Monday, April 8, 2024


 Our youngest Granddaughter is 25 years old today!  

I have no idea how she got to be 25 in the blink of an eye. 

Can you tell she hated my camera?  Sometimes she would hide from me.  I think she was 12 in this photo. 

Here she is when she was still 24, in the photo is her fiancee Cole and Cole's little Dachshund Rosie.

Happy Birthday Miss Paige...we loved you even when you hid from the camera, you have grown into a beautiful young lady who we are very proud of.  Love you now and forever!



  1. I get it. I can't believe my oldest grand daughters are 19 and 20. Yikes.
    How does that keep happening?

  2. I feel like I grew up with Paige, too. She has always been a beauty, but look at her now! Happy birthday, Paige.

  3. We share so much. Same generation. Both have 2 daughters. My oldest grand Astrid and your grandest born on 7 and 8th and almost the same age. My Ingrid hated having her picture taken. She’d get really upset when I tried to get a photo. I think she’s outgrown it. Happy birthday to Paige.

  4. She is so gorgeous. The camera loves her so she should not hide from it. That is reserved for some of us who don't like our looks everyday due to aging or tiredness showing on our faces - - - or at least that is how I feel some days! Those grands grown up way faster than we or our children did.

  5. Happy Birthday to Paige! Wishing her all the best in the future.

  6. Paige is a beautiful young woman, she should love the camera! Happy birthday to her.

  7. Nice photo's, even though she didn't seem happy to have the last one taken. Kids can be difficult about things like that.

  8. What a lovely young woman! Happy birthday to Paige!

  9. I like the caption for this post. I was wondering what the 25 was doing out there all by itself.

  10. I think Paige is such a beautiful young lady. The happiest of birthdays to you Miss Paige.

  11. Happy Birthday Paige!!! What a cute couple and I love little Rosie! Reminds me of my little Annie girl.

  12. Yes, she's a very beautiful young lady!

  13. My oldest grandchild is 18 when it seems like only yesterday he was a toddler who adored his Nanna

  14. She is a beauty. Happy Birthday to Miss Paige!

  15. Happy Birthday to Paige!!
    Grands all seem to grow up so fast.

  16. Happy Birthday Miss Paige! What a lovely young lady! You deserve to be so proud.

    I just had a picture of my five children taken at my youngest daughter's wedding. They are all middle-aged. I was shocked. I can't believe it. They look like real adults. I mean, real real adults. I may just keep the picture of all five from 10 years ago in my frame.

  17. Happy Birthday to your Paige! What a pretty girl. When's the wedding?
    Tell far guy to keep getting better! You too.

  18. Blows me away that she's 25. Wow! And such a beautiful young woman.
    Happy birthday to Paige! :)


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