Friday, April 12, 2024

Progress on the big sort

 I am done bringing totes into the house to sort.  The last two totes came home with me today.   I am not going back to my Mothers's storage garage to get anything else.  Far Guy says "ya sure."  He also asked how long I thought the big sort will take.   I do not know.  I am done sorting new cards ...I think...there are hundreds of them.  I started working on the photographs. 

My Mom and her older brother Alfred who was killed in a car accident when he was 19 years old in October of 1947. His death made my Mom the oldest in the family. 

Far Side


  1. How sad it is to find photos of long dead family members. I have many photos of my mother with her only brother who died in 1937 from a burst appendix. No antibiotics available then. He was 17, she was 9.

    That road sounds very dangerous. I do hope improvements have been made.

  2. Dead Horse Hill road sounds like an unlucky place to be after reading the Irony of Fate--

  3. What a sad thing a family has to endure.

  4. You'll find a lot of interesting things in those totes. How sad that your uncle died so young, and in the same location as another relative.

  5. Val Ewing said it well. I had the same thoughts. Your mom was gorgeous when she was young!

  6. Many people saved clippings. Someone in my family has the clipping of my sister's funeral in 1953.

  7. After reading the articles, I think I would be avoiding Dead Horse Hill. I'm sorry that it can be so difficult to read some of the articles and other things found in the totes.

  8. Sudden and violent death is so tragic. We had a similar thing happen in our family- my sister who was walking along a road with 2 of my brothers was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly. She was 16, and her death made me, at 15, the eldest in the family. My 2 brothers were haunted by her death, what an awful thing to have to deal with at their ages of 12 and 14.
    Going through your mom's things must be a bit overwhelming at times.

  9. What sad, sad thing for your Mom and her parents. So sad

  10. Took Leah and her siblings about ten years, I think. But that is because they would get overwhelmed and leave it for long periods of time inbetween. It is quite a journey.

  11. Sorting through happiness and grief.

  12. Sorting through her stuff will be emotional at times, and oh so hard

  13. You will encounter lots of mamories, not all good.
    Pace yourself.

  14. How sad for everyone. And what a big family, 9 children, I bet none of them were ever the same after this tragedy.

  15. What a sad find. I can't imagine how tragic that was for your mom and her family. He looks like such a nice young man.

  16. Sorting through your Mom's totes is quite a job. Some of the events in her life sure must have been so hard for her ( and her family).

  17. How very sad. The picture, however, shows two beautiful people in the prime of their lives.

  18. What a lovely photo of brother and sister. So sad and he was so young! How weird is it that his Uncle had been killed in the same location.

  19. Sad, but also a bit spooky. I love that your family keeps so much stuff like this and records it.


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