. She sure does look sorry for what she did. Could she be lying on it?

  19. She is such a cutie!! Makes your (and her) day BETTER

  20. Oh Sadie! Nothing is better than a dog (and better yet a dog with a great personality!).

  21. How funny! I've been having trouble finding a pair of house slippers that wouldn't hurt my feet and my daughter just recommended Crocs. Hmmm....

  22. I could tell you a story about me when a child and our dog, but you probably wouldn't believe. All I can say, is keep telling her to go get your other shoe.


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